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Coordination as a Service: Ontological and Formal Foundation
Blending Event-Based and Multi-Agent Systems around Coordination Abstractions
A Framework for Modelling and Implementing Self-Organising Coordination
An RBAC Approach for Securing Access Control in a MAS Coordination Infrastructure
P4P: infrastrutture space-based per il p2p
TuCSoN on Android
SODA+TuCSoN - Situated Process Engineering for Integrating Processes: from Methodologies to Infrastructures
Objective versus Subjective Coordination in the Engineering of Agent Systems
Description Spaces with Fuzziness
Analisi e progetto di un sistema multi-agente per l'interazione avanzata docente/studente: organizzazione e coordinazione
Coordination as a Service: Distributing TuCSoN as a Cloud-based Service
A Framework for Modelling and Implementing Self-Organising Coordination
Advanced role-based models for organisation in MAS coordination infrastructures
Simulazione ad agenti: Repast vs. TuCSoN
Programmazione a canale
Timed Environment for Web Agents
Designing Self-organising MAS Environments: The Collective Sort Case
Garbage Dump
Building Smart Spaces on the Home Manager platform
Minority Game: A Logic-Based Approach in TuCSoN
TuCSoN Coordination for MAS Situatedness: Towards a Methodology
An Architecture for Tuple-based Coordination of Multi-Agent Systems
Coordination in Open and Dynamic Environments with TuCSoN Semantic Tuple Centres
Un linguaggio dichiarativo per l'ingegneria di sistemi ad agenti nell'impresa virtuale
Sviluppo di un sistema multi-agente per la gestione di una stazione ferroviaria
Exception Handling in Middlewares: The case of TuCSoN
OWL-S for Describing Artifacts
Ingegnerizzazione di applicazioni con metodologie agent oriented: un caso applicativo
Molecules of Knowledge: architettura, implementazione ed esempi
On the Notion of Agent Coordination Context: Preliminary Notes
Sviluppo di un sistema di installazione per servizi operanti su piattaforma TuCSoN
Distributed, Fault-tolerant Web Crawling with RasPi
Zombie Outbreak
TuCSoN on Cloud: An Event-driven Architecture for Embodied / Disembodied Coordination
Toward a Framework for Collaborative Learning based on Agent-based Technologies
Linkable Coordination Artifacts for Inter-Organisational Workflow
RBAC in sistemi multiagente: modello e implementazione in TuCSoN
Progetto e realizzazione di un agente per l'esplorazione dei servizi di rete
Mapping REO on TuCSoN/ReSpecT
Sviluppo di un prototipo per l'interazione con basi di dati mediante un'infrastruttura di coordinazione
Enlightened Agents in TuCSoN
Models of Autonomy and Coordination: Integrating Subjective & Objective Approaches in Agent Development Frameworks
Extending a Smart Home multi-agent system with Role-Based Access Control
Advanced Topics in Agent-Oriented Computing 2006/2007
Simulation of Minority Game in TuCSoN
Adattamento architetturale basato su coordinazione per sistemi socio-tecnici: un caso di studio in TuCSoN
Progetto e realizzazione di una battaglia medioevale mediante tecnologie ad agenti
Design e Implementazione di un Modulo Semantico per TuCSoN
TuCSoN communication language: abstract tuples
Embedding Intelligence into Coordination: The ACLT Model
Tecnologie ad agenti per una casa intelligente
Supporting Coordination in Open Computational Systems with TuCSoN
The HiMAT Model for Mobile Agent Applications
MAS Organization within a Coordination Infrastructure: Experiments in TuCSoN
Strumenti di interazione avanzati mediante spazi di lavoro virtuali: un ambiente su piattaforma TuCSoN
Coordination of Mobile Agents for Information Systems: the TuCSoN Model
Studio di fattibilità per l'integrazione del supporto vocale in un'infrastruttura di coordinazione
Agent Coordination Contexts for the Formal Specification and Enactment of Coordination and Security Policies
Topologia nel modello di coordinazione TuCSoN
Framing Coordination: From Transdisciplinary Models to Infrastructures and Tools for MAS Engineering
Cognitive Stigmergy: A Framework Based on Agents and Artifacts
Modelling Network Topology and Mobile Agent Interaction: an Integrated Framework
Integrazione di servizi di messaggistica intelligenti basati su una infrastruttura di coordinazione
Mobile TuCSoN: theoretical and technological requirements for TuCSoN's porting over Android mobile devices
Meta-Models, Environment and Layers: Agent-Oriented Engineering of Complex Systems
TuCSoN on Cloud: “Elastic” deployment of TuCSoN nodes in the Cloud
Towards a Pervasive Infrastructure for Chemical-Inspired Self-organising Services
Co-ordination of Mobile Information Agents in TuCSoN
Molecules of Knowledge: Self-Organisation in Knowledge-Intensive Environments
simpA-WS: An Agent-Oriented Computing Technology for WS-based SOA Applications
Auto-organizzazione delle informazioni in una rete tramite algoritmo nature-inspired
Agent Coordination Contexts: Experiments in TuCSoN
A Self-Organising Infrastructure for Chemical-Semantic Coordination: Experiments in TuCSoN
Engineering Agent Societies with Coordination Artifacts and Supporting Infrastructures
Programming MAS with Artifacts
Modernizing Linda eval Primitive: spawn with Code-on-Demand
Computational Institutions for Modelling Norm-Regulated MAS: An Approach Based on Coordination Artifacts
Coordination Infrastructures in the Engineering of Multiagent Systems
Tecnologie e metodi per sistemi distribuiti e autonomi
Studio di fattibilità per l'integrazione dell'accesso a Web Services tramite un'infrastruttura di coordinazione
Sicurezza in TuCSoN: Progettazione e Implementazione
BaSi: Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Medieval Battles
Computational Institutions for Modelling Norm-Regulated MAS: An Approach Based on Coordination Artifacts
TuCSoN refactoring
Semantic Coordination Through Programmable Tuple Spaces
Agreement with Argumentation and Artifacts in an ADR Scenario
An Agent-Oriented Conceptual Framework for Systems Biology
Enlightened Agents in TuCSoN
Progetto ed implementazione di uno smart environment per sistemi pervasivi su piattaforma TuCSoN
Coordination as a Service (CaaS) in the Cloud
Autopoiesis vs. Allopoiesis: issues of autonomy in artificial systems
Engineering Internet Agents Applications via Coordination
Realizzazione di agenti software per la gestione di una rete di sensori wireless
Coordinazione di sistemi multi-agente basati su piattaforma LEGO MINDSTORMS
Integrazione fra TuCSoN e Store per ABox
Molecules of Knowledge: A Self-organising Coordination Model for Knowledge Management
Sviluppo prototipale di un sistema intelligente di download di file basato su un'infrastruttura di coordinazione
Agent Coordination Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises and Workflow Management
General-Purpose Coordination Abstractions for Managing Interaction in MAS
Role-Based Access Control in MAS using Agent Coordination Contexts
Architetture software per coordinazione semantica: efficienza vs. espressività
Logiche di Produzione con Sistemi Distribuiti
Agent Coordination Context: From Theory to Practice
Implementation of a Poker autonomous system using Jason and CArtAgO
Environment-Based Coordination Through Coordination Artifacts
RBAC for Organisation and Security in an Agent Coordination Infrastructure
TuCSoN on Cloud: An Event-driven Architecture for Embodied / Disembodied Coordination
Tuple Centres for the Coordination of Internet Agents
Implementation of a Poker autonomous and distributed system
Routing adattativo dinamico: un approccio basato su agenti e stigmergia
Estensione delle funzionalità di agenti software per l'invio e la ricezione di SMS su piattaforma TuCSoN
Sistemi di trasporto con tecnologia multi-agente
Coordination in Situated Systems: Engineering MAS Environment in TuCSoN
A Framework for Systemic Coordination in Open Computational Systems
Coordination Technologies for Internet Agents
Modelling Network Topology and Mobile Agent Interaction: an Integrated Framework
Coordination Technologies for Internet Agents
Integrating Objective & Subjective Coordination in FIPA: A Roadmap to TuCSoN
Coordinating Activities and Change: An Event-Driven Architecture for Situated MAS
Multi-agent Infrastructures for Objective and Subjective Coordination
Semantic Coordination Through Programmable Tuple Spaces
Artefatti di coordinazione per agenti in Smart Environment
Ruling Agent Motion in Structured Environments
Task-Oriented Engineering of Coordinated Software Systems
Lifestreams in TuCSoN: toward the integration of knowledge and development management
Mapping SAPERE on TuCSoN: An Architectural Approach
EvoMAS – Sistema adattativo gerarchico ad agenti
Argumentation and Artifact for Dialogue Support
On the Role of Simulations in Engineering Self-Organizing MAS: the Case of an Intrusion Detection System in TuCSoN
Coordination in Open and Dynamic Environments with TuCSoN Semantic Tuple Centres
A Framework for Modelling and Implementing Self-Organising Coordination
A&A for Modelling and Engineering Simulations in Systems Biology
Infrastructure for RBAC-MAS: An Approach Based on Agent Coordination Contexts
Modellazione e Simulazione della Cascata di Segnalazione Intracellulare MAPK su uno Spazio di Tuple Biochimiche
Negoziazione dinamica e rilascio di ACC in TuCSoN
Extending a Smart Home Multi-Agent System with Role-Based Access Control
Possono i mezzi di coordinazione essere utili per fare MABS (simulazione basata ad agenti)?
Il supermercato Sbirin di Macerone con TuCSoN
On the Semantics of Tuple-based Coordination Models
Virtual Enterprises and Workflow Management as Agent Coordination Issues
Coordination Tools for MAS Development and Deployment
Tecniche di text mining per l'autoorganizzazione della conoscenza
Situated Process Engineering for Integrating Processes from Methodologies to Infrastructures
Coordination Games in TuCSoN
Coordination Technologies for Internet Agents
Self-Organisation and Adaptation within MAS: the crowd evacuation example in Jade and TuCSoN
Coordination Artifacts as First-class Abstractions for MAS Engineering: State of the Research
Coordinazione space-aware per dispositivi mobili in TuCSoN
An Algebraic Approach for Modelling Organisation, Roles and Contexts in MAS
Coordinazione: Ingegneria dell'interazione
Cognitive Stigmergy: Towards a Framework Based on Agents and Artifacts
On the Role of Simulations in Engineering Self-Organising MAS: The Case of an Intrusion Detection System in TuCSoN
Coordination for Internet Application Development
Sviluppo di un sistema multi-agente per la gestione di un calendario
Simulating Minority Game with TuCSoN
Autoorganizzazione di eco-servizi in TuCSoN
Progetto e realizzazione di un sistema prototipale per la fruizione integrata di servizi per la comunicazione su piattaforma TuCSoN
TuCSoN: a Coordination model for Mobile Information Agents
Costruzione di un framework semantico tuple-based Rdf-Jena per la coordinazione tra agenti
Modello di sicurezza e controllo di accesso in una infrastruttura di coordinazione: architettura e implementazione
Coordination Models for Multi-Agent Systems
Semantic Coordination Through Programmable Tuple Spaces
Situated Process Engineering for Integrating Processes from Methodologies to Infrastructures
Coordinazione situata: integrazione di Arduino in un middleware basato su tuple
Simulazione di semafori e rotonde: verifica dell'efficienza al variare del traffico
Coordination and Access Control in Open Distributed Agent Systems: The TuCSoN Approach
Esercizio di profiling sulla classe
Integrating Objective & Subjective Coordination: A Roadmap to TuCSoN
A Biochemically-inspired Coordination-based Model for Simulating Intracellular Signalling Pathways
Bio-inspired Design Patterns in MAS
Coordinazione: Ingegneria dell'interazione
Coordinating e-Health Systems with TuCSoN Semantic Tuple Centres
Coordination in Open and Dynamic Environments via TuCSoN Semantic Tuple Centres
The TuCSoN Coordination Infrastructure for Virtual Enterprises
Logic-based coordination: a semantic approach to self-composition of services
Semantic and Fuzzy Coordination Through Programmable Tuple Spaces
Operating Instructions for Intelligent Agent Coordination
TuCSoN Coordination for MAS Situatedness: Towards a Methodology
Agents & Artifacts for Systems Biology: Toward a Framework based on TuCSoN
Blending Event-Based and Multi-Agent Systems around Coordination Abstractions
A Self-Organising Infrastructure for Chemical-Semantic Coordination
Revisione e attualizzazione del prototipo del sistema HomeManager per la gestione di una casa intelligente
Distributed Workflow upon Linkable Coordination Artifacts
Objective vs. Subjective Coordination in Agent-based Systems: A Case Study
Semantic Tuple Centres
Automating Workflow using Dialectical Argumentation
Reasoning about Organisation: Shaping the Infrastructure
On the Semantics of Tuple-based Coordination Models
D.A.S. (Domotic Agent System)
Un linguaggio dichiarativo per l'ingegneria di sistemi ad agenti nell'impresa virtuale
Molecules of Knowledge: Self-Organisation in Knowledge-Intensive Environments
Building Smart Environments as Agent Workspaces
Refactoring TuCSoN/ReSpecT source code and development process
Coordinazione e tolleranza ai guasti: preservare lo spazio dell'interazione in TuCSoN
Sviluppo prototipale di un sistema di posta elettronica intelligente basato su un'infrastruttura di coordinazione
Building Mobile Agent Applications in HiMAT
The “Self-organising Coordination” Paradigm in the Software Engineering of SOS
The Explorable Topology: Supporting Agent Autonomy on the Internet
Smarthome Framework
Coordination for Situated MAS: Towards an Event-driven Architecture
Spazi di tuple come basi di conoscenza per agenti logici: realizzazione in TuCSoN
Multi-paradigm Coordination for MAS: Integrating Heterogeneous Coordination Approaches in MAS Technologies
BaSi: Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Medieval Battles
Coordination-aware Elasticity
Continuous integration nello sviluppo di un moderno middleware distribuito
Coordination in Open and Dynamic Environments with TuCSoN Semantic Tuple Centres
tuProlog: A Light-weight Prolog for Internet Applications and Infrastructures
Localizzazione Indoor in WLAN attraverso Rete Neuronale Evolutiva
Istituzioni Computazionali: coordinazione mediante norme
Multi-platform Coordination Middleware: TuCSoN between Java and .NET
Coordination in Context: Authentication, Authorisation and Topology in Mobile Agent Applications
Dalla Swarm Intelligence alla Self Organising Coordination: applicazione a scenari pervasive
Time-Aware Coordination in ReSpecT
Engineering Trust in Complex System through Mediating Infrastructures
A Biochemically-inspired Coordination-based Model for Simulating Biochemical Patterns
Hybrid Coordination Models for Handling Information Exchange among Internet Agents
Tuple Centres for the Coordination of Internet Agents
Agent Coordination Contexts in a MAS Coordination Infrastructure
Agents, Nodes & Resources: Universal Naming System for a Coordination Middleware
Boom Party: Simulazione Two Rooms and a Boom
Analisi e progetto di un sistema di controllo degli accessi ad un edificio
Integrating Objective & Subjective Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems
Sviluppo prototipale di un sistema intelligente di upload di file basato su un'infrastruttura di coordinazione
Experiences in Automated Workflows using Dialectical Argumentation
Coordination Tools for the Development of Agent-based Systems
tuProlog: A Light-weight Prolog for Internet Applications and Infrastructures
Coordination Technologies for Internet Agents
Applicazione delle tecniche di Text Mining all’interno di algoritmi di clustering per articoli scientifici
Mapping TOTA on TuCSoN
Multi-Agent Systems on the Internet: Extending the Scope of Coordination towards Security and Topology
Coordination Technology for the Development of Multi-Agent Systems on the Web
Engineering Agent Societies: A Case Study in Smart Environments
“Exhibitionists” and “Voyeurs” do it better: A Shared Environment Approach for Flexible Coordination with Tacit Messages
TuCSoN on Android
Ri-progettazione, separazione e integrazione delle tecnologie ReSpecT e TuCSoN per sistemi distribuiti
JIMAGiC: una infrastruttura ad agenti mobili per il calcolo distribuito
An Agent-oriented Conceptual Framework for Biological Systems Simulation
Progetto e sviluppo di un sistema per l'integrazione di Web Services e sistemi multi-agente basati sull'infrastruttura di coordinazione TuCSoN
Game Engines and Multi-agent Systems: A Marriage?
Asynchronous Agents Behaviour in TuCSoN: pro-active notifications
The TuCSoN Coordination Infrastructure for Virtual Enterprises
On the Role of Simulation in the Engineering of Self-Organising Systems: Detecting Abnormal Behaviour in MAS
Cognitive Stigmergy: A Framework Based on Agents and Artifacts
Tecnologie e framework per la programmazione multi-agente
Integrazione di tecnologie per la distribuzione di contenuti Web in sistemi multi-agente: un approccio basato sull'infrastruttura TuCSoN
Self Organization in Coordination Systems using a WordNet-based Ontology
Coordination Technologies for Internet Agents
Implementazione della persistenza in TuCSoN
Multi-paradigm Coordination for MAS: Integrating Heterogeneous Coordination Approaches in MAS Technologies
Analisi e progetto di un sistema multi-agente per l'interazione avanzata docente/studente: agenti e servizi
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