Flavio De Paoli, Antonella Di Stefano, Andrea Omicini, Corrado Santoro (eds.)
From Objects to Agents, pages 181-186
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 204
Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University
October 2006
Minority Game is receiving an increasing interest because it models emergent properties of complex systems including rational entities, such as for instance the evolution of financial markets. As such, Minority Game provides for a simple yet stimulating scenario for system simulation.
In this paper, we aim at presenting a logic approach to the Minority Game whose goal is to overcome the well-known limits of the equation model in the verification of the system behaviour. We realise the social system simulation using a novel MAS metamodel based on agents and artifacts, where the agent rationality is obtained using a BDI architecture.
To this end, we adopt the TuCSoN infrastructure for agent coordination, and its logic-based tuple centre abstractions as artifact representatives. By implementing Minority Game over TuCSoN, we show some of the benefits of the artifact model in terms of flexibility and controllability of the simulation.
A number of parameters can affect the behaviour of Minority Game simulation: such parameters are explicitly represented in the coordination artifact, so that they can be tuned up during the simulation. In particular, experiments are shown where memory size and number of wrong moves are adopted as the tuning parameters.
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