Danny Weyns, Sam Malek, Rogério de Lemos, Jesper Andersson (eds.)
Self-Organizing Architectures, chapter 8, pages 152–176
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6090
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
July 2010
Stimulated by the increasing availability of new mobile computing devices and the corresponding demand of open, long-lasting, and self-organising service applications, the adoption of a nature-inspired approach of chemistry for implementing service architectures has been recently proposed. In the resulting chemical tuple-space model, the existence of data, devices and software agents (in one word, services of the pervasive computing application) gets reified into suitable tuples managed by the infrastructure, and system behaviour is expressed by chemical-like laws that semantically match tuples and accordingly enact the desired interaction patterns—composition, aggregation, competition, contextualisation, diffusion and decay.
In this paper we focus on the implemention of the infrastructure supporting this coordination model. This is based on TuCSoN, suitably enhanced with modules supporting semantic coordination and chemical-inspired coordination laws.
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Lecture Notes in Computer Science