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agent-oriented software engineering
All pages tagged with
agent-oriented software engineering
Handbook on Agent-Oriented Design Processes
Method fragments for agent design methodologies: from standardisation to research
An Agent-based Application for Home Intelligence
SODA+TuCSoN - Situated Process Engineering for Integrating Processes: from Methodologies to Infrastructures
AOMP 2009
SODA vs. Tropos
From AOSE Methodologies to MAS Infrastructures: The SODA Case Study
Agent-based Conference Management: A Case Study in SODA
Garbage Dump
Online Engineering and Open Computational Systems
TuCSoN Coordination for MAS Situatedness: Towards a Methodology
Open Directions in Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
Metodologie per l'ingegneria del software: approccio ad agenti
From Objects to Agent Societies: Abstractions and Methodologies for the Engineering of Open Distributed Systems
Software Engineering Methodologies: The Agent Approach
Zooming Multi-Agent Systems
Sviluppo di un linguaggio grafico per una metodologia orientata agli agenti e del relativo strumento di supporto
Intelligent Systems Engineering / Autonomous Systems
Engineering Agent Societies with Coordination Artifacts and Supporting Infrastructures
Advanced Topics in Agent-Oriented Computing 2006/2007
Environment in Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Methodologies
Graph&SODA: A Graphical Tool for SODA
Processes Engineering and AOSE
Agent Roles: from Methodologies to Infrastructures
SODA: Societies and Infrastructures in the Analysis and Design of Agent-based Systems
Artefacts in Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
The Architecture and Design of a Malleable Object-Oriented Prolog Engine
Simulation in Agent-Oriented Software Engineering: The SODA Case Study
Meta-Models, Environment and Layers: Agent-Oriented Engineering of Complex Systems
MAS Meta-models on Test: UML vs. OPM in the SODA Case Study
A MAS Metamodel-Driven Approach to Process Fragments Selection
The Gaia Methodology Process
Computational Models and Languages
Methodologies for Designing Agent Societies
Building an Agent Methodology from Fragments: the MEnSA experience
BaSi: Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Medieval Battles
Developing MAS Solutions with Gaia and AUML
Zooming Multi-Agent Systems
Service-Oriented Agent Methodologies
SPEM on Test: The SODA Case Study
Towards Filling the Gap between AOSE Methodologies and Infrastructures: Requirements and Meta-model
SPEM on test: the SODA case study
Towards Filling the Gap between AOSE Methodologies and Infrastructures: Requirements and Meta-model
Logiche di Produzione con Sistemi Distribuiti
RBAC-MAS & SODA: Experimenting RBAC in AOSE
B-Tropos: Agent-oriented requirements engineering meets computational logic for declarative business process modeling and verification
Agent-oriented AmI Engineering
Evaluating Procedural Alternatives. A Case Study in E-Voting
La metodologia ADELFE
Engineering Pervasive Multiagent Systems in SAPERE
Agent Oriented Software Engineering VIII
SPEM on Test: the SODA Case Study
Environment Programming in MAS: CARTAGO and Friends
EMAS 2024
Issues in Agent-Based Software Engineering
Adaptive organizational changes in agent-oriented methodologies
AOMIP 2010
Adaptable Multi-Agent Systems: The Case of the Gaia Methodology
Meta-Models, Environment and Layers: Agent-Oriented Engineering of Complex Systems
EMAS 2017
The Gaia Methodology for Agent-Oriented Analysis and Design
Situated Process Engineering for Integrating Processes from Methodologies to Infrastructures
From Objects to Agent Societies: Abstractions and Methodologies for the Engineering of Open Distributed Systems
Integrating Simulation in AOSE: The SODA Case Study
Agent Oriented Software Engineering
Agent Oriented Software Engineering Methodologies
A Methodology for Agent-Oriented Analysis and Design
Composition of a New Process to Meet Agile Needs Using Method Engineering
PASSIM: a simulation-based process for the development of multi-agent systems
Multi-Agent Systems / Distributed Intelligent Systems
Agent Oriented Software Engineering
Preface: Coordination of Internet Agents
Agents & Artifacts: A Meta-Model for Agent-Oriented Computing
Building an Agent Methodology from Fragments: the MEnSA experience
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
SODA: Societies and Infrastructures in the Analysis and Design of Agent-based Systems
Stability Assessment of Aspect-Oriented Software Architectures: A Quantitative Study
Situated Process Engineering for Integrating Processes from Methodologies to Infrastructures
ESAW 2008
Advancing Object-Oriented Standards Toward Agent-Oriented Methodologies: SPEM 2.0 on SODA
Specifying Agent Observable Behaviour
Risk Analysis and Deployment Security Issues in a Multi-Agent System
HomeManager: Testing Agent-Oriented Software Engineering in Home Intelligence
Supporting Requirements Analysis in Tropos: a Planning-Based Approach
TuCSoN Coordination for MAS Situatedness: Towards a Methodology
Engineering Societies in the Agents World IX
SODA: A Roadmap to Artefacts
Engineering Pervasive Multiagent Systems in SAPERE
ITACASE: A Tool Supporting the Design of MAS using the Gaia Methodology
Special Track on: Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Methodologies and Systems
Advancing Object-Oriented Standards Toward Agent-Oriented Methodologies: SPEM 2.0 on SODA
ESAW 2006
BaSi: Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Medieval Battles
Improving the Quality of Agent-Based Systems: Integration of Requirements Modeling into Gaia
MAS Meta-models on Test: UML vs. OPM in the SODA Case Study
RBAC-MAS & SODA: Experimenting RBAC in AOSE
Design Patterns for Multiagent Systems to Elevate Pocket Device Applications
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering for Internet Applications
About my 6 months in Lancaster
From AO Methodologies to MAS Infrastructures: The SODA Case Study
Agents & MAS: An Introduction
An Agent-based Application for Home Intelligence
Tool-Supported Development with Tropos: The Conference Management System Case Study
Risk as Dependability Metrics for the Evaluation of Business Solutions: A Model-driven Approach
SODA: A Roadmap to Artefacts
From AOSE Methodologies to MAS Infrastructures: The SODA Case Study
Testing Techniques for Software Agents
Zooming Multi-Agent Systems
Engineering Societies in the Agents World VII
SODA: A Roadmap to Artefacts
Using and Extending the SPEM Specifications to Represent Agent Oriented Methodologies
Methodologies and Infrastructures for Agent Society Simulation: Mapping PASSI and RoleX
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agent-oriented software engineering
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