Tool-Supported Development with Tropos: The Conference Management System Case Study

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Mirko Morandini, Duy Cu Nguyen, Anna Perini, Alberto Siena, Angelo Susi
Michael Luck, Lin Padgham (eds.)
Agent Oriented Software Engineering VIII, pages 182-196
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4951

The agent-oriented software engineering methodology Tropos offers a structured development process and supporting tools for developing complex, distributed systems.
 The objective of this paper is twofold: first, to illustrate the use of Tropos to develop a Multi-Agent System, performing basic analysis and design activities, code generation and testing, with the support of a set of tools; second, to enable the comparison with other, tool-supported, agent-oriented software engineering methodologies through a description of the main steps of these activities and of excerpts of the resulting artefacts, with reference to a common case study, namely, the Conference Management System case study.