Matteo Baldoni, Massimo Cossentino, Flavio De Paoli, Valeria Seidita (eds.)
9th Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2008) – Evolution of Agent Development: Methodologies, Tools, Platforms and Languages, pages 108–114
Seneca Edizioni, Palermo, Italy
November 2008
Building ad-hoc design processes and methodologies has become a key challenge in Software Engineering, and several efforts are being made for developing appropriate meta-models both for methodologies and development processes.
The Software Process Engineering Meta-model (SPEM) – an OMG object-oriented standard – is a natural candidate for representing, comparing and reusing design processes in a uniform way.
In this paper we apply SPEM 2.0 to Agent-Oriented Software Engineering methodologies, so as to assess its strengths and limitations. To this end, we take the SODA methodology as a significant case study, and compare the meta-model of its process obtained from SPEM 2.0 with the former meta-model obtained from SPEM 1.0.