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Spatial Tuples: Augmenting Reality with Tuples
Coordination as a Service: Ontological and Formal Foundation
Blending Event-Based and Multi-Agent Systems around Coordination Abstractions
Sincronizzazione e coordinazione dei processi nei sistemi distribuiti
The Quest Towards Coordination from Distributed to Socio-Technical Systems
Multiagent System Engineering: The Coordination Viewpoint
On the Expressive Power of KLAIM-based Calculi
A Framework for Modelling and Implementing Self-Organising Coordination
Birds of a feather flock together
Promoting Space-Aware Coordination: ReSpecT as a Spatial-Computing Virtual Machine
On Coordination and its Significance to Distributed and Multi-Agent Systems
Agent Interaction Semantics by Timed Operating Instructions
Blockchain for Trustworthy Coordination: A First Study with LINDA and Ethereum
Coordination of Internet Agents
Logic Tuple Spaces for the Coordination of Heterogeneous Agents
Coordination as a Service
Twenty Years of Coordination Technologies: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives
TuCSoN Coordination for MAS Situatedness: Towards a Methodology
Co-ordinating Plans of Autonomous Agents
An Architecture for Tuple-based Coordination of Multi-Agent Systems
Coordination as a Paradigm for Systems Integration
Molecules of Knowledge: architettura, implementazione ed esempi
On the Notion of Agent Coordination Context: Preliminary Notes
Towards a Coordination Approach to Adaptive Pervasive Service Ecosystems
Designing Multi-Agent Systems around an Extensible Communication Abstraction
Sistemi distribuiti 2021/2022
Control-driven Constraint Propagation
Linkable Coordination Artifacts for Inter-Organisational Workflow
Combined Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Coordination and Organization (CoOrg 2006) and the Second International Workshop on Methods and Tools for Coordinating Concurrent, Distributed and Mobile Systems (MTCoord 2006)
Dynamic Composition of Coordination Abstractions in LogOp
KLAIM: A Kernel Language for Agent Interaction and Mobility
How to Write Parallel Programs: A Guide to the Perplexed
Engineering Agent Societies with Coordination Artifacts and Supporting Infrastructures
Coordination Mechanisms for the Modelling and Simulation of Stochastic Systems: The Case of Uniform Primitives
Coordination Models and Languages as Software Integrators
Embedding Intelligence into Coordination: The ACLT Model
Safe Tuplespace-based Coordination in Multiagent Systems
A Coordination Approach to Adaptive Pervasive Service Ecosystems
Game Engines and MAS: Tuplespace-based Interaction in Unity
Supporting Coordination in Open Computational Systems with TuCSoN
Towards the Analysis & Prediction of Complex System Behaviour in SAPERE
The HiMAT Model for Mobile Agent Applications
Molecules of Knowledge: Self-Organisation in Knowledge-Intensive Environments
Coordinazione space-based per la piattaforma bioinformatica Cellulat
MAS Organization within a Coordination Infrastructure: Experiments in TuCSoN
ReSpecT Nets: Towards an Analysis Methodology for ReSpecT Specifications
Blackboard Rules for Coordinating Context-aware Applications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Topologia nel modello di coordinazione TuCSoN
Framing Coordination: From Transdisciplinary Models to Infrastructures and Tools for MAS Engineering
Modelling Network Topology and Mobile Agent Interaction: an Integrated Framework
What I See is What You Say: Coordination in a Shared Environment with Behavioral Implicit Communication
A Semantics for the Interaction of Agents with Coordination Artifacts
On the Notion of Agent Coordination Context: Preliminary Notes
A Framework for Engineering Interactions in Java-based Component Systems
Co-ordination of Mobile Information Agents in TuCSoN
Formal ReSpecT in the A&A Perspective
Probabilistic Embedding: Experiments with Tuple-based Probabilistic Languages
Molecules of Knowledge: Self-Organisation in Knowledge-Intensive Environments
Programming the Interaction Space Effectively with ReSpecTX
Programming MAS with Artifacts
Coordination Infrastructures in the Engineering of Multiagent Systems
Context-Dependency in Internet-Agent Coordination
BaSi: Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Medieval Battles
Coordination and Collaboration Activities in Cooperative Information Systems
Workflow, Coordination, and Autonomy
Twenty Years of Coordination Technologies: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives
Coordination as a Service (CaaS) in the Cloud
Engineering Internet Agents Applications via Coordination
Molecules of Knowledge: A Self-organising Coordination Model for Knowledge Management
Nature-inspired Coordination for Complex Multi-Agent Systems
ReSpecT: Teaching The Old Dog New Tricks
Sistemi distribuiti 2022/2023
Merging Logic Programming into Web-based Technology: A Coordination-based Approach
Tuple-based Models in the Observation Framework
ROCS: The role of ontology in coordination systems
Environment-Based Coordination Through Coordination Artifacts
Tuple Centres for the Coordination of Internet Agents
Towards Adaptive Service Ecosystems with Agreement Technologies
Formal ReSpecT in the A&A Perspective
Integrating and Orchestrating Services upon an Agent Coordination Infrastructure
TuSoW: Tuple Spaces for Edge Computing
Sistemi di trasporto con tecnologia multi-agente
Coordination Technologies for Internet Agents
Engineering Pervasive Multiagent Systems in SAPERE
Modelling Network Topology and Mobile Agent Interaction: an Integrated Framework
Coordination Technologies for Internet Agents
An Extensible Framework for the Development of Coordinated Applications
Self-Organising News Management: The Molecules of Knowledge Approach
StoKlaim: A Stochastic Extension of Klaim
Artefatti di coordinazione per agenti in Smart Environment
ReSpecTX: Programming Interaction Made Easy
Implementing the ACLT Coordination Model
On the Semantics of Coordination Models for Distributed Systems: The LogOp Case Study
CM 2000@JSI
A Framework for Modelling and Implementing Self-Organising Coordination
Simulation and Analysis of Distributed Systems in Klaim
Special Issue “Coordination as a Paradigm for Systems Integration”
Self-Organising News Management: The Molecules of Knowledge Approach
Expressing Collaborative and Competitive Coordination among Abductive Agents: ALIAS framework and LAILA language
The LuCe Coordination Technology for MAS Design and Development on the Internet
Coordination Technologies for Internet Agents
ReSpecT in TuSoW
Coordination Artifacts as First-class Abstractions for MAS Engineering: State of the Research
On the Quantitative Analysis of Architectural Stability in Aspectual Decompositions
Towards the Analysis & Prediction of Complex System Behaviour in SAPERE
ReSpecT Nets: Towards an Analysis Methodology for ReSpecT Specifications
Coordinazione: Ingegneria dell'interazione
Dynamic Composition of Coordination Abstractions in LogOp
Coordination for Internet Application Development
CoMA 2007
Tuple-based Technologies for Coordination
Digital Pheromones in Multiagent Systems
Coordination as a Web Service: una moderna implementazione del modello Linda
Co-ordination in Artificial Agent Societies
TuCSoN: a Coordination model for Mobile Information Agents
Coordination: Constraining the Space of Interaction
Decentralizing Coordination in Open Vehicle Fleets for Scalable and Dynamic Task Allocation
Comparative Analysis of Blockchain Technologies under a Coordination Perspective
Coordinazione: Ingegneria dell'interazione
Coordinating e-Health Systems with TuCSoN Semantic Tuple Centres
Logic-based coordination: a semantic approach to self-composition of services
Operating Instructions for Intelligent Agent Coordination
On the Interplay of Crosscutting and MAS-Specific Styles
TuCSoN Coordination for MAS Situatedness: Towards a Methodology
Blending Event-Based and Multi-Agent Systems around Coordination Abstractions
CM 2002@KER
Cooperazione negli sciami autonomi: il caso del sistema preda-predatore
Molecules of Knowledge: Self-Organisation in Knowledge-Intensive Environments
Engineering Pervasive Multiagent Systems in SAPERE
Building Mobile Agent Applications in HiMAT
Agent Coordination and Control through Logic Theories
Formal Specification and Enactment of Security Policies through Agent Coordination Contexts
The Explorable Topology: Supporting Agent Autonomy on the Internet
Coordination for Situated MAS: Towards an Event-driven Architecture
Self-Organising News Management: The Molecules of Knowledge Approach
Multi-paradigm Coordination for MAS: Integrating Heterogeneous Coordination Approaches in MAS Technologies
Blockchain-Based Coordination: Assessing the Expressive Power of Smart Contracts
BaSi: Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Medieval Battles
Coordination-aware Elasticity
Social Issues in the Construction of Agent Systems
Coordination for Swarm Intelligence: A Systematic Literature Review
Coordinazione di veicoli autonomi: simulazione di incroci stradali
Designing Multi-Agent Systems around an Extensible Communication Abstraction
Lime: A coordination model and middleware supporting mobility of hosts and agents
Generative Communication in Linda
Agents & MAS: An Introduction
Scalable MAS-Based Control Systems Using QoS-Adaptive Coordination Artifacts
CoMA 2008
Comparative Analysis of Blockchain Technologies under a Coordination Perspective
A Coordination Language for Collective Agent-based Systems: GroupLog
Formal ReSpecT in the A&A Perspective
Tuple Centres for the Coordination of Internet Agents
Self-Organising News Management: The Molecules of Knowledge Approach
Digital Pheromone Mechanisms for Coordination of Unmanned Vehicles
Scalable Distributed Decision-Making and Coordination in Large and Complex Systems: Methods, Techniques, and Models
Complexity and Interaction: Blurring Borders between Physical, Computational, and Social Systems. Preliminary Notes
Sviluppo di un framework concettuale e tecnologico per l'integrazione di LEGO Mindstorm e ReSpecT
Tuple-based Coordination of Stochastic Systems with Uniform Primitives
Coordination Technologies for Internet Agents
Multi-Agent Systems on the Internet: Extending the Scope of Coordination towards Security and Topology
Coordination Services for Agent Infrastructures
Coordination Technology for the Development of Multi-Agent Systems on the Web
From Coordination to Semantic Self-Organisation: A Perspective on the Engineering of Complex Systems
TuSoW: Tuple Spaces for Edge Computing
The Semantics of a Parallel Language based on a Shared Data Space
TuCSoN on Android
Editorial: Why Coordination Models and Languages in AI?
On the Incomparability of Gamma and Linda
Law-Governed Linda as a Coordination Model
Pervasive Ecosystems: a Coordination Model based on Semantic Chemistry
Special Issue “Coordination Models and Languages in AI”
Nature-inspired Coordination for Complex Distributed Systems
Coordination Technologies for Internet Agents
Multi-paradigm Coordination for MAS: Integrating Heterogeneous Coordination Approaches in MAS Technologies
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