Per Year
- Increasing interactivity in Agent-based Advanced Pocket-Device Service Application (paper in proceedings) — Sameh Abdel-Naby, Paolo Giorgini, Stefano Fante
- Towards a Logic Language and Framework for Web Programming (book chapter) — Giulio Piancastelli, Andrea Omicini, Enrico Denti
- Simulation Methods in Systems Biology (paper in proceedings) — Daniel T. Gillespie
- Architecture and Metaphors for Eternally Adaptive Service Ecosystems (paper in proceedings) — Franco Zambonelli, Mirko Viroli
- A&A for Modelling and Engineering Simulations in Systems Biology (article in journal) — Sara Montagna, Alessandro Ricci, Andrea Omicini
- Advancing Object-Oriented Standards Toward Agent-Oriented Methodologies: SPEM 2.0 on SODA (paper in proceedings) — Ambra Molesini, Elena Nardini, Enrico Denti, Andrea Omicini
- Preface (editorial/introduction/preface) — Canal Carlos, Pascal Poizat, Mirko Viroli
- A constant-time kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm for simulation of large biochemical reaction networks (article in journal) — Alexander Slepoy, Aidan P. Thompson, Steven J. Plimpton
- Prototyping Concurrent Systems with Agents and Artifacts: Framework and Core Calculus (paper in proceedings) — Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Maurizio Cimadamore
- Experimenting with Stochastic Prolog as a Simulation Language (paper in proceedings) — Enrico Oliva, Luca Gardelli, Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini
- Phase Transitions in Social Sciences: Two-populations Mean Field Theory (article in journal) — Pierluigi Contucci, Ignacio Gallo, Giulia Menconi
- Hybrid Multiagent Systems with Timed Sycnhronization - Specification and Model Checking (paper in proceedings) — Ulrich Furbach, Jan Murray, Falk Schmidsberger, Frieder Stolzenburg
- Tuplespace-based Computing for the Semantic Web: A Survey of the State-of-the-art (article in journal) — Lyndon J. B. Nixon, Elena Simperl, Reto Krummenacher, Francisco Martín-Recuerda
- On the reification of Java wildcards (article in journal) — Maurizio Cimadamore, Mirko Viroli
- Designing Self-Organising Environments with Agents and Artefacts: A Simulation-Driven Approach (article in journal) — Luca Gardelli, Mirko Viroli, Matteo Casadei, Andrea Omicini
- Il Milione. Viaggio nella logica computazionale in Italia (edited volume) — Matteo Baldoni, Cristina Baroglio
- Description Logics (book chapter) — Franz Baader, Ian Horrocks, Ulrike Sattler
- Tool-Supported Development with Tropos: The Conference Management System Case Study (paper in proceedings) — Mirko Morandini, Duy Cu Nguyen, Anna Perini, Alberto Siena, Angelo Susi
- From Agents to Artifacts Back and Forth: Operational and Doxastic use of Artifacts in MAS (paper in proceedings) — Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci
- An experimental environment for teaching Java Security (paper in proceedings) — Anna Riccioni, Enrico Denti, Roberto Laschi
- Risk as Dependability Metrics for the Evaluation of Business Solutions: A Model-driven Approach (paper in proceedings) — Yudistira Asnar, Rocco Moretti, Maurizio Sebastianis, Nicola Zannone
- Expressing Priorities and External Probabilities in Process Algebra via Mixed Open/Closed Systems (paper in proceedings) — Mario Bravetti
- Goal-Directed Interactions in Artifact-Based MAS: Jadex Agents playing in CARTAGO Environments (paper in proceedings) — Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Lars Braubach, Alexander Pokahr
- Engineering Societies in the Agents’ World VIII (edited volume) — Alexander Artikis, Gregory M.P. O’Hare, Kostas Stathis, George A. Vouros
- Integrating Java and Prolog through Generic Methods and Type Inference (paper in proceedings) — Maurizio Cimadamore, Mirko Viroli
- Agent-oriented AmI Engineering (paper in proceedings) — Raian Ali, Sameh Abdel-Naby, Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz, Paolo Giorgini
- Automating Workflow using Dialectical Argumentation (article in journal) — Visara Urovi, Stefano Bromuri, Jarred McGinnis, Kostas Stathis, Andrea Omicini
- Mathematics and Social Science: A Statistical Mechanics Approach to Immigration (article in journal) — Pierluigi Contucci, Cristian Giardina
- A Multi-Theory Logic Programming Language for the World Wide Web (technical report) — Giulio Piancastelli, Andrea Omicini
- Econophysics and the Current Economic Turmoil (article in journal) — H. Eugene Stanley
- The BlenXLanguage: A Tutorial (paper in proceedings) — Lorenzo Dematté, Corrado Priami, Alessandro Romanel
- Introducing Join-Computing (paper in proceedings) — Giacomo Cabri
- Nature-inspired Spatial Metaphors for Pervasive Service Ecosystems (paper in proceedings) — Cynthia Villalba, Alberto Rosi, Mirko Viroli, Franco Zambonelli
- Designing a Development Environment for Logic and Multi-Paradigm Programming (paper in proceedings) — Giulio Piancastelli, Enrico Denti
- Meta-Models, Environment and Layers: Agent-Oriented Engineering of Complex Systems (phd thesis) — Ambra Molesini
- Tropos at the Age of Eight: On-going Research at FBK, UniTN and UT (paper in proceedings) — Paolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos, Loris Penserini, Anna Perini, Angelo Susi
- Integrating Artifact-Based Environments with Heterogeneous Agent-Programming Platforms (paper in proceedings) — Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti, Lemi Daghan Acay, Rafael H. Bordini, Jomi Hübner, Mehdi Dastani
- Programming with models: modularity and abstraction provide powerful capabilities for systems biology (article in journal) — Aneil Mallavarapu, Matthew Thomson, Benjamin Ullian, Jeremy Gunawardena
- Model-driven Generation of Graphical Maps for e-Contents (paper in proceedings) — Antonio Natali, Enrico Oliva, Cristina Bonanni
- Special Issue “Agents, Institutions and Legal Theory” (special issue) — Andrea Omicini, Anja Oskamp, Rossella Rubino, Giovanni Sartor
- Smart Environments as Agent Workspaces (article in journal) — Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Giuseppe Vizzari
- Towards a Tuplespace-based Middleware for the Semantic Web (article in journal) — Robert Tolksdorf, Lyndon J. B. Nixon, Elena Simperl
- Agent-Based Collaboration Systems: A Case Study (paper in proceedings) — Elena Nardini, Andrea Omicini
- RBAC-MAS & SODA: Experimenting RBAC in AOSE (paper in proceedings) — Ambra Molesini, Enrico Denti, Andrea Omicini
- Toward a Framework for Collaborative Learning based on Agent-based Technologies (paper in proceedings) — Elena Nardini, Andrea Omicini, Maria Cristina Matteucci
- PNagent: A Framework for Modelling BDI Agents Using Object Oriented Petri Nets (paper in proceedings) — Zdeněk Mazal, Radek Kočí, Vladimír Janoušek, František Zbořil
- Lightweight Family Polymorphism (article in journal) — Chieri Saito, Atsushi Igarashi, Mirko Viroli
- La costruzione dei sistemi software: dai modelli al codice (book) — Antonio Natali, Ambra Molesini
- Arguments and Artifacts for Dispute Resolution (paper in proceedings) — Enrico Oliva, Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini
- Automated Global-to-Local Programming in 1-D Spatial Multi-Agent Systems (paper in proceedings) — Daniel Yamins, Radhika Nagpal
- A Process Algebraic View of Shared Dataspace Coordination (article in journal) — Nadia Busi, Gianluigi Zavattaro
- simpA: A Simple Agent-Oriented Java Extension for Developing Concurrent Applications (paper in proceedings) — Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Giulio Piancastelli
- Cognitive Artifacts for Intelligent Agents in MAS: Exploiting Relevant Information Residing in Environments (paper in proceedings) — Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci
- PASSIM: a simulation-based process for the development of multi-agent systems (article in journal) — Massimo Cossentino, Giancarlo Fortino, Alfredo Garro, Samuele Mascillaro, Wilma Russo
- A Decentralized and Ontology-Based Approach to Infrastructure Monitoring (paper in proceedings) — Florian Fuchs, Michael Berger
- Argumentation and Artifact for Dialogue Support (paper in proceedings) — Enrico Oliva, Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini, Peter McBurney
- Argumentation and Artifacts for Intelligent Multi-agent Systems (phd thesis) — Enrico Oliva
- A Conceptual Framework for Collaborative Learning Systems Based on Agent Technologies (paper in proceedings) — Elena Nardini, Matteo Casadei, Andrea Omicini, Pietro Gaffuri
- Methodologies for Designing Agent Societies (paper in proceedings) — Giacomo Cabri, Letizia Leonardi, Mariachiara Puviani
- Nature-inspired Spatial Metaphors for Pervasive Service Ecosystems (paper in proceedings) — Cynthia Villalba, Alberto Rosi, Mirko Viroli, Franco Zambonelli
- Methodologies and Infrastructures for Agent Society Simulation: Mapping PASSI and RoleX (paper in proceedings) — Giacomo Cabri, Letizia Leonardi, Mariachiara Puviani
- Fast self-healing gradients. (paper in proceedings) — Jacob Beal, Jonathan Bachrach, Daniel Vickery, Mark Tobenkin
- Knowledge Construction in E-learning Context: CSCL, ODL, ICT and SNA in Education (edited volume) — Maria Cristina Matteucci, Andrea Omicini, Elena Nardini, Pietro Gaffuri
- An Agent Framework for Ubiquitous Services (phd thesis) — Conor Muldoon
- Agent Roles: from Methodologies to Infrastructures (paper in proceedings) — Giacomo Cabri, Letizia Leonardi, Mariachiara Puviani
- Collective Sort and Emergent Patterns of Tuple Distribution in Grid-Like Networks (paper in proceedings) — Matteo Casadei, Mirko Viroli, Marco Santarelli
- Developing a Conference Management System with the Multi-Agent Systems Unified Process: A Case Study (paper in proceedings) — Danilo Santos, Marcelo Blois Ribeiro, Ricardo Bastos
- Agent Oriented Software Engineering VIII (edited volume) — Michael Luck, Lin Padgham
- A Process Model of Rho GTP-binding Proteins in the Context of Phagocytosis (paper in proceedings) — Luca Cardelli, Philippa Gardner, Ozan Kahramanoğulları
- An Adaptation Logic Framework for Java-based Component Systems (article in journal) — Enrico Oliva, Antonio Natali, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli
- ReSpecT Guide (manual) — Matteo Casadei, Andrea Omicini
- Writing a thesis with LaTeX (article in journal) — Lapo Mori
- La cultura componibile. Dalla frammentazione alla disgregazione del sapere (book) — Lucio Russo
- From Agents to Artifacts Back and Forth: Purposive and Doxastic use of Artifacts in MAS (paper in proceedings) — Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci
- Semantic Resource Matching for Pervasive Environments: The Approach and its Evaluation (technical report) — Ayomi Bandara, Terry Payne, David De Roure, Nicholas Gibbins, Tim Lewis
- Introduction to AOSE Tools for the Conference Management System (paper in proceedings) — Lin Padgham, Michael Luck
- Towards Filling the Gap between AOSE Methodologies and Infrastructures: Requirements and Meta-model (paper in proceedings) — Fabiano Dalpiaz, Ambra Molesini, Mariachiara Puviani, Valeria Seidita
- Engineering Self-organising Systems with the Multiagent Paradigm (phd thesis) — Luca Gardelli
- Lineage Commitment of Hematopoietic Stem Cells: An Agent-based Model (paper in proceedings) — Sara Montagna, Andrea Omicini, Marco Alberti
- Applying Self-Organizing Coordination to Emergent Tuple Organization in Distributed Networks (paper in proceedings) — Matteo Casadei, Mirko Viroli
- The Prometheus Design Tool – A Conference Management System Case Study (paper in proceedings) — Lin Padgham, John Thangarajah, Michael Winikoff
- Hierarchical Modeling for Computational Biology (paper in proceedings) — Carsten Maus, Mathias John, Mathias Röhl, Adelinde Uhrmacher
Web of Science ID
Andrea Agiollo
Roberta Calegari
Giovanni Ciatto
Cristian Cosci
Angelo Croatti
Enrico Denti
Matteo Magnini
Sara Montagna
Andrea Omicini
Giuseppe Pisano
Andrea Rafanelli
Federico Sabbatini