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tuple-based coordination
Tutti i documenti taggati con
tuple-based coordination
Coordination as a Service: Ontological and Formal Foundation
XML Dataspaces for the Coordination of Internet Agents
Promoting Space-Aware Coordination: ReSpecT as a Spatial-Computing Virtual Machine
Bulk Primitives in Linda Run-Time Systems
Coordination as a Service
An Architecture for Tuple-based Coordination of Multi-Agent Systems
Simulazione di Agenti BDI basati su Prolog in Alchemist
On the Problem of Over-clustering in Tuple-based Coordination Systems
Engineering Multi-Agent Systems in LuCe
How to Write Parallel Programs: A Guide to the Perplexed
Advanced Topics in Agent-Oriented Computing 2006/2007
TuCSoN communication language: abstract tuples
Coordination of Mobile Agents for Information Systems: the TuCSoN Model
From Tuple Spaces to Tuple Centres
Co-ordination of Mobile Information Agents in TuCSoN
Formal ReSpecT in the A&A Perspective
Probabilistic Embedding: Experiments with Tuple-based Probabilistic Languages
Molecules of Knowledge: Self-Organisation in Knowledge-Intensive Environments
T Spaces
La reputazione
sTuples: Semantic Tuple Spaces
Expressive Power of the ACLT Reaction Specification Language
Tuple-based Models in the Observation Framework
A Process Algebraic View of Shared Dataspace Coordination
Collective Sort and Emergent Patterns of Tuple Distribution in Grid-Like Networks
LuCe: A Tuple-based Coordination Infrastructure for Prolog and Java Agents
Tuple Centres for the Coordination of Internet Agents
TuSoW: Tuple Spaces for Edge Computing
On the Collective Sort Problem for Distributed Tuple Spaces
Ruling Agent Motion in Structured Environments
Workflow management towards self-organisation: on the autonomy of systems and workers
Coordination Models and Languages: From Parallel Computing To Self-Organisation
Implementing the ACLT Coordination Model
Programmable Coordination Media
Il supermercato Sbirin di Macerone con TuCSoN
On the Semantics of Tuple-based Coordination Models
Coordination Tools for MAS Development and Deployment
The LighTS Tuple Space Framework and its Customization for Context-aware Applications
Coordination for Internet Application Development
Tuple-based Technologies for Coordination
Event-driven Situated Coordination in MAS: ReSpecT and the A&A Perspective
Coordinating Spatially-Situated Pervasive Service Ecosystems
EgoSpaces: Facilitating Rapid Development of Context-Aware Mobile Applications
Novel Opportunities for Tuple-based Coordination: XPath, the Blockchain, and Stream Processing
The Role of Swarm Intelligence in Multi Agent Systems Coordination
TuCSoN: a Coordination model for Mobile Information Agents
Spatial Coordination of Pervasive Services through Chemical-inspired Tuple Spaces
Coordination and Access Control in Open Distributed Agent Systems: The TuCSoN Approach
Towards CSpaces: A New Perspective for the Semantic Web
A Biochemically-inspired Coordination-based Model for Simulating Intracellular Signalling Pathways
A Self-Organising Infrastructure for Chemical-Semantic Coordination
On the Semantics of Tuple-based Coordination Models
Nature-inspired Coordination for Complex Distributed Systems
A Coordination Approach to Spatially-Situated Pervasive Service Ecosystems
Generative Communication in Linda
Coordination in Context: Authentication, Authorisation and Topology in Mobile Agent Applications
Tuple Centres for the Coordination of Internet Agents
Tuplespace-based Computing for the Semantic Web: A Survey of the State-of-the-art
Coordination Models and Languages: From Parallel Computing to Self-Organisation
Papa’s MASseria: A MultiAgent AI for a classic Flash game
Coordination Tools for the Development of Agent-based Systems
Tuple-based Coordination of Stochastic Systems with Uniform Primitives
Multi-Agent Systems on the Internet: Extending the Scope of Coordination towards Security and Topology
Coordination Technology for the Development of Multi-Agent Systems on the Web
TuSoW: Tuple Spaces for Edge Computing
Have ReSpecT for LogOp
Law-Governed Linda as a Coordination Model
Engineering Semantic Self-composition of Services Through Tuple-Based Coordination
sTuples: Semantic Tuple Spaces
MARS: A Programmable Coordination Architecture for Mobile Agents
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tuple-based coordination
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