Per Status
Giovanni Ciatto
- Design and prototipation of a library for bias detection and mitigation in Python (2nd cycle)
- Design and prototipation of a general-purpose software application for interactive Q/A and data collection (2nd cycle)
- Design and prototype a solution for distributed volume sharing and backing up on Docker (2nd cycle)
- Design and prototipation of a unified Python API for ML frameworks (2nd cycle)
- RV4Test: exploiting Runtime Verification as a Tool for Software Testing in Distributed Applications (2nd cycle)
- Bias (in AI systems) detection algorithm design and development (2nd cycle)
- Design and prototype generative-AI-based mechanisms to support immagination in BDI agents (2nd cycle)
- Design of a shared Web API for generative-AI chatbots, supporting caching of requests and responses (1st cycle)
- Grouding ALTAI/EGTAI guidelines towards practical Q/A workflows (2nd cycle)
- Integrate JaKtA with Alchemist, in order to simulate BDI agents (2nd cycle)
- Make JaKtA multi-platform (1st cycle)
- Design and prototype a middleware for multi-agent interaction in JaKtA (2nd cycle)
- Bias (in AI systems) mitigation algorithm design and development (2nd cycle)
- Backup toolkit for container-based clusters (2nd cycle) — Alberto Donati
- Decision-Making in Complex Systems Through Simulation Modeling: a Vaccine Supply Chain Case Study (2nd cycle) — Mattia Broglia
- Innovating HR Systems: The Digital Transformation of Trevi Group (2nd cycle) — Santiago Trivelloni
- Integrated Development Environments: Exploring the Impact of the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence on Workflow Efficiency and its Potential for Developer Displacement (2nd cycle) — Bruna Moema Dias Bahmed
- Programmazione multi-piattaforma: disamina storica e tecnologica (1st cycle) — Matteo Lanzi
- An Abductive Platform for Salient Neurons Identification (2nd cycle) — Christian D'Errico
- JACOP: Programming BDI Agents with Pluggable Concurrency Model (2nd cycle) — Martina Baiardi
- Extending the 2P-Kt ecosystem: CLP and Labelled LP (2nd cycle) — Giuseppe Boezio
- Model-Based Contrastive Explanations for XAIP: Towards a General Model and Prototype (2nd cycle) — Giulia Brugnatti
- Logic ecosystems meet meta-interpretivative learning: design and experiments on 2p-Kt (2nd cycle) — Luca Nannini
- Extending the 2P-Kt ecosystem with Concurrent Logic Programming support (2nd cycle) — Andrea Giordano
- Il Ragionamento Logico come Forma di Apprendimento: Sviluppo di Un Framework per ILP (2nd cycle) — Giovanni Speciale
- Hyperledger: Architettura, Struttura e Tecnologie applicate alla Blockchain (1st cycle) — Cristiano Aprigliano
- Enhancing Symbolic AI Ecosystems with Probabilistic Logic Programming: a Kotlin Multi-Platform Case Study (2nd cycle) — Jason Dellaluce
- Spatial Tuples nel mondo reale: il caso di Unity e Google Maps (1st cycle) — Marco Pastore
- Logic Reasoning in BDI Agents: Current Trends and Spatial Integrations (2nd cycle) — Maicol Forti
- Engineering Angle-of-Arrival-based Indoor Localization Systems (2nd cycle) — Shapour Nemati
- Integrazione tra Programmazione Logica e Reti Neurali: esperimenti in 2p-Kt (2nd cycle) — Matteo Castiglio
- Interpretable Prediction of Galactic Cosmic-Ray Short-Term Variations with Artificial Neural Networks (2nd cycle) — Federico Sabbatini
- Progettazione e implementazione di un'interfaccia Android per il motore Prolog 2P-Kt (1st cycle) — Andrea Dipietro
- Serializzazione di termini logici: progetto e sviluppo in tuProlog, JSON e YAML (1st cycle) — Riccardo Varotto
- Progetto e sviluppo di un modulo per la persistenza di clausole logiche: esperimenti in tuProlog-Kotlin (1st cycle) — Ilaria Crivellari
- AI simbolica e sub-simbolica per XAI: stato dell'arte ed esperimenti con reti neurali e vincoli logici (2nd cycle) — XWiki.GiuseppePisano3
- Analisi comparata di tecnologie open-source per l'elaborazione di flussi di dati (2nd cycle) — Matteo Minardi
- 2p-Kt: A Kotlin-based, Multi-Platform Framework for Symbolic AI (2nd cycle) — Enrico Siboni
- Simulazione di Agenti BDI basati su Prolog in Alchemist (2nd cycle) — Filippo Nicolini
- Gradle, Kotlin e lo sviluppo di un’applicazione multipiattaforma (1st cycle) — Mariano Caldara
- Progettazione di un framework integrato per tecniche sub-simboliche e simboliche: Verso l'eXplainable AI (1st cycle) — Jason Dellaluce
- Logic-based coordination: a semantic approach to self-composition of services (2nd cycle) — Ashley Caselli
- Tecnologia Blockchain: un'analisi tecnica e sviluppo di un'applicazione decentralizzata (1st cycle) — Andrea Cardiota
- Blockchain e Internet of Things: realizzazione di un’applicazione decentralizzata per l’affitto di case vacanza (1st cycle) — Matteo Saccomanni
- Blockchain and beyond: proactive logic smart contracts (2nd cycle) — Alfredo Maffi
- Testing automatico per una implementazione dello standard OpenGL (2nd cycle) — Edoardo Antonini
- Coordination as a Web Service: una moderna implementazione del modello Linda (1st cycle) — Lorenzo Rizzato
- Multi-sensing Data Fusion: Target tracking via particle filtering (2nd cycle) — Alessandro Contro
- Blockchain: modello generale e tassonomia delle componenti chiave (2nd cycle) — Alex Collini
- La programmazione logica per l'Internet of Things: il caso di studio del frigorifero intelligente (1st cycle) — Nicola Atti