

A&A  |  Alchemist  |  ALOO  |  Arg2P  |  CArtAgO  |  Gaia  |  Home Manager  |  LPaaS  |  MoK  |  MS-BioNET  |  P@J  |  PSyKE  |  ReSpecT  |  simpA  |  simpAL  |  SODA  |  TraumaTracker  |  TuCSoN  |  tuProlog / 2P-Kt

A&A(contact)  Alessandro Ricci
A&A (Agents & Artefacts) is a novel paradigm for modelling and engineering software systems, introducing agents, artifacts, and workspaces as first-class abstractions

Alchemist(contact)  Danilo Pianini
Alchemist is an extensible "meta-simulator", inspired by stochastic chemistry and tailored to pervasive computing and distributed systems. It provides a flexible meta-model, on which the developers should bind their own abstractions, realizing a so-called "incarnation". Incarnations for SAPERE and Protelis are already available and integrated in the main distribution.

ALOO(contact)  Alessandro Ricci
ALOO is a novel language for Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming, adopting agents as first-class abstractions integrated with objects

Arg2P(contact)  Giuseppe Pisano
Arg2P (short for Arg–tuProlog) is a logic-based agreement framework enabling defeasible reasoning in intelligent systems

CArtAgO(contact)  Alessandro Ricci
CArtAgO (Common Artifact Infrastructure for Agent Open Environments) is a general purpose framework/infrastructure that makes it possible to program and execute virtual environments - also said virtual / application / software environments - for multi-agent systems.

Gaia(contact)  Ambra Molesini
Gaia  is a methodology for agent-oriented analysis and design, which is both general, in that it is applicable to a wide range of multi-agent systems, and comprehensive, in that it deals with both the macro-level (societal) and the micro-level (agent) aspects of systems. Gaia is founded on the view of a multi-agent system as a computational organisation consisting of various interacting roles.

Home Manager(contact)  Roberta Calegari

Home Manager is a prototype platform for the construction of Socio-Technical Smart Spaces and Smart Environments, in the wider Smart Living context.

LPaaS(contact)  Roberta Calegari
Logic Programming as a Service (LPaaS) is an evolution of the logic programming (LP) paradigm for intelligent IoT. It is a logic-based, service-oriented approach for distributed situated intelligence, conceived and designed as the natural evolution of LP in nowadays pervasive computing systems. Its purpose is to enable situated reasoning via explicit definition of the spatial-temporal structure of the environment where situated entities act and interact.

MoK(contact)  Stefano Mariani
Molecules of Knowledge (MoK for short) is a model for knowledge self-organisation, exploiting the biochemical metaphor for its basic abstractions, and biochemical coordination as its coordination model.

MS-BioNET(contact)  Sara Montagna
MS-BioNET (MultiScale-Biochemical Network) is a computational framework for modelling and simulating large networks of compartments hosting a chemical solution and communicating through an enhanced model of chemical reaction addressing molecule transfer.

P@J(contact)  Mirko Viroli
P@J is a framework for enhancing interoperability between Java and Prolog, based on the 2P open-source Prolog engine for Java.

PSyKE(contact)  Federico Sabbatini
PSyKE (a Platform for Symbolic Knowledge Extraction) provides general-purpose support to symbolic knowledge extraction from different sorts of black-box predictors via many extraction algorithms.

ReSpecT(contact)  Stefano Mariani
ReSpecT (Reaction Specification Tuples) is a logic-based coordination language enabling tuple space programming

simpA(contact)  Alessandro Ricci
simpA is a framework extending the basic Java environment with an agent-oriented abstraction layer for programming complex (concurrent in particular) applications.
simpA is based on the A&A (Agents and Artifacts) programming model, which introduces high-level metaphors taken from human society, namely agents – analogous to humans, as executors of activities and activities — and artifacts—analogous of the objects, resources, tools that are dynamically constructed, used, manipulated by humans to support / realise their individual and social activities.

simpAL(contact)  Alessandro Ricci
simpAL is a general-purpose programming language and platform for developing concurrent and distributed applications. simpAL is based on the A&A (Agents & Artefacts) programming model, which introduces high-level metaphors taken from human society, namely agents — analogous to humans, as executors of activities and activities — and artifacts — analogous of the objects, resources, tools that are dynamically constructed, used, manipulated by humans to support / realise their individual and social activities.

SODA(contact)  Ambra Molesini
SODA (Societies in Open and Distributed Agent spaces) is a methodology for the analysis and design of complex agent-based systems

TraumaTracker(contact)  Angelo Croatti, Sara Montagna, Alessandro Ricci
Developed in collaboration with the Trauma Center and the Emergency Department of the "Bufalini" Hospital in Cesena, Italy, TraumaTracker is a project in which agent technologies are exploited to realise Personal Medical Digital Assistant Agents (PMDA) supporting a Trauma Team in trauma management operations. TraumaTracker aims at exploring the fruitful integration of software personal agents with wearable/eyewear computing, based on mobile and wearable devices such as smart-glasses.

TuCSoN(contact)  Stefano Mariani
TuCSoN (Tuple Centres Spread over the Network) is a Java library providing coordination as a service to Java and tuProlog agents. TuCSoN is a model for the coordination of distributed processes, as well as autonomous, intelligent & mobile agents. TuCSoN exploits tuple centres as its coordination media, which are tuple spaces enhanced with the notion of behaviour specification, thanks to the ReSpecT language.

2P-Kt / tuProlog(contact)  Giovanni Ciatto
tuProlog (2P in breve) è un framework per la programmazione logica che supporta la programmazione multi-paradigma attraverso una integrazione senza soluzione di continuità, ortogonale e bidirezionale tra il paradigma logico e quello orientato agli oggetti
2P-Kt (tuProlog in Kotlin) è un reboot del progetto tuProlog basato su Kotlin volto a fornire un ecosistema generale, estensibile e interoperabile per la programmazione logica e l'intelligenza artificiale simbolica