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RoboCup: il MAS in cui il goal è fare gol
Designing Self-Organising Environments with Agents and Artefacts: A Simulation-Driven Approach
An interaction-oriented agent framework for open environments
A&A in Unity: Primi Esperimenti
Agent-based Conference Management: A Case Study in SODA
Applicazione MAS per la domotica: gestione dei consumi elettrici di una casa
Minority Game: A Logic-Based Approach in TuCSoN
Un modello di programmazione ad agenti per lo sviluppo di applicazioni Web complesse
Formalising the Environment in MAS Programming: A Formal Model for Artifact-Based Environments
Agens Faber: Toward A Theory of Artifacts for MAS
Situating A&A ReSpecT for Pervasive Environment Applications
Elaborazione di un modello per il manuale degli artefatti a supporto del ragionamento pratico di agenti intelligenti situati in ambienti computazionali secondo il meta-modello A&A
“Give Agents their Artifacts”: The A&A Approach for Engineering Working Environments in MAS
Toward a Framework for Collaborative Learning based on Agent-based Technologies
Designing Self-Organizing Multiagent Systems
Situated Tuple Centres in ReSpecT
A Conceptual Framework for Collaborative Learning Systems Based on Agent Technologies
Artifacts nel meta-modello A&A per sistemi multi agente: il framework CArtAgO
Advanced Topics in Agent-Oriented Computing 2006/2007
CArtAgO: A Framework for Prototyping Artifact-Based Environments in MAS
JaCa-Android: an agent-based platform for building smart mobile applications
DA A AD A : Towards a Cognitive Use of Artifacts in MAS
Co-Argumentation Artifact for Agent Societies
Un modello di programmazione ad agenti per applicazioni Web 2.0 e 3.0
Modello A&A per context-aware application
Coordination Artifacts: Environment-based Coordination for Intelligent Agents
Artefacts and Workspaces for the Engineering of Multiagent Systems
Meta modello A&A e utilizzo artefatti per monitoraggio di MAS
Formal ReSpecT in the A&A Perspective
Artefatti e sistemi coordinati: esperimenti in ReSpecT
Situating A&A ReSpecT for Pervasive Environment Applications
DrSimpA: progettazione e sviluppo di ambiente per il collaudo e sviluppo interattivo di applicazioni ad agenti nel framework simpA
Esperienze in robotica con lego Mindstorm e ReSpecT
From Objects based Middleware to Artifact based Work Environment in Multi-Agent Systems
Argumentation and Artifacts for Negotiation Support
Integrating Artifact-Based Environments with Heterogeneous Agent-Programming Platforms
Argumentation and Artifacts for Negotiation Support
Agent-Oriented Computing
Environment-Based Coordination Through Coordination Artifacts
Agent-Based Collaboration Systems: A Case Study
Formal ReSpecT in the A&A Perspective
Environment Programming in MAS with CArtAgO
Combining Simulation and Formal Tools for Developing Self-Organizing MAS
Smart Environments as Agent Workspaces
Argumentation and Artifact for Dialogue Support
Situated Tuple Centres in ReSpecT
A&A for Modelling and Engineering Simulations in Systems Biology
A General Purpose Programming Model & Technology for Developing Working Environments in MAS
Toward a Framework for Collaborative Learning Based on Agent-based Technologies
From Agents to Artifacts Back and Forth: Operational and Doxastic use of Artifacts in MAS
Artifacts in the A&A Meta-Model for Multi-Agent Systems
A Conceptual Framework for Collaborative Learning Systems
Computational Agents & Artefacts
Coordination Artifacts as First-class Abstractions for MAS Engineering: State of the Research
Environment Programming in CArtAgO
A Framework for Collaborative-Learning Systems Based on Agent Technologies
Situating A&A ReSpecT: Reactivity To Environment Events
Prototyping A&A ReSpecT in Maude
Basketball Simulator
Cognitive Stigmergy: Towards a Framework Based on Agents and Artifacts
On the Role of Simulations in Engineering Self-Organising MAS: The Case of an Intrusion Detection System in TuCSoN
Programming Agent-Environment Interaction for MAS Situatedness in ReSpecT
Environment Programming in Multi-Agent Systems – An Artifact-Based Perspective
Agents & Artifacts: The A&A Meta-model for MAS Modelling & Engineering. Ideas & Examples
Programming MAS with Artifacts
The A&A Programming Model and Technology for Developing Agent Environments in MAS
Agents & Artifacts: A Meta-Model for Agent-Oriented Computing
Event-driven Situated Coordination in MAS: ReSpecT and the A&A Perspective
Simulating Minority Game with TuCSoN
Un approccio ad agenti per sistemi di Autonomic Computing
A Case of Self-Organising Environment for MAS: the Collective Sort Problem
A Conceptual Framework for Collaborative Learning Systems Based on Agent Technologies
Activity Theory as a Framework for MAS Coordination
Secure Agent Simulator
Gli SPIME nell'Internet delle cose come combinazione di agenti e artefatti
Arguments and Artifacts for Dispute Resolution
Agents & Artifacts for Systems Biology: Toward a Framework based on TuCSoN
Implementazione automatica di protocolli di interazione AUML mediante reti di Petri
Construenda est CArtAgO: Toward an Infrastructure for Artifacts in MAS
Embodying Intelligence in MAS Environment with Situated Logic Programming
Coordination Artifacts: Environment-based Coordination for Intelligent Agents
Formal ReSpecT in the A&A Perspective
simpA: A Simple Agent-Oriented Java Extension for Developing Concurrent Applications
Lo Standard WSDM per la Gestione di Risorse a Livello Applicativo: Panoramica e Sperimentazioni
Co-Argumentation Artifact for Agent Societies
Agens Faber: Toward a Theory of Artefacts for MAS
SODA: A Roadmap to Artefacts
Prototyping Concurrent Systems with Agents and Artifacts: Framework and Core Calculus
Action and Perception in Multi-Agent Programming Languages: From Exogenous to Endogenous Environments
Designing a general-purpose programming language based on agent-oriented abstractions: the simpAL project
Cognitive Stigmergy: A Framework Based on Agents and Artifacts
Argumentation and Artifact for Dialogue Support
From Agents to Artifacts Back and Forth: Purposive and Doxastic Use of Artifacs in MAS
Prototyping A&A ReSpecT in Maude
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