Danny Weyns, H. Van Dyke Parunak, Fabien Michel (eds.)
Environments for MultiAgent Systems III, part Models, Architecture, and Design, chapter 4, pages 67–86
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) 4389
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
May 2007
This paper describes CArtAgO, a framework for developing artifact-based working environments for multiagent systems (MAS). The framework is based on the notion of artifact, as a basic abstraction to model and engineer objects, resources and tools designed to be used and manipulated by agents at run-time to support their working activities, in particular the cooperative ones. CArtAgO enables MAS engineers to design and develop suitable artifacts, and to extend existing agent platforms with the possibility to create artifact-based working environments, programming agents to exploit them. In this paper, first the abstract model and architecture of CArtAgO is described, then a first Java-based prototype technology is discussed.
cartago, A&A, artifacts, multi-agent systems, agent-oriented computing
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Lecture Notes in Computer Science
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