Overview) Stefano Mariani is born in Forlì in 1987. He received his Master Degree (107/110) in Computer Science Engineering at the II Faculty of Engineering of Cesena, Alma Mater Studiorum—Università degli Studi di Bologna in 2011. He received his Ph.D. (“excellent”) in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Alma Mater Studiorum—Università degli Studi di Bologna in 2016, with a thesis titled “Coordination Issues in Complex Socio-technical Systems: Self-organisation of Knowledge in MoK”. He has been contract researcher and adjunct professor in the same Department during 2012–2013, and 2016. He is currently fixed-term research assistant (post-doc) and assistant professor at the Department of Methods and Sciences of Engineering, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia since November 2016.
Research Activity) Right after his Master Degree, in 2012, he started his research activity within the EU FP7 Project “SAPERE” (Grant Agreement No. 256873), with the task of designing “Methodologies, analysis tools and middleware for self-organising platforms in pervasive computing environments”. Then, during his Ph.D. he has been visiting student at the Distributed Systems Group, Technische University Wien, Austria, under the supervision of Prof. Schahram Dustdar to work on “Coordination-aware Elasticity” ( After his Ph.D., in 2016, he continued his research activity within the EU H202 Project “BISON” (Grant Agreement No. 645323) first, then within the EU H2020 Project “CONNECARE” (Grant Agreement No. 689802) with the goal of engineering Decision Support Systems and Recommendation Systems for supporting EU-wide e-healthcare processes for chronic patients—current position.
Teaching Activity) Right after his Master Degree, in 2012, he started his teaching activity as adjunct professor of “Distributed Systems” and “Concurrent And Distributed Programming” for the Master Degree course in Computer Science & Engineering at the II Faculty of Engineering of Cesena, Alma Mater Studiorum—Università degli Studi di Bologna. Currently, he is assistant professor of “Foundamentals of Computer Science” within the Degree course in Management Engineering at Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia. During these years, he has been co-supervisor of a number of Degree and Master Degree thesis (full list available at
Scientific Service) He currently serves as Member of the Editorial Board of the American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ( Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Multi-Agent Systems” for the international journal Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076–3417) Member of the Program Committee of the 1st workshop on Architectures, Languages and Paradigms for IoT Member of the Program Committee of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control Member of the Program Committee of the 17th Workshop “From Objects to Agents” Member of the Program Committee of the 19th Workshop "From Objects to Agents
Bibliometrics) He co-authored 38 papers on international journals and conferences, and authored 1 book in Springer series “Artificial Intelligence: Foundations, Theory, and Algorithms” (Print ISSN: 2365–3051). His H-index is 5 according to Scopus. His papers generated 176 citations according to Google Scholar.