Per Year
Sara Montagna
- Towards the Adoption of Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation in Mobile Health Systems for the Self-Management of Chronic Diseases (talk, WOA 2016) — Andrea Omicini (Andrea Omicini, Francesco Degli Angeli, Michele Donati, Sara Montagna)
- Extending the Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm for Integrating Discrete-Event and Multi-Agent Based Simulation (talk, MABS 2015@AAMAS 2015) — Danilo Pianini (Andrea Omicini, Danilo Pianini, Sara Montagna)
- Agent-based and Chemical-inspired Approaches for Multicellular Models (talk, Meeting CINI Laboratorio InfoLife) — Sara Montagna (Andrea Omicini, Mirko Viroli, Sara Montagna)
- Composing gradients for a context-aware navigation of users in a smart-city (talk, SCW 2013@AAMAS 2013) — Mirko Viroli (Mirko Viroli, Sara Montagna)
- Spatial Computing with Chemistry (internal, Bioinformatics LabMeeting) — Mirko Viroli (Mirko Viroli, Sara Montagna)
- Towards a comprehensive approach to spontaneous self-composition in pervasive ecosystems (talk, WOA 2012) — Danilo Pianini (Sara Montagna, Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, Jose Luis Fernandez Marquez)
- Gradient-based Self-organisation Patterns of Anticipative Adaptation (talk, 6th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO 2012)) — Danilo Pianini (Danilo Pianini, Mirko Viroli, Sara Montagna)
- SAPERE WP6 Issues (project, Joint Meeting) — Sara Montagna (Andrea Omicini, Sara Montagna)
- The simulation alchemy (seminar) — Danilo Pianini (Danilo Pianini, Sara Montagna)
- A Model for Drosophila Melanogaster Development from a Single Cell to Stripe Pattern Formation (talk, SAC 2012) — Sara Montagna (Danilo Pianini, Mirko Viroli, Sara Montagna)
- A Chemical Inspired Simulation Framework for Pervasive Services Ecosystems (talk, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems in Szczecin, Poland (FedCSIS 2011)) — Danilo Pianini (Sara Montagna, Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini)
- A Simulation Framework for Pervasive Service Ecosystems (talk, WOA 2011) — Danilo Pianini (Sara Montagna, Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini)
- An application of the WP1 computational model to a real scenario (talk, SAPERE M9 Meeting, University of St. Andrews, UK) — Sara Montagna (Sara Montagna)
- Bio-ICT Convergence: Filling the Gap Between Computer Science and Biology (seminar, Seminar for Laboratory of Systems and Applications 2010-2011) — Sara Montagna (Sara Montagna)
- Multi-level models and infrastructures for simulating biological system development (phd, DEIS, Università di Bologna, Ph.D. Defense (XXIII Cycle)) — Sara Montagna (Sara Montagna)
- Multi-Level Models and Infrastructures for Simulating Biological System Development (phd, PhD Third Year Ending Seminar) — Sara Montagna (Sara Montagna)
- Simulation & Multi-Agent Systems: An Introduction (seminar, Multiagent Systems LM) — Sara Montagna (Sara Montagna)
- Multi-level Approaches for a Deep Analysis of Morphogenesis in Living Systems (talk, Corso di Biologia Molecolare della Cellula) — Sara Montagna (Sara Montagna)
- A Multiscale Agent-based Model of Morphogenesis in Biological Systems (talk, WOA 2010) — Alessandro Ricci (Alessandro Ricci, Andrea Omicini, Sara Montagna)
- A Framework for Modelling and Simulating Networks of Cells (talk, CS2Bio 2010) — Sara Montagna (Sara Montagna)
- Towards a framework for multi-level modelling in Computational Biology (talk, PhD Second Year Ending Seminar) — Sara Montagna (Sara Montagna)
- A Computational Framework for Multilevel Morphologies (talk, Morphogenetic Engineering Workshop) — Sara Montagna (Sara Montagna, Mirko Viroli)
- A Computational Framework for Modelling (and Simulating) Multicellular Biochemistry (talk, Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2009)) — Mirko Viroli (Sara Montagna, Mirko Viroli)
- Lineage Commitment of Hematopoietic Stem Cells: An Agent-based Model (talk, MAS&Bio'08) — Andrea Roli (Andrea Omicini, Sara Montagna)
- WP4: Case Study — Virtual Laboratory for Protein Structure Prediction (project, 3rd MEnSA Meeting, Modena, Faculty of Engineering, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia) — Sara Montagna (Sara Montagna)