Per Year

46 publications with DOI  /  2007–2023  /  Roberta Calegari
2023  •  2022  •  2021  •  2020  •  2019  •  2018  •  2017  •  2016  •  2015  •  2007
12 publications in 2023 with DOI • topindexbottom
9 publications in 2022 with DOI • topindexbottom
7 publications in 2021 with DOI • topindexbottom
5 publications in 2020 with DOI • topindexbottom
4 publications in 2019 with DOI • topindexbottom
4 publications in 2018 with DOI • topindexbottom
2 publications in 2017 with DOI • topindexbottom
1 publication in 2016 with DOI • topindexbottom
1 publication in 2015 with DOI • topindexbottom
1 publication in 2007 with DOI • topindexbottom