Lazy Stream Manipulation in Prolog via Backtracking: The Case of 2P-Kt

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Wolfgang Faber, Gerhard Friedrich, Martin Gebser, Michael Morak (eds.)
Logics in Artificial Intelligence, pages 407–420
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) 12678

The ability to lazily manipulate long or infinite streams of data is an essential feature in the era of data-driven artificial intelligence. Yet, logic programming technologies currently fall short when it comes to handling long or infinite streams of data. In this paper, we discuss how Prolog can be reinterpreted as a stream processing tool, and re-designed around an abstract state-machine capable of lazily manipulating streams of data via backtracking.

keywordsProlog; Stream processing; 2P-Kt; State machine
reference talk
page_white_powerpointLazy Stream Manipulation in Prolog via Backtracking: The Case of 2P-Kt (JELIA 2021, 17/05/2021) — Giovanni Ciatto (Giovanni Ciatto, Roberta Calegari, Andrea Omicini)
origin event
journal or series
book Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
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wrenchAI4EU — A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem (01/01/2019–31/12/2021)
wrenchCompuLaw — Computable Law (01/11/2019–31/10/2025)
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reference publication for talk
page_white_powerpointLazy Stream Manipulation in Prolog via Backtracking: The Case of 2P-Kt (JELIA 2021, 17/05/2021) — Giovanni Ciatto (Giovanni Ciatto, Roberta Calegari, Andrea Omicini)