tag : UNITN
10 publications
Increasing interactivity in Agent-based Advanced Pocket-Device Service Application (2008) — Sameh Abdel-Naby, Paolo Giorgini, Stefano Fante
Risk as Dependability Metrics for the Evaluation of Business Solutions: A Model-driven Approach (2008) — Yudistira Asnar, Rocco Moretti, Maurizio Sebastianis, Nicola Zannone
Agent-oriented AmI Engineering (2008) — Raian Ali, Sameh Abdel-Naby, Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz, Paolo Giorgini
Tropos at the Age of Eight: On-going Research at FBK, UniTN and UT (2008) — Paolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos, Loris Penserini, Anna Perini, Angelo Susi
Evaluating Procedural Alternatives. A Case Study in E-Voting (2007) — Volha Bryl, Fabiano Dalpiaz, Roberta Ferrario, Andrea Mattioli, Adolfo Villafiorita
Auction Negotiation for Mobile Rideshare Service (2007) — Sameh Abdel-Naby, Stefano Fante, Paolo Giorgini
Design Patterns for Multiagent Systems to Elevate Pocket Device Applications (2007) — Sameh Abdel-Naby, Paolo Giorgini, Michael Weiss
Towards Integrating Agents with Objects Tracing Systems in AmI (EUMAS 2007) — Sameh Abdel-Naby, Paolo Giorgini, Raian Ali
B-Tropos: Agent-oriented requirements engineering meets computational logic for declarative business process modeling and verification (2007) — Volha Bryl, Paola Mello, Marco Montali, Paolo Torroni, Nicola Zannone
Supporting Requirements Analysis in Tropos: a Planning-Based Approach (2007) — Volha Bryl, Paolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos