Per Year
- Innovating HR Systems: The Digital Transformation of Trevi Group (2nd cycle) — Santiago Trivelloni
- Decision-Making in Complex Systems Through Simulation Modeling: a Vaccine Supply Chain Case Study (2nd cycle) — Mattia Broglia
- Integrazione di Agenti con Machine Learning per Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (DDA) nei videogiochi multiplayer (2nd cycle) — Leo Marzoli
- Progettazione e Sviluppo di un Sistema Modulare per la Raccolta, Trasmissione e Archiviazione di Dati Operativi in Ambienti Industriali (2nd cycle) — Michele Laddaga
- Intelligenza Artificiale e Salute: Addestramento di LLM per il Supporto del Paziente Iperteso (1st cycle) — Giulia Costa
- Progettazione e Sviluppo di un Chatbot Basato su LLM a Supporto del Paziente Iperteso (1st cycle) — Michelangelo Ungolo
- Profiling and learning based optimization for scalable robotics in the device-cloud continuum (2nd cycle) — Nicola Ferrarese
- Actively Ontology Learning from Large Language Models (2nd cycle) — Riccardo Squarcialupi
- Integrated Development Environments: Exploring the Impact of the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence on Workflow Efficiency and its Potential for Developer Displacement (2nd cycle) — Bruna Moema Dias Bahmed
- Argumentation for Legal Reasoning: Meta-models, Technology and Beyond (3rd cycle) — Giuseppe Pisano
- Embedding AI into Constrained Devices: A Multi-Faceted Approach (3rd cycle) — Andrea Agiollo
- Conversational Non-Player Characters: A Study on the Derailment of Large Language Models (2nd cycle) — Davide Alpi
- Programmazione multi-piattaforma: disamina storica e tecnologica (1st cycle) — Matteo Lanzi
- Overview, study, and comparison of open source automation tools: Ansible, Salt, Chef, Puppe (2nd cycle) — Alberto Donati
Roberta Calegari
Giovanni Ciatto
Enrico Denti
Matteo Magnini
Sara Montagna
Andrea Omicini