Upgrade from 2.1.2 to 2.2.6

Upgrade from 2.1.2 to 2.2.6


Migration Bug Analysis 

The xWiki Upgrade Process

Upgrade Documentation and Resources

Release Notes for XWiki Enterprise 2.2.x 

Configuration analysis

  1. xwiki.cfg
    1. com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.captcha.CaptchaPlugin,\
    2. xwiki.plugin.captcha=0
  2. hibernate.cfg.xml
    1. No changes
  3. xwiki.properties
    1. No changes

Skin analysis

  1. Many differences to previous skin (some file moved in templates directory)
  2. modified register.vm: redirection to login
  3. modified contentview: removed title handling
  4. Modified Skin (212 vs 205)
    1. contentview (Identical)
    2. footer.vm differ
    3. global.vm differ
    4. login.vm differ
    5. menuview.vm differ
    6. register.vm differ
    7. space.vm differ
    8. style.css differ
    9. stylesheets (Identical)
    10. view.vm (Identical) 
    11. viewheader.vm (Identical)

  1. removed other than albatross skin directory from webapps/skins
  2. modified classes section removed 132 migration (import wiki.css and xwikicss in Style section)
  3. modified javascript section removed in 122 migration (keep default)
  4. modified content view.vm section removed during 162 migration
  5. updated Menuview section with 172 changes
  6. updated Space section with 172 changes
  7. not updated Login section (Forgot Password section not included)
  8. 194 change: started to move from DefaultSkin Page directly to template folder
  9. 205 contentview: removed title handling

Current test release

 To test the newly upgraded release (v1.9.4) go to 


Logged out

  1. check Register link
  2. http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/People/
    1. compare style layout
    2. check People spaces
  3. Publications
    1. check http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/PapersPerYear
    2. check of http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/PapersPerStatus
    3. check of http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/JournalPapersPerYear
    4. check of http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/SeriesPapersPerYear
    5. check of http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/ConferencePapersPerYear
    6. check of http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/BookChaptersPerYear
    7. check of http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/VolumesPerYear
    1. check of http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/AuthorIndex
    2. check of http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/EditorIndex
    3. check of http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/JournalIndex
    4. check of http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/TagIndex
    5. check http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/All
    6. check http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/Search
  1. Talks
    • All talks ordered by year or by category
  2. Courses
    • check All, CoursesPerYear
  3. Theses
    • check Available thesis, Ongoing thesis, Completed thesis, Tags, Theses by People
    • try modify status Theses/TheseName?editor=object
  4. Projects
    • check Show All, Search

Logged in

  1. Test DSA Unibo Login
  2. Publications
    1. check http://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Publications/Insert
      • try Get BibTeX from data 
      • try Get data from BibTeX
  3. Talks
    • edit inline form
    • insert Talk
  4. Courses
    • edit inline form
  5. Theses
    • check Available thesis, Ongoing thesis, Completed thesis, Tags, Theses by People
    • try modify status Theses/TheseName?editor=object