Upgrade from 1.5.2 to 1.6.2

Upgrade from 1.5.2 to 1.6.2

Invalid macro parameters used for the [toc] macro. Cause: [Failed to validate bean: [must be greater than or equal to 1]]. Click on this message for details.

The xWiki Upgrade Process

Upgrade Documentation and Resources

Release Notes for XWiki Enterprise 1.6

1. Beta version of new rendering and new WYSIWYG editor

  • New experimental support for other syntaxes (Confluence, JSPWiki, Creole, MediaWiki, TWiki and XHTML), including a new XWiki Syntax v2.0 Page Editing Guide.")

Users can choose the syntax they want to use to edit their wiki pages :

  • New experimental WYSIWYG editor (Work In Progress).

2. Usability Improvements

  • XWiki Enterprise's User Interface was improved through the refactoring of page footers : they now provide a quick access to page comments, attachments and history. They also add a new document information tab that lists the page backlinks and let users edit page tags easily. 
  • The much-needed password recovery feature is now available : now, an user who has fogotten his password can simply click on a link available on the login page in order to have a password recovery email sent to him. Similarly, an user who forgot her username can provide her email address and have her username sent back to her.
  • The Rights Management interface now supports adding groups into groups 

3. Platform Improvements

  • Default account validation & confirmation emails provided in the wiki preferences
  • Added .xml extensions to all exported wiki pages (XAR)
  • The generated HTML for wiki titles now start at h1 instead of h2
  • The name of the main database in virtual wiki mode is not hardcoded to 'xwiki' anymore, and in virtual mode all database names can be prefixed with a configurable value
  • Improvement of Query Manager. The purpose of the Query Manager is to allow using multiple Query Languages and manage them (HQL is one such language). The changes are:
    • Ability to use positional parameters in Query (only named parameters supported earlier).
    • Ability to add a new Query Language easily simply by adding a JAR to the Classpath.
  • New experimental XWiki Query Language called XWQL.

Set the test environment up

  • retrieve latest virtual machine tar file from file server, 
  • uncompress and import in the Datastore 
  • clone the VM
  • register to a virtualization host, 
  • start the VM Virtual Machine
  • take snapshot
  • rotate /usr/local/tomcat/logs (7GB per year!!)
  • The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library for optimal performance i not found on the java.library.path: TO DO
  • update-upgrade linux OS distribution

Skin analysis

  1. Many differences to skin 152 vs 162 (a lot of file moved in templates directory)
  2. Modified Skin (152 vs 162)
    1. style.css differ
    2. footer.vm (Identical)
    3. view.vm (Identical)
    4. viewheader.vm (Identical)
    5. logo (Identical)
    6. menuview.vm differ 
    7. space.vm (Identical)
    8. contentview.vm (removed)
    9. classes.css (removed)
    10. javascript (removed)
    11. stylesheets (Identical)
    12. login.vm differ
  3. removed other than albatross skin directory from webapps/skins
  4. modified classes section removed 132 migration (import wiki.css and xwikicss in Style section)
  5. modified javascript section removed in 122 migration (keep default)
  6. modified register.vm: redirection to login
  7. modified content view.vm section removed during 162 migration
  8. updated Menuview section with new changes
  9. not updated Login section (Forgot Password section not included)
  10. updated Style.css section

Current test release

 To test the newly upgraded release (v1.6.2) go to *