(Re)Integration of Logical English and s(CASP)
author = {Galileo Sartor and Jacinto Dàvila and Alessia Fidelangeli and Pisano, Giuseppe},
keywords = {Logic Programming, Prolog, Controlled Natural Language, Legal Rule Modelling, Explainable AI, Logical English, s(CASP)},
title = {(Re)Integration of Logical English and s(CASP)},
urlpdf = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3437/paper7GDE.pdf},
year = 2023
author = {Galileo Sartor and Jacinto Dàvila and Alessia Fidelangeli and Pisano, Giuseppe},
keywords = {Logic Programming, Prolog, Controlled Natural Language, Legal Rule Modelling, Explainable AI, Logical English, s(CASP)},
title = {(Re)Integration of Logical English and s(CASP)},
urlpdf = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3437/paper7GDE.pdf},
year = 2023