Anand S. Rao, Michael P. Georgeff
Journal of Logic and Computation 8(3), pages 293-342
June 1998
The study of computational agents capable of rational behaviour has received increasing attention in recent years. A number of theoretical formalizations for such multi-agent systems have been proposed. However, most of these formalizations do not have a strong semantic basis nor a sound and complete axiomatization. Hence, it has not been clear as to how these formalizations could assist in building agents in practice. This paper explores a particular type of multi-agent system, in which each agent is viewed as having the three mental attitudes of belief (B), desire (D), and intention (I). It provides a family of multi-modal branching-time BDI logics with a possible-worlds semantics, categorizes them, provides sound and complete axiomatizations, and gives constructive tableau-based decision procedures for testing the satisfiability and validity of formulas. The computational complexity of these decision procedures is no greater than the complexity of their underlying temporal logic component.
Rational agents,belief-desire-intention (BDI) model,branching time temporal logic,modal logic,multi-modal logic,tableaux methods,temporal logic,theorem proving
journal or series

Journal of Logic and Computation