with : Matteo Magnini

10 events / Matteo Magnini
calendar 37TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DESCRIPTION LOGICS (DL 2024) — 18/06/2024–21/06/2024
calendar The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24) — 20/02/2024–27/02/2024
calendar Doctoral Consortium of the 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023 Doctoral Consortium@KR 2023) — 05/09/2023
calendar The Safe and Trustworthy AI Workshop (STAI 2023@ICLP 2023) — 09/07/2023–10/07/2023
calendar 5th International Workshop on EXplainable and TRAnsparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems (EXTRAAMAS 2023@AAMAS 2023) — 29/05/2023–02/06/2023
calendar 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23) — 07/02/2023–14/02/2023
calendar 21st International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2022) — 28/11/2022–02/12/2022
calendar 23rd Workshop “From Objects to Agents” (WOA 2022) — 01/09/2022–03/09/2022
calendar 37th Italian Conference on Computational Logic (CILC 2022) — 29/06/2022–01/07/2022
calendar EXplainable and TRAnsparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems: Fourth International Workshop (EXTRAAMAS 2022@AAMAS 2022) — 09/05/2022–10/05/2022