17th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises
Rome, Italy, 23/06/2008–25/06/2008
WETICE is an annual international forum for state-of-the-art research in enabling technologies for collaboration, consisting of a number of cognate workshops.
So far 16 WETICE conferences have taken place. What sets WETICE apart from larger conferences is that the workshops are kept small enough to promote fruitful discussions on the latest technology developments, directions, problems, and requirements.
Each workshop includes paper presentations, workgroup discussions, keynote sessions and a final joint session to summarize each groups' findings.
The Proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Press and mailed after the conference as Post-conference Proceedings, which include the summary of discussions that take place during the conference.
WETICE 2008 includes invited presentations by experts from academia, industry, government and a showcase session to present the different views introduced by IST European Projects in the context of Collaborative Working Technologies.
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