CM @ CUSO 2014

CUSO Seminar on Coordination Models
Fribourg, CH, 20/11/2014–21/11/2014

As the act of working together harmoniously, coordination is a concept that has been applied in many domains of computer science and management of interaction between humans and artefacts for oyer 20 years. In Computer Science, coordination theory, which was initially set up by T. Malone, has been an essential basis for conceptualizing distributed systems. With the development of methodologies like pervasive computing or CSCW which push the diversification of devices and situations where humans and machines may interact, this theory still appears as an interesting effort for understanding interaction and federating design methods in computer science. The goal of the seminar is to make a state-of-the-art of coordination models in the perspective of designing digital technology for the future.

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evento contenitore per presentazione
page_white_powerpointLaws and Models in Physics vs Biology and the Continuum vs Discrete Interplay (CM @ CUSO 2014, 20/11/2014) — Giuseppe Longo (Giuseppe Longo)
page_white_powerpointRandomness and diversity in biology: comparing complexity and functional organization (CM @ CUSO 2014, 19/11/2014) — Giuseppe Longo (Giuseppe Longo)
page_white_powerpointIntroduction to Cybernetics – 1st and 2nd order (CM @ CUSO 2014, 20/11/2014) — Paul Pangaro (Paul Pangaro)
page_white_powerpointDesign (CM @ CUSO 2014, 21/11/2014) — Paul Pangaro (Paul Pangaro)
page_white_powerpointCoordination: The what, the when and the how (CM @ CUSO 2014, 21/11/2014) — René Schumann (René Schumann)
page_white_powerpointHuman centred Cyber Physical Systems (CM @ CUSO 2014, 20/11/2014) — Benjamin Hadorn (Benjamin Hadorn)
page_white_powerpointConversation (CM @ CUSO 2014, 21/11/2014) — Paul Pangaro (Paul Pangaro)
page_white_powerpointResearch Trends in Nature-inspired Coordination Models (CM @ CUSO 2014, 21/11/2014) — Andrea Omicini (Andrea Omicini)
page_white_powerpointInteraction, Complexity, Coordination (CM @ CUSO 2014, 20/11/2014) — Andrea Omicini (Andrea Omicini)
page_white_powerpointCoordination Games in Multi-Agent Environments (CM @ CUSO 2014, 21/11/2014) — Visara Urovi (Visara Urovi)
page_white_powerpointNature-inspired Models of Coordination (CM @ CUSO 2014, 20/11/2014) — Andrea Omicini (Andrea Omicini)