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First session


Monday 30th August 2010, 14:00 - 15:30 

Session chair:

Massimo Cossentino

Schedule (20 minutes for each presentation including questions)

  • Sara Casare, Zahia Guessoum, Anarosa Brandao, Jaime Sichman. Towards a New Approach for MAS Situational Method Engineering: A Fragment Definition 
  • Massimo Cossentino, Stephane Galland, Nicolas Gaud, Vincent Hilaire, Abderraa Koukam. A Glimpse of the ASPECS Process documented with the FIPA DPDF Template (slides)
  • Sergio Esparcia, Estefania Argente, Vicente Botti. Describing GORMAS using the FIPA Design Process Documentation and Fragmentation Working Group template (slides)

Second session


Monday 30th August 2010, 16:00 - 17:30 

Session chair:

Ambra Molesini

Schedule (20 minutes for each presentation including questions)

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  • Massimo Cossentino, Juan Carlos Gonzalez Moreno, Alma Gomez Rodriguez, Ambra Molesini, Andrea Omicini. Process Documentation Standardization: An Initial Evaluation (slides)
  • Juan Carlos Gonzalez Moreno, Alma Gomez Rodriguez. Applying Process Document Standarization to INGENIAS (slides)
  • Chiara Leonardi, Luca Sabatucci, Angelo Susi, Massimo Zancanaro. Exploring the Boundaries: when Method Fragmentation is not Convenient (slides)

Round Table


Tuesday 31st August 2010, 09:00 - 10:30 

Session chair:

Vincent Hilaire


  • Invited contribution: Noelie Bonjean, Marie Pierre Gleizes, Christine Maurel and Frederic Migeon. Self-Organising Methods Fragments
  • Voting of the Process Documentation Template
  • Contribution from members: Massimo Cossentino, Valeria Seidita. The process fragment Metamodel Definition and Documentation (slides)
  • Discussion on post-proceeding
  • Discussion on next standardization steps