Sistemi Multi-Agente LM 2011/2012
Principale | Lucidi | Materiali | Tecnologie | Laboratorio | Progetti |
Introduzione al corso
- Multiagent Systems (articolo in rivista, 2006) — Andrea Omicini, Agostino Poggi
- La cultura componibile. Dalla frammentazione alla disgregazione del sapere (libro, 2008) — Lucio Russo
- Challenges and Research Directions in Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (articolo in rivista, 2004) — Franco Zambonelli, Andrea Omicini
Evoluzione dei sistemi computazionali: cambio di paradigma
- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (libro, 1996) — Thomas S. Kuhn
- Why Interaction Is More Powerful Than Algorithms (articolo in rivista, 1997) — Peter Wegner
- Towards a Paradigm Change in Computer Science and Software Engineering: A Synthesis (articolo in rivista, 2003) — Franco Zambonelli, H. Van Dyke Parunak
Evoluzione dei linguaggi di programmazione: via dagli oggetti
- Objects and Agents Compared (articolo in rivista, 2002) — James J. Odell
Evoluzione del middleware: verso gli agenti
- Towards Seamless Agent Middleware (articolo in atti, 2004) — Andrea Omicini, Giovanni Rimassa
- Coordination as a Service (articolo in rivista, 2006) — Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini
Diversi agenti in giro
- Computational Research on Interaction and Agency (articolo in rivista, 1995) — Philip E. Agre
- Intelligence without Representation (articolo in rivista, 1991) — Rodney A. Brooks
- Understanding Code Mobility (articolo in rivista, 1998) — Alfonso Fuggetta, Gian Pietro Picco, Giovanni Vigna
- Foundations of Distributed Artificial Intelligence (curatela, 1996) — Gregory M.P. O'Hare, Nicholas R. Jennings (a cura di)
- Multiagent Systems (articolo in rivista, 2006) — Andrea Omicini, Agostino Poggi
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (libro, 2010) — Stuart J. Russell, Peter Norvig
- Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice (articolo in rivista, 1995) — Michael J. Wooldridge, Nicholas R. Jennings
Fonti di letteratura scientifica per i sistemi multiagente
- The Logic of Scientific Discovery (libro, 2002) — Karl Raimund Popper
Agenti: definizioni e quadro concettuale
- Is it an Agent, or Just a Program?: A Taxonomy for Autonomous Agents (articolo in atti, 1996) — Stan Franklin, Art Graesser
- Objects and Agents Compared (articolo in rivista, 2002) — James J. Odell
- Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice (articolo in rivista, 1995) — Michael J. Wooldridge, Nicholas R. Jennings
Agenti come sistemi intenzionali
- Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason (libro, 1987) — Michael E. Bratman
- What is Intention? (capitolo di libro, 1990) — Michael E. Bratman, Andrea Roli
- Intentional Systems (articolo in rivista, 1971) — Daniel Dennett
- Intentional Systems Theory (capitolo di libro, 2007) — Daniel Dennett
- Ascribing Mental Qualities to Machines (capitolo di libro, 1979) — John McCarthy
- An Abstract Architecture for Rational Agents (articolo in atti, 1992) — Anand S. Rao, Michael P. Georgeff
- BDI Agents: From Theory to Practice (articolo in atti, 1995) — Anand S. Rao, Michael P. Georgeff
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (libro, 2010) — Stuart J. Russell, Peter Norvig
- Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice (articolo in rivista, 1995) — Michael J. Wooldridge, Nicholas R. Jennings
Artefatti per agenti: fondamenti multidisciplinari
- Designing for the Dynamics of Cooperative Work Activities (articolo in atti, 1998) — Jakob Bardram
- Multiagent System Engineering: The Coordination Viewpoint (articolo in atti, 2000) — Paolo Ciancarini, Andrea Omicini, Franco Zambonelli
- Cognitive and Social Action (curatela, 1995) — Rosaria Conte, Cristiano Castelfranchi (a cura di)
- Coordination, Cooperation, and Communication in the Courts: Expansive Transitions in Legal Work (capitolo di libro, 1997) — Yrjo Engeström, Katherine Brown, L. Carol Christopher, Judith Gregory
- Tools, Language and Cognition in Human Evolution (curatela, 1993) — Kathleen R. Gibson, Tim Ingold (a cura di)
- A History of Speculation on the Relation between Tools and Languages (capitolo di libro, 1993) — Gordon W. Hewes
- Distributed Cognition, Coordination and Environment Design (articolo in atti, 1999) — David Kirsh
- The Concept of Activity as a Basic Unit of Analysis for CSCW Research (articolo in atti, 1991) — Kari Kuutti
- Évolution et création, tome 1 — Sens ou non-sens de l'homme dans la nature? (libro, 1998) — Gustave Martelet
- Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction (curatela, 1995) — Bonnie A. Nardi (a cura di)
- Design principles for cognitive artifacts (articolo in rivista, 1992) — Donald A. Norman
- Agens Faber: Toward a Theory of Artefacts for MAS (articolo in atti, 2006) — Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli
- Folk Physics for Apes: The Chimpanzee's Theory of How the World Works (libro, 2000) — Daniel J. Povinelli
- Activity Theory as a Framework for MAS Coordination (articolo in atti, 2003) — Alessandro Ricci, Andrea Omicini, Enrico Denti
- Programming MAS with Artifacts (articolo in atti, 2006) — Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini
- Mind the Gap! Towards a unified view of CSCW (articolo in atti, 2000) — Kjeld Schmidt, Carla Simone
- Engineering MAS Environment with Artifacts (articolo in atti, 2005) — Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci
- Mind in Society (libro, 1978) — Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky
- Environment as a First Class Abstraction in Multi-Agent Systems (articolo in rivista, 2007) — Danny Weyns, Andrea Omicini, James J. Odell
- Effective Tool Use in a Habile Agent (articolo in atti, 2005) — Alexander B. Wood, Thomas E. Horton, Robert St. Amant
Agenti e artefatti: il meta-modello A&A per sistemi multiagente
- Multiagent System Engineering: The Coordination Viewpoint (articolo in atti, 2000) — Paolo Ciancarini, Andrea Omicini, Franco Zambonelli
- Zooming Multi-Agent Systems (articolo in atti, 2006) — Ambra Molesini, Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Enrico Denti
- Coordination Infrastructures in the Engineering of Multiagent Systems (capitolo di libro, 2004) — Andrea Omicini, Sascha Ossowski, Alessandro Ricci
- Agens Faber: Toward a Theory of Artefacts for MAS (articolo in atti, 2006) — Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli
- Artifacts in the A&A Meta-Model for Multi-Agent Systems (articolo in rivista, 2008) — Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli
- Coordination Artifacts: Environment-based Coordination for Intelligent Agents (articolo in atti, 2004) — Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Luca Tummolini
Linguaggi di programmazione per sistemi multi-agente
- BDI Agent Programming in AgentSpeak Using Jason (Tutorial Paper) (articolo in atti, 2006) — Rafael H. Bordini, Jomi F. Hübner
- Situated Tuple Centres in ReSpecT (articolo in atti, 2009) — Matteo Casadei, Andrea Omicini
- A Programming Language for Cognitive Agents: Goal Directed 3APL (articolo in atti, 2004) — Mehdi Dastani, Birna van Riemsdijk, Frank Dignum, John-Jules Ch. Meyer
- Programming Multi-Agent Systems in 3APL (capitolo di libro, 2005) — Mehdi Dastani, Birna van Riemsdijk, John-Jules Ch. Meyer
- Multi-paradigm Java-Prolog Integration in tuProlog (articolo in rivista, 2005) — Enrico Denti, Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci
- Semantics and Conversations for an Agent Communication Language (capitolo di libro, 1997) — Yannis Labrou, Tim Finin
- Zooming Multi-Agent Systems (articolo in atti, 2006) — Ambra Molesini, Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Enrico Denti
- Formal ReSpecT in the A&A Perspective (articolo in atti, 2007) — Andrea Omicini
- From Tuple Spaces to Tuple Centres (articolo in rivista, 2001) — Andrea Omicini, Enrico Denti
- Objective versus Subjective Coordination in the Engineering of Agent Systems (articolo in atti, 2003) — Andrea Omicini, Sascha Ossowski
- An Algebraic Approach for Modelling Organisation, Roles and Contexts in MAS (articolo in rivista, 2005) — Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli
- Agent Coordination Contexts for the Formal Specification and Enactment of Coordination and Security Policies (articolo in rivista, 2006) — Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli
- Timed Environment for Web Agents (articolo in rivista, 2007) — Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli
- AgentSpeak(L): BDI Agents Speak Out in a Logical Computable Language (articolo in atti, 1996) — Anand S. Rao
- Modeling Rational Agents within a BDI Architecture (articolo in atti, 1991) — Anand S. Rao, Michael P. Georgeff
- Agent Coordination Contexts in a MAS Coordination Infrastructure (articolo in rivista, 2006) — Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini
- Construenda est CArtAgO: Toward an Infrastructure for Artifacts in MAS (articolo in atti, 2006) — Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini
- CArtAgO: A Framework for Prototyping Artifact-Based Environments in MAS (articolo in atti, 2007) — Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini
- Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent System Engineering (libro, 2001) — Michael Schumacher
Auto-organizzazione e MAS: introduzione
- Amorphous Computing (articolo in rivista, 2000) — Harold Abelson, Don Allen, Daniel Coore, Chris Hanson, George Homsy, Thomas F. Knight Jr., Radhika Nagpal, Erik Rauch, Gerald Jay Sussman, Ron Weiss
- Principles of Self-Organizing Dynamic Systems (articolo in rivista, 1947) — W. Ross Ashby
Simulazione & sistemi multiagente: introduzione
- Tutorial on Agent-based Modelling and Simulation (articolo in rivista, 2010) — Charles M. Macal, Michael J. North
materiali / pagine dei corsi