Sistemi distribuiti 2012/2013

    Main     Slides     Books     Lab     Projects

Goal of the Course

This course is meant to illustrate the conceptual foundations and the main issues of modern distributed computational systems. Also, the main technologies for constructing distributed systems are introduced, in terms of languages, middleware, and infrastructures. In particular, object-based, web-based and coordination-based systems are used as the sources for case studies and for experiments in the laboratory.

Teaching Materials



  • the courses of Distributed Systems over the years
  • the student's projects of Distributed Systems over the years
course series
lightbulbDistributed Systems 2024/2025 • lightbulbDistributed Systems 2023/2024 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2022/2023 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2021/2022 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2020/2021 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2019/2020 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2018/2019 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2017/2018 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2016/2017 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2015/2016 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2014/2015 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2013/2014 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2013/2014 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2012/2013 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2012/2013 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2011/2012 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti 2010/2011 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti L-A 2009/2010 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti L-A 2008/2009 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti L-A 2007/2008 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti L-A 2006/2007 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti L-A 2005/2006 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti L-A 2004/2005 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti L-A 2003/2004 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti L-A 2002/2003 • lightbulbSistemi distribuiti L-A 2001/2002