Sistemi distribuiti 2012/2013
Principale | Lucidi | Libri | Laboratorio | Progetti |
temi base
(0) Introduction to the Course
(1) Introduction to Distributed Systems
(2) Software Architectures
(3) The Architecture of the World Wide Web
(4) Processes in Distributed Systems
(5) Communication in Distributed Systems
(6) Naming in Distributed Systems
(7) Synchronisation in Distributed Systems
(9) Consistency & Replication in Distributed Systems
(10) Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems: An Introduction
temi avanzati
(8) Coordination-based Systems
(11) Object-Oriented Middleware for Distributed Systems
(12) Web Services
(21) Framing Coordination: From Transdisciplinary Models to Infrastructures and Tools for MAS Engineering
(23) Cloud Computing (lucidi di Antonio Corradi)
(24) Complex Networks (Enrico Denti)
(13) Evolution of Computational Systems: The Paradigm Shift
(14) Evolution of Programming Languages: Away from Objects
(15) Evolution of Middleware: Towards Agents
(16) The Many Agents Around
(17) Agents: Definitions & Conceptual Framework
(18) Artifacts for Agents: Multidisciplinary Foundation
(19) Agents & Artifacts: Definitions & Conceptual Framework
(20) Programming Languages for Multiagent Systems
(22) Agents in tuProlog