Per anno
Alessandro Ricci
- From Agents to Artifacts Back and Forth: Purposive and Doxastic Use of Artifacs in MAS (presentazione, Sixth European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-2008)) — Michele Piunti (Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti)
- Goal-Directed Interactions in Artifact-Based MAS: Jadex Agents playing in CARTAGO Environments (presentazione, IEEE/WIC/ACM Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies WI-IAT 2008 (Sydney)) — Michele Piunti (Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Lars Braubach, Alexander Pokahr)
- From Agents to Artifacts Back and Forth: Operational and Doxastic Use of Artifacts in MAS (presentazione, WOA 2008) — Andrea Omicini (Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti)
- DA A AD A : Towards a Cognitive Use of Artifacts in MAS (presentazione, Séminaires G2I, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines St-Etienne) — Michele Piunti (Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti)
- Cognitive Artifacts for Intelligent Agents in MAS: Exploiting Relevant Information Residing in Environments (presentazione, Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (KRAMAS 2008)) — Emiliano Lorini (Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti)
- Goal Directed Agents using Artifacts (seminario, Dagstuhl Seminar PRogramming Multi-Agent Systems) — Michele Piunti (Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti)
- Environment Programming in MAS: CARTAGO and Friends (presentazione, Dagstuhl Seminar 08361, "Programming Multi-Agent Systems") — Alessandro Ricci (Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti)
- The Architecture and Design of a Malleable Object-Oriented Prolog Engine (presentazione, 23th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2008), Special Track on Programming Languages) — Andrea Omicini (Giulio Piancastelli, Alex Benini, Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci)