

2P-Kt Docs

The online documentation of 2P-Kt is available at GitLab:

tuProlog (2P-Kt-Java) Manual

The comprehensive tuProlog manual (over 200 pages) is available in PDF format
fro the Download section of GitLab

Completely rewritten in the multi-paradigm programming perspective, this manual is the reference, tutorial, and developer guide for tuProlog: a real book with over 190 pages with plenty of examples and screenshots, that introduce the reader to discover all the tuProlog features in a conceptually clear yet practical way.

Thought both for the Prolog user and the multi-paradigm application developer, the tuProlog  Manual is a real book providing an extensive coverage of multi-paradigm programming (MPP) 'the tuProlog way': two brand new chapters — one for Java, one for .NET — present the four dimensions of tuProlog MPP support in detail, in a clear and complete fashion.