Software Engineering for Large-scale Multi-Agent Systems – SELMAS'2002

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Carlos Lucena, Alessandro Garcia, Andrea Omicini, Jaelson Castro, Franco Zambonelli
24th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'02), pp. 653–654
ACM Press, New York, NY, USA
maggio 2002

Objects and agents are abstractions that exhibit points of similarity, but the development of agent-based software poses other challenges to software engineering since software agents are inherently more complex entities. In addition, a large-scale multi-agent system needs to satisfy multiple stringent requirements such as reliability, security, interoperability, scalability, reusability, and maintainability. This workshop brought together researchers and practitioners to discuss the current state and future direction of research in software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems. A particular interest was to understand those issues in the agent technology that difficult and/or improve the production of large-scale distributed systems.

evento origine
worldSELMAS 2002@ICSE 2002