PAI 2013

Popularize Artificial Intelligence 2013
Torino, Italy, 05/12/2013

For celebrating 25th anniversary of AI\*IA and following the successful 2012 edition of this workshop, organized by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence for celebrating the 100th anniversary of Alan Turing's birth and aimed at divulging the practical uses of Artificial Intelligence, AI\*IA 2013 features the 2nd edition of the PAI Workshop.

We call for demonstrators (e.g. videos), demos, proposals, systems exploiting AI theories and techniques, short papers that present ideas, and that are written in such a way to make them accessible to a broad public. Three categories of contribution are possible:

student experiences inside AI courses (e.g. laboratory demos, student projects),
research and academic experiences,
industrial experiences.
The workshop will be organized as a poster session. Each contribution will have some space for a poster, and demos and systems will be shown to the public. The best contributions will additionally be presented during a plenary session of AI*IA 2013.

Selected papers will be published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings series.

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worldAI*IA 2013@PAI 2013
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worldAI*IA 2013@PAI 2013