AWS-LEP 2014

Autonomous Weapons Systems – Law, Ethics, Policy
European University Institute in Florence, Italy, 24/04/2014–25/04/2014

The Autonomous Weapons Systems – Law, Ethics, Policy Project is a research project coordinated by Professor Nehal Bhuta, AEL Co-Director and co-financed by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Project partners are: Professor Susanne Beck (University of Hannover), Professor Claus Kress (University of Cologne), Professor Robin Geiss (University of Glasgow) and Dr. Hin Yan Liu (EUI).

The project’s main objective is to address the profound and complex challenges presented by automated weapons systems (AWS).

A conference, to be held at the EUI on 24-25 April 2014, will bring together a group of experts to inaugurate this important research agenda.

funge da
evento origine per pubblicazione
page_white_acrobatThe Autonomy of Automated Systems (articolo in atti, 2014) — Giovanni Sartor, Andrea Omicini
evento contenitore per presentazione
page_white_powerpointThe Autonomy of Automated Systems: Social Systems and the Multi-level Autonomy (AWS-LEP 2014, 24/04/2014) — Andrea Omicini (Andrea Omicini, Giovanni Sartor)
page_white_powerpointThe Autonomy of Automated Systems (AWS-LEP 2014, 24/04/2014) — Giovanni Sartor (Andrea Omicini, Giovanni Sartor)