Software Engineering for Intelligent Distributed Systems (Module 2) 2021/2022

    Main     Info     Slides     Schedule
structure of the course
parent course
lightbulbSoftware Engineering for Intelligent Distributed Systems(2nd cycle, 2021/2022) — Alessandro Ricci
sibling courses
lightbulbSoftware Engineering for Intelligent Distributed Systems (Module 1)(2nd cycle, 2021/2022) — Alessandro Ricci
lightbulbSoftware Engineering for Intelligent Distributed Systems (Module 3)(2nd cycle, 2021/2022) — Danilo Pianini
general information on the course


  • intelligent systems: definitions, problems, applications
  • multi-agent systems for the engineering of intelligent systems: models, technologies, methodologies
works as
child course
lightbulbSoftware Engineering for Intelligent Distributed Systems(2nd cycle, 2021/2022) — Alessandro Ricci
sibling course
lightbulbSoftware Engineering for Intelligent Distributed Systems (Module 3)(2nd cycle, 2021/2022) — Danilo Pianini
lightbulbSoftware Engineering for Intelligent Distributed Systems (Module 1)(2nd cycle, 2021/2022) — Alessandro Ricci
proxy for course
lightbulbSoftware Engineering (Module 2)(2nd cycle, 2021/2022) — Andrea Omicini
lightbulbIntelligent Systems Engineering (Module 2)(2nd cycle, 2021/2022) — Andrea Omicini