Intelligent Systems Engineering 2023/2024

    Main     Slides     Projects
structure of the course
child courses
lightbulbIntelligent Systems Engineering (Module 1)(2nd cycle, 2023/2024) — Andrea Omicini
lightbulbIntelligent Systems Engineering (Module 2)(2nd cycle, 2023/2024) — Giovanni Ciatto
learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students get acquainted with the fundamental issues of intelligent systems, the most relevant computational models and technologies, and the most effective methods. In particular, students become familiar with the fittest solutions, languages, technologies, architectures, and methodologies to design intelligent systems, and are capable of

  • devising the problems requiring artificial intelligence techniques for their solution;
  • determining the most proper conceptual and methodological approaches;
  • selecting and integrating the fittest technologies for implementing the solutions detected.
course contents
  • Case Studies
    ChatGPT—Beyond the Turing Test  •  Autonomy in Biology  •  Programming Intentional Agents in AgentSpeak(L) & Jason  •  Natural Language Processing
  • General Issues of Intelligent Systems
    Drivers for Intelligent Systems  •  On Autonomy: Concepts & Definitions  •  Agents for Intelligent Systems Engineering  •  Artificial Intelligence: A Short Story  •  Automated Reasoning  •  Reasoning Agents  •  Logic & Computation  •  Planning for Intelligent Agents  •  Self-Organising Systems  •  Nature-Inspired Coordination & Self-Organisation  •  Interacting with Autonomous Systems: Conversational Informatics  •  Simulation & Multi-Agent Systems
  • Technologies for Intelligent Systems
    Knowledge Representation  •  Inference  •  Perception and Actuation  •  Planning with STRIPS  •  Programming Intentional Agents: Exercises in Jason  •  Introduction to eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)
  • Scientific Competences
    Sources of Scientific Literature for Intelligent & Autonomous Systems  •  Systematic Literature Review as a Methodology for Scientific Surveys
teaching methods
  • Lessons with slides shared with students
  • Examples and case studies discussed  by the teachers
  • Lab activity
assessment methods
  • Verification of lab activity
  • Presentation and discussion of an individual/group project
course series
works as
hosting course / talk
page_white_powerpointIntelligent Systems Engineering: Course presentation (Presentazione dei corsi a scelta per la laurea magistrale “Ingegneria e scienze informatiche”, 22/09/2023) — Andrea Omicini (Andrea Omicini, Giovanni Ciatto)
parent course
lightbulbIntelligent Systems Engineering (Module 1)(2nd cycle, 2023/2024) — Andrea Omicini
lightbulbIntelligent Systems Engineering (Module 2)(2nd cycle, 2023/2024) — Giovanni Ciatto