Class Properties
- First Name (first_name: String)
- Last Name (last_name: String)
- e-Mail (email: Email)
- Password (password: Password)
- Validation Key (validkey: Password)
- Active (active: Boolean)
- Company (company: String)
- Status (status: Static List)
- Personal Space (personalWiki: String)
- Blog (blog: String)
- Blog Feed (blogfeed: String)
- Comment (comment: TextArea)
- IM Type (imtype: Static List)
- imaccount (imaccount: String)
- Default Editor (editor: Static List)
- User type (usertype: Static List)
- Enable extra accessibility features (accessibility: Boolean)
- Display Hidden Documents (displayHiddenDocuments: Boolean)
- Time Zone (timezone: Time Zone)
- skin (skin: Page)
- Avatar (avatar: String)
- Phone (phone: String)
- Address (address: TextArea)
- Enable extension conflict setup (extensionConflictSetup: Boolean)
- Email address verified (email_checked: Boolean)
- City (city: String)
- ZIP Code (zip: String)
- Country (country: String)
- ACM ID (acm: String)
- DBLP ID (dblp: String)
- IEEE Author Number (ieee: String)
- ORCID ID (orcid: String)
- PubMed ID (pubmed: String)
- Researcher ID (researcher: String)
- Google Scholar ID (scholar: String)
- Scopus ID (scopus: String)
- Semantic Scholar Author ID (semanticscholar: String)
- ScholarGPS (scholargps: String)
- Web of Science ID (wos: String)
- SlideShare ID (slideshare: String)
- UniBo ID (uniboId: String)
- UniBo Mail (uniboMail: String)
- UniBo Code (uniboCode: String)
- You can use the class editor to add or modify the class properties.
Existing Pages
The following pages have objects described by this class.
Class Sheets
Before using this class you must first create a sheet and a template for it. Follow the instructions below to do this.
View the sheet page (XWiki / Profile of XWikiUserSheet) »