
export.pdf.options.template.hint=The PDF template controls the information displayed on the cover page, in the table of contents as well as in the header and footer of each page.
export.pdf.options.loadFailure=Failed to load the PDF export options.

export.pdf.hint=Export as Portable Document Format (PDF) using the Web Browser
export.pdf.inProgress=Exporting as PDF...
export.pdf.failed=Failed to export as PDF
export.pdf.lastError=The PDF export log contains errors: {0}
export.pdf.canceling=Canceling PDF export...
export.pdf.canceled=PDF export canceled
export.pdf.cancelFailed=Failed to cancel the PDF export
export.pdf.pageReadyTimeout=Timeout waiting for web page to be ready for print.

export.pdf.templates.default=Default template
export.pdf.templates.default.versionInfo=Version {0} authored by {1} on {2} Template
export.pdf.template.hint=Template used by PDF export
export.pdf.template.provider=PDF Template Provider
export.pdf.template.skinExtensionInfo=The CSS and JavaScript skin extensions provided by this page are also part of the PDF template and thus are loaded automatically when the PDF template is used.

admin.export.pdf=PDF Export
admin.export.pdf.description=Configure how wiki pages are exported to PDF.

export.pdf.admin.saveComment=Updated the PDF export configuration from the Administration
export.pdf.admin.reset.hint=Restore the default configuration
export.pdf.admin.reset.confirmation=Are you sure you want to restore the default configuration? All your changes will be lost.


export.pdf.generator.hint=The tool used to generate the PDF.
export.pdf.generator.checking=Checking if the PDF generator is available...
export.pdf.generator.checkFailed=Failed to check if the PDF generator is available.
export.pdf.generator.unavailable=The PDF generator is currently unavailable.
export.pdf.generator.userBrowser.label=User Browser
export.pdf.generator.userBrowser.hint=The PDF is generated client-side using the print function provided by the user's own web browser.
export.pdf.generator.chromeDockerContainer.label=Chrome Docker Container
export.pdf.generator.chromeDockerContainer.hint=The PDF is generated server-side using a headless Chrome web browser running inside a Docker container on the same server as XWiki.
export.pdf.generator.remoteChrome.label=Remote Chrome
export.pdf.generator.remoteChrome.hint=The PDF is generated server-side using a remote Chrome web browser that may run on a different server than XWiki.

XWiki.PDFExport.TemplateClass_cover.hint=The information displayed on the first page. E.g. the title and the author
XWiki.PDFExport.TemplateClass_toc=Table of Contents
XWiki.PDFExport.TemplateClass_toc.hint=Usually lists the content headings along with their page numbers.
XWiki.PDFExport.TemplateClass_header.hint=The information displayed at the top of each page, except for the cover page. E.g. the title
XWiki.PDFExport.TemplateClass_footer.hint=The information displayed at the bottom of each page, except for the cover page. E.g. the number of the page
XWiki.PDFExport.TemplateClass_metadata.hint=The script that is evaluated for each wiki page included in the PDF export to produce the metadata to display in the PDF header or footer. The metadata is specified using a special binding named metadata whose value is a Map<String, String>. The metadata ends up in the HTML as attributes of the heading used to display the title of each wiki page.

XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_templates.hint=The list of PDF templates the user can select from when exporting wiki pages to PDF.
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_serverSide=Server Side
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_serverSide.hint=Whether the PDF export should be performed server-side, e.g. using a headless Chrome web browser running inside a Docker container, or client-side, using the user's web browser instead.
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_chromeHost=Chrome Host
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_chromeHost.hint=The host running the headless Chrome web browser, specified either by its name or by its IP address.
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_chromeRemoteDebuggingPort=Chrome Remote Debugging Port
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_chromeRemoteDebuggingPort.hint=The port number used for communicating with the headless Chrome web browser.
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_xwikiURI=XWiki URI
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_xwikiURI.hint=The base URI that the headless Chrome browser should use to access the XWiki instance (e.g. the print preview page). Examples: localhost, localhost:9293, http://localhost, https://localhost:8080
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_chromeDockerImage=Chrome Docker Image
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_chromeDockerImage.hint=The Docker image used to create the Docker container running the headless Chrome web browser.
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_chromeDockerContainerName=Chrome Docker Container Name
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_chromeDockerContainerName.hint=The name of the Docker container running the headless Chrome web browser. This is especially useful when reusing an existing container.
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_dockerNetwork=Docker Network
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_dockerNetwork.hint=The name or id of the Docker network to add the Chrome Docker container to. This is useful when XWiki itself runs inside a Docker container and you want to have the Chrome container in the same network in order for them to communicate.
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_pageReadyTimeout=Page Ready Timeout
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_pageReadyTimeout.hint=The number of seconds to wait for the web page to be ready for print before timing out.
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_maxContentSize=Maximum Content Size
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_maxContentSize.hint=The maximum content size, in kilobytes (KB), that can be included in a single PDF export. Use 0 to disable the limit.
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_replaceFOP=Replace FOP
XWiki.PDFExport.ConfigurationClass_replaceFOP.hint=Replace the old PDF export based on Apache Formatting Objects Processor (FOP).