OfficeImporterTranslations from Office
office.createForm.type.description=Import Office documents into wiki pages

office.form.error.noDocument=You must use the {0}create action{1} to import an Office document.

office.import.document.hint=Select the office document to import. page where the content of the office document will be imported.
office.import.overwriteContent=Overwrite existing content
office.import.overwriteContent.hint=The target page already exists. You can either overwrite its content or append to the existing content.
office.import.overwriteContent.confirmationMessage=Are you sure you want to overwrite the content of the target page?
office.import.headingLevelsToSplit.hint=Import the selected heading levels and their corresponding sections in separate child pages, linked from the parent page.
office.import.childPagesNaming.hint=Choose how to name the child pages created when the imported content is split.
office.import.terminalChildPages=Terminal Child Pages
office.import.terminalChildPages.hint=Advanced: Make the created child pages terminal. Terminal pages can't have children and are generally used in applications, development or in older versions of XWiki.
office.import.inProgress=Importing office document...
office.import.done=Office document imported
office.import.failed=Office import failed

office.config.serverType.hint=The Office server type. It can be internally managed (local) or external (remote).
office.config.serverPort.hint=The port number used for connecting to the Office server instance
office.config.autoStart.hint=Specify if the Office server should be started / connected automatically at XWiki startup
office.config.serverPath.hint=The path to the Office installation
office.config.serverState.notConnected=Not Connected
office.config.serverState.confError=Invalid Configuration

## Used to indicate where deprecated keys start

## until 14.10.2, 15.0RC1
office.form.append.hint=The document already exists! Append the result to the existing wiki page

## Used to indicate where deprecated keys end