Codice sorgente Wiki di Macro risultati Livetable

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1 {{velocity output="false"}}
2 #template('hierarchy_macros.vm')
4 #**
5 * Macro to get the results of a livetable data call.
6 * This page is called from live grids via Ajax with the argument xpage=plain. It returns a
7 * set of results serialized in JSON.
8 *#
9 #macro(gridresult $className $collist)
10 #gridresultwithfilter($className $collist '' '' {})
11 #end
14 #**
15 * Computes the query used to retrieve the results of a live table data call.
16 * NOTE: This macro is not fully encapsulated because it defines a few Velocity variables that are used in subsequent macros.
17 *#
18 #macro(gridresultwithfilter_buildQuery $className $collist $filterfrom $filterwhere $filterParams)
19 ## Additional columns; should *not* contain raw parameters, all added column names must be filtered
20 #set($fromSql = '')
21 ## Parametrized filter part of the query
22 #set($whereSql = '')
23 ## List of values to use with $whereSql
24 #if (!$filterParams)
25 #set($filterParams = {})
26 #end
27 #if ($filterParams.entrySet())
28 #set($whereParams = {})
29 #else
30 #set($whereParams = [])
31 #end
32 #set($class = $xwiki.getDocument($className).getxWikiClass())
33 ##
34 ## Add the columns needed for the actual data
35 ##
36 #set($tablelist = [])
37 #foreach($colname in $collist)
38 ## If a classname is defined and the class field corresponding to the column name,
39 ## we check the type of the field and skip it if it's Password.
40 #if ($className != '' && $class.get($colname))
41 #set ($isPasswordType = $class.get($colname).classType == 'Password')
42 #set ($isEmailType = $class.get($colname).classType == 'Email')
43 #set ($emailObfuscated = $services.mail.general.shouldObfuscate())
44 #if (!($isPasswordType || ($isEmailType && $emailObfuscated)))
45 #livetable_addColumnToQuery($colname)
46 #end
47 #else
48 #livetable_addColumnToQuery($colname)
49 #end
50 #end
51 ##
52 ## Tag filtering
53 ##
54 #if($request.tag)
55 #set($fromSql = "${fromSql} , BaseObject as tobject, DBStringListProperty as tagprop")
56 #set($whereSql = "${whereSql} and tobject.className='XWiki.TagClass' and and and'tags' and (")
57 #foreach($tag in $request.getParameterValues('tag'))
58 #if($foreach.count > 1) #set($whereSql = "${whereSql} and ") #end
59 ## Tags are case insensitive but they are stored unchanged which means we have to normalize them when performing
60 ## a query. Unfortunately there's no simple way to match multiple tags (AND operator). If we join the list of
61 ## tags in the FROM clause then we match at least one of the tags (OR operator). The only remaining option is to
62 ## check that the list of tags contains each of the desired tags. HQL doesn't help us to lower-case the entire
63 ## list of tags so we use an inner select for this.
64 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
65 #set($whereSql = "${whereSql} lower(:wikitag${foreach.count}) in (select lower(tag) from tagprop.list tag)")
66 #set($discard = $whereParams.put("wikitag$foreach.count", "${tag}"))
67 #else
68 #set($whereSql = "${whereSql} lower(?) in (select lower(tag) from tagprop.list tag)")
69 #set($discard = $whereParams.add("${tag}"))
70 #end
71 #end
72 #set($whereSql = "${whereSql})")
73 #end
74 ##
75 ##
76 ## Order
77 ##
78 ## if the object for the classname of the order column is not already in the from sql, put it
79 #macro(addObjectClause $objectAlias)
80 #if($fromSql.indexOf($objectAlias) < 0)
81 #set($fromSql = "${fromSql}, BaseObject $objectAlias")
82 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
83 #set($whereSql = "${whereSql} and ${objectAlias}.name = doc.fullName and ${objectAlias}.className = :${objectAlias}_className")
84 #set($discard = $whereParams.put("${objectAlias}_className", $propClassName))
85 #else
86 #set($whereSql = "${whereSql} and ${objectAlias}.name = doc.fullName and ${objectAlias}.className = ?")
87 #set($discard = $whereParams.add($propClassName))
88 #end
89 #end
90 #end
91 ## Set the order clause for a field. We first ignore the case using the lower function (so that e.g. 'aaa' equals 'AAA')
92 ## but then consider it only for equal values (so that e.g. 'AAA' comes before 'aaa').
93 #macro(setOrderClause $fieldName $direction $useRawValue)
94 #if ($useRawValue)
95 #set($orderSql = " order by ${fieldName} ${direction}")
96 #else
97 #set($orderSql = " order by lower(${fieldName}) ${direction}, ${fieldName} ${direction}")
98 #end
99 #end
100 #set($order = "$!request.sort")
101 #if ($order == 'doc.location')
102 #set ($order = 'doc.fullName')
103 #elseif ($order == 'email' && $services.mail.general.shouldObfuscate())
104 #set ($order = '')
105 #end
106 #set ($orderSql = '')
107 #if($order != '')
108 #set($orderDirection = "$!{request.get('dir').toLowerCase()}")
109 #if("$!orderDirection" != '' && "$!orderDirection" != 'asc')
110 #set($orderDirection = 'desc')
111 #end
112 #livetable_getTableAlias($order)
113 #if($order.startsWith('doc.'))
114 ## The column is a document field.
115 ##
116 ## These document fields need to be ordered as raw values and not as strings.
117 #set($rawDocumentFields = ['translation', 'date', 'contentUpdateDate', 'creationDate', 'elements', 'minorEdit1', 'hidden'])
118 #set($documentField = $stringtool.removeStart($order, 'doc.'))
119 #setOrderClause(${safe_tableAlias.replace('_','.')}, ${orderDirection}, $rawDocumentFields.contains($documentField))
120 #else
121 ## The column is an object property.
122 ##
123 ## Resolve the property.
124 #livetable_getPropertyClassAndType($order)
125 #set ($multiselect = "$!{propClass.get($order).getProperty('multiSelect').getValue()}")
126 ## We can only handle single values, not multiselect ones.
127 #if ($multiselect != '1')
128 ## Some property types do not need lowercasing since they have unique values by design, so we use the raw values to order.
129 #set($rawPropertyTypes = ['NumberClass', 'BooleanClass', 'DateClass', 'LevelsClass'])
130 ## If the order column is also a filer column, this means that it was already added to the query and all we need to do is to add it to the order clause.
131 #if(!$tablelist.contains($order))
132 ## The order column is not also a filter column, so not yet defined in the query.
133 ## We need to first define it (to the from and where clauses) before we can add it to the order clause.
134 ##
135 ## Resolve the table name of the property to be used in the from clause below.
136 #livetable_getTableName($order)
137 ## If the sort column has a _class specified, join that object in
138 #set($orderObjectAlias = 'obj')
139 #if($propClassName != '' && "$!propClass" != '')
140 ## prepare the alias of the BaseObject table that corresponds to the class of this column
141 #set($orderObjectAlias = "$!{propClassName.replaceAll('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '')}_obj")
142 #addObjectClause($orderObjectAlias)
143 #end
144 #set($fromSql = "${fromSql}, ${tableName} ${safe_tableAlias}")
145 ## FIXME: Check if this is indeed a property of the class. Hint: $propType can be used.
146 ## Conditions are put on the object coresponding to the column of the order ($orderObjectAlias), which depends on which is the class of the $order
147 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
148 #set($whereSql = "${whereSql} and ${orderObjectAlias}.id=${safe_tableAlias} and ${safe_tableAlias}.name = :${safe_tableAlias}_name")
149 #set($discard = $whereParams.put("${safe_tableAlias}_name", "${order}"))
150 #else
151 #set($whereSql = "${whereSql} and ${orderObjectAlias}.id=${safe_tableAlias} and ${safe_tableAlias}.name = ?")
152 #set($discard = $whereParams.add("${order}"))
153 #end
154 #end
155 ## Add the column to the order clause.
156 #setOrderClause("${safe_tableAlias}.value", ${orderDirection}, $rawPropertyTypes.contains($propType))
157 #end
158 #end
159 #end
160 ##
161 ##
162 ## Compute the final queries
163 ##
164 #if ($filterParams.entrySet())
165 #set($sqlParams = {})
166 #set($tagsMatchingParams = {})
167 #set($allMatchingParams = {})
168 #else
169 #set($sqlParams = [])
170 #set($tagsMatchingParams = [])
171 #set($allMatchingParams = [])
172 #end
173 #if("$!className" != '')
174 ## Class query
175 #if ($sqlParams.entrySet())
176 #set($sql = ", BaseObject as obj $!fromSql $!filterfrom where and obj.className = :className and doc.fullName not in (:classTemplate1, :classTemplate2) $!whereSql $!filterwhere")
177 #set($discard = $sqlParams.put('className', "${className}"))
178 #set($discard = $sqlParams.put('classTemplate1', "${className}Template"))
179 #set($discard = $sqlParams.put('classTemplate2', ${className.replaceAll('Class$', 'Template')}))
180 #set($discard = $sqlParams.putAll($whereParams))
181 #else
182 #set($sql = ", BaseObject as obj $!fromSql $!filterfrom where and obj.className = ? and doc.fullName not in (?, ?) $!whereSql $!filterwhere")
183 #set($discard = $sqlParams.addAll(["${className}", "${className}Template", ${className.replaceAll('Class$', 'Template')}]))
184 #set($discard = $sqlParams.addAll($whereParams))
185 #end
186 ##
187 #set($tagsMatchingFiltersFrom = ", BaseObject as obj $!fromSql $!filterfrom")
188 #if ($tagsMatchingParams.entrySet())
189 #set($tagsMatchingFiltersWhere = " and obj.className = :className and doc.fullName not in (:classTemplate1, :classTemplate2) $!whereSql $!filterwhere")
190 #set($discard = $tagsMatchingParams.put('className', "${className}"))
191 #set($discard = $tagsMatchingParams.put('classTemplate1', "${className}Template"))
192 #set($discard = $tagsMatchingParams.put('classTemplate2', ${className.replaceAll('Class$', 'Template')}))
193 #set($discard = $tagsMatchingParams.putAll($whereParams))
194 #else
195 #set($tagsMatchingFiltersWhere = " and obj.className = ? and doc.fullName not in (?, ?) $!whereSql $!filterwhere")
196 #set($discard = $tagsMatchingParams.addAll(["${className}", "${className}Template", ${className.replaceAll('Class$', 'Template')}]))
197 #set($discard = $tagsMatchingParams.addAll($whereParams))
198 #end
199 ##
200 #set($allMatchingTagsFrom = ", BaseObject as obj $!filterfrom")
201 #if ($allMatchingParams.entrySet())
202 #set($allMatchingTagsWhere = " and obj.className = :className and doc.fullName not in (:classTemplate1, :classTemplate2) $!filterwhere")
203 #set($discard = $allMatchingParams.put('className', "${className}"))
204 #set($discard = $allMatchingParams.put('classTemplate1', "${className}Template"))
205 #set($discard = $allMatchingParams.put('classTemplate2', ${className.replaceAll('Class$', 'Template')}))
206 #else
207 #set($allMatchingTagsWhere = " and obj.className = ? and doc.fullName not in (?, ?) $!filterwhere")
208 #set($discard = $allMatchingParams.addAll(["${className}", "${className}Template", ${className.replaceAll('Class$', 'Template')}]))
209 #end
210 ##
211 #if($filterParams)
212 #if ($filterParams.entrySet())
213 #set($discard = $sqlParams.putAll($filterParams))
214 #set($discard = $tagsMatchingParams.putAll($filterParams))
215 #set($discard = $allMatchingParams.putAll($filterParams))
216 #else
217 #set($discard = $sqlParams.addAll($filterParams))
218 #set($discard = $tagsMatchingParams.addAll($filterParams))
219 #set($discard = $allMatchingParams.addAll($filterParams))
220 #end
221 #end
222 #else
223 ## Document query
224 #set($sql = "$!fromSql $!filterfrom where 1=1 $!whereSql $!filterwhere")
225 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
226 #set($discard = $sqlParams.putAll($whereParams))
227 #else
228 #set($discard = $sqlParams.addAll($whereParams))
229 #end
230 ##
231 #set($tagsMatchingFiltersFrom = "$!fromSql $!filterfrom")
232 #set($tagsMatchingFiltersWhere = "1=1 $!whereSql $!filterwhere")
233 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
234 #set($discard = $tagsMatchingParams.putAll($whereParams))
235 #else
236 #set($discard = $tagsMatchingParams.addAll($whereParams))
237 #end
238 ##
239 #set($allMatchingTagsFrom = "$!filterfrom")
240 #set($allMatchingTagsWhere = "1=1 $!filterwhere")
241 ##
242 #if($filterParams)
243 #if ($filterParams.entrySet())
244 #set($discard = $sqlParams.putAll($filterParams))
245 #set($discard = $tagsMatchingParams.putAll($filterParams))
246 #set($discard = $allMatchingParams.putAll($filterParams))
247 #else
248 #set($discard = $sqlParams.addAll($filterParams))
249 #set($discard = $tagsMatchingParams.addAll($filterParams))
250 #set($discard = $allMatchingParams.addAll($filterParams))
251 #end
252 #end
253 #end
254 #if($orderSql != '')
255 #set($sql = "$sql $!{orderSql}")
256 #end
257 #end
258 #**
259 * Adds TagCloud information to the JSON returned by a live table data call.
260 * NOTE: This macro uses Velocity variables defined by gridresultwithfilter_buildQuery.
261 *
262 * @param $map stores the JSON in memory so that it can be adjusted before serialization
263 *#
264 #macro(gridresult_buildTagCloudJSON $map)
265 ##
266 ## TagCloud matching the current filters
267 ##
268 #set($tagsMatchingFilters = $xwiki.tag.getTagCountForQuery($tagsMatchingFiltersFrom, $tagsMatchingFiltersWhere, $tagsMatchingParams))
269 ## FIXME: We use a map just because the client expects an object, but all we really need is a list..
270 #set($matchingTags = {})
271 #foreach($tag in $tagsMatchingFilters.keySet())
272 ## NOTE: The value doesn't have a special meaning. I've used 1 just because it takes less space when serialized.
273 #set($discard = $matchingTags.put($tag, 1))
274 #end
275 #set($discard = $map.put('matchingtags', $matchingTags))
276 ##
277 ## TagCloud matching all the documents used by the live table
278 ##
279 ## If all the query parameters are the same as for $tagsMatchingFilters, no need to run the query again.
280 ## This optimization allows to divide the time to compute the tagcloud by 2 when the table has no filters applied.
281 #if ($allMatchingTagsFrom.trim() != $tagsMatchingFiltersFrom.trim() || $allMatchingTagsWhere.trim() != $tagsMatchingFiltersWhere.trim() || $tagsMatchingParams != $allMatchingParams)
282 #set($allMatchingTags = $xwiki.tag.getTagCountForQuery($allMatchingTagsFrom, $allMatchingTagsWhere, $allMatchingParams))
283 #else
284 #set($allMatchingTags = $tagsMatchingFilters)
285 #end
286 ## FIXME: We use a list of maps just because the client expects an array, but we should simply return $allMatchingTags..
287 #set($tags = [])
288 #foreach($tag in $allMatchingTags.keySet())
289 #set($discard = $tags.add({'tag': $tag, 'count': $allMatchingTags.get($tag)}))
290 #end
291 #set($discard = $map.put('tags', $tags))
292 #end
295 #**
296 * Adds information about each live table row to the JSON returned by a live table data call.
297 * NOTE: This macro uses Velocity variables defined by gridresultwithfilter_buildQuery.
298 *
299 * @param $map stores the JSON in memory so that it can be adjusted before serialization
300 *#
301 #macro(gridresult_buildRowsJSON $map)
302 #set($offset = $numbertool.toNumber($request.get('offset')).intValue())
303 ## Offset starts from 0 in velocity and 1 in javascript
304 #set($offset = $offset - 1)
305 #if(!$offset || $offset < 0)
306 #set($offset = 0)
307 #end
308 #set($limit = $numbertool.toNumber($request.get('limit')).intValue())
309 #if(!$limit)
310 #set ($limit = 15)
311 #end
312 #set($query = $services.query.hql($sql))
313 ## Apply query filters if defined. Otherwise use default.
314 #foreach ($queryFilter in $stringtool.split($!request.queryFilters, ', '))
315 #set ($query = $query.addFilter($queryFilter))
316 #end
317 #set ($query = $query.setLimit($limit).setOffset($offset).bindValues($sqlParams))
318 #set($items = $query.execute())
319 #set($discard = $map.put('totalrows', $query.count()))
320 #if ($limit > 0)
321 #set($discard = $map.put('returnedrows', $mathtool.min($items.size(), $limit)))
322 #else
323 ## When the limit is 0, it's equivalent to no limit at all and the actual number of returned results can be used.
324 #set($discard = $map.put('returnedrows', $items.size()))
325 #end
326 #set($discard = $map.put('offset', $mathtool.add($offset, 1)))
327 #set($rows = [])
328 #foreach($item in $items)
329 #gridresult_buildRowJSON($item $rows)
330 #end
331 #set ($discard = $map.put('rows', $rows))
332 #livetable_filterObfuscated($map)
333 #end
336 #**
337 * Adds information about the specified live table row to the JSON returned by a live table data call.
338 * NOTE: This macro uses Velocity variables available in gridresult_buildRowsJSON.
339 *
340 * @param $item the name of the document that feeds this live table row
341 * @param $rows stores the JSON in memory so that it can be adjusted before serialization
342 *#
343 #macro(gridresult_buildRowJSON $item $rows)
344 ## Handle both the case where the "language" filter is used and thus languages are returned too and the case where
345 ## only the document name is returned. When more than the document name is returned the $item variable is a list.
346 #if($item.size())
347 ## Extract doc name and doc language from $item
348 #set($docName = $item[0])
349 #set($docLanguage = $item[1])
350 #else
351 #set($docName = $item)
352 #set($docLanguage = '')
353 #end
354 #set ($docReference = $services.model.resolveDocument($docName))
355 #set ($isViewable = $'view', $docReference))
356 #if ($isViewable)
357 #set ($row = {
358 'doc_viewable': $isViewable,
359 'doc_fullName': $services.model.serialize($docReference, 'local'),
360 'doc_space': $services.model.serialize($docReference.parent, 'local'),
361 'doc_location': "#hierarchy($docReference, {'limit': 5, 'plain': false, 'local': true, 'displayTitle': false})",
362 'doc_url': $xwiki.getURL($docReference),
363 'doc_space_url': $xwiki.getURL($docReference.parent),
364 'doc_wiki': $,
365 'doc_wiki_url': $xwiki.getURL($docReference.wikiReference),
366 'doc_hasadmin': $xwiki.hasAdminRights(),
367 'doc_hasedit': $'edit', $docReference),
368 'doc_hasdelete': $'delete', $docReference),
369 'doc_edit_url': $xwiki.getURL($docReference, 'edit'),
370 'doc_copy_url': $xwiki.getURL($docReference, 'view', 'xpage=copy'),
371 'doc_delete_url': $xwiki.getURL($docReference, 'delete'),
372 'doc_rename_url': $xwiki.getURL($docReference, 'view', 'xpage=rename&step=1')
373 })
374 #set ($isTranslation = "$!docLanguage" != '' && $xwiki.getLanguagePreference() != $docLanguage)
375 ## Display the language after the document name so that not all translated documents have the same name displayed.
376 #set ($row.doc_name = "$ ($isTranslation) ($docLanguage)#end")
377 #set ($row.doc_hascopy = $row.doc_viewable)
378 #set ($row.doc_hasrename = $row.doc_hasdelete)
379 #set ($row.doc_hasrights = $row.doc_hasedit && $isAdvancedUser)
380 #if ($ == 'WebHome')
382 ## For nested pages, use the page administration.
383 #set ($webPreferencesReference = $services.model.createDocumentReference(
384 'WebPreferences', $docReference.lastSpaceReference))
385 #set ($row.doc_rights_url = $xwiki.getURL($webPreferencesReference, 'admin',
386 'editor=spaceadmin&section=PageRights'))
387 #else
388 ## For terminal pages, use the old rights editor.
389 ## TODO: We should create a page administration for terminal pages too.
390 #set ($row.doc_rights_url = $xwiki.getURL($docReference, 'edit', 'editor=rights'))
391 #end
392 #if ($row.doc_viewable)
393 #set ($itemDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($docReference))
394 ## Handle translations. We need to make sure we display the data associated to the correct document if the returned
395 ## result is a translation.
396 #if ($isTranslation)
397 #set ($translatedDoc = $itemDoc.getTranslatedDocument($docLanguage))
398 #else
399 #set ($translatedDoc = $itemDoc.translatedDocument)
400 #end
401 #set($discard = $itemDoc.use($className))
402 #set($discard = $row.put('doc_objectCount', $itemDoc.getObjectNumbers($className)))
403 #set($discard = $row.put('doc_edit_url', $itemDoc.getURL($itemDoc.defaultEditMode)))
404 #set($discard = $row.put('doc_date', $xwiki.formatDate($
405 #set($discard = $row.put('doc_title', $translatedDoc.plainTitle))
406 #set($rawTitle = $translatedDoc.title)
407 #if($rawTitle != $row['doc_title'])
408 #set($discard = $row.put('doc_title_raw', $rawTitle))
409 #end
410 #set ($metadataAuthor = $translatedDoc.authors.originalMetadataAuthor)
411 #if ($metadataAuthor == $services.user.getGuestUserReference())
412 ## Special handling for guest so that it displays unknown user.
413 #set($discard = $row.put('doc_author', $xwiki.getPlainUserName($NULL)))
414 #else
415 #set($discard = $row.put('doc_author', $xwiki.getPlainUserName($metadataAuthor)))
416 #end
418 #set($discard = $row.put('doc_author_url', $xwiki.getURL($metadataAuthor)))
419 #set($discard = $row.put('doc_creationDate', $xwiki.formatDate($translatedDoc.creationDate)))
420 #set($discard = $row.put('doc_creator', $xwiki.getPlainUserName($translatedDoc.creatorReference)))
421 #set($discard = $row.put('doc_hidden', $translatedDoc.isHidden()))
422 #foreach($colname in $collist)
423 #gridresult_buildColumnJSON($colname $row)
424 #end
425 #end
426 #else
427 #set ($row = {
428 'doc_viewable': $isViewable,
429 'doc_fullName': 'obfuscated'
430 })
431 #end
432 #set($discard = $rows.add($row))
433 #end
436 #**
437 * Adds information about the given column to the JSON returned by a live table data call.
438 * NOTE: This macro uses Velocity variables available in gridresult_buildRowJSON.
439 *
440 * @param $colname the name of the live table column for which to retrieve information
441 * @param $row stores the JSON in memory so that it can be adjusted before serialization
442 *#
443 #macro(gridresult_buildColumnJSON $colname $row)
444 #if($colname.startsWith('doc.'))
445 #elseif($colname == '_action')
446 #set($discard = $row.put($colname, $services.localization.render("${request.transprefix}actiontext")))
447 #elseif($colname == '_attachments')
448 #livetable_getAttachmentsList($translatedDoc)
449 #set($discard = $row.put($colname, $attachlist))
450 #elseif($colname == '_avatar')
451 #livetable_getAvatar($itemDoc)
452 #set($discard = $row.put($colname, $avatar))
453 #elseif($colname == '_images')
454 #livetable_getImagesList($itemDoc)
455 #set($discard = $row.put($colname, $imagesList))
456 ## Output likes if they are available.
457 #elseif($colname == '_likes' && "$!" != "")
458 #set($likes = $$docReference))
459 #if ($likes.isPresent())
460 #set($discard = $row.put('_likes', $likes.get()))
461 #end
462 #else
463 #livetable_getPropertyClassAndType($colname)
464 #if(!$propClass.equals($class))
465 #set($discard = $itemDoc.use($propClassName))
466 #end
467 #set($fieldObject = $itemDoc.getFirstObject($colname))
468 #set($fieldProperty = $fieldObject.getProperty($colname))
469 #if ($fieldProperty.getPropertyClass().classType == 'Password')
470 #set($fieldValue = '********')
471 #elseif ($fieldProperty.getPropertyClass().classType == 'Email' && $services.mail.general.shouldObfuscate())
472 #set ($fieldValue = $services.mail.general.obfuscate("$!fieldProperty.getValue()"))
473 #else
474 #set($fieldValue = "$!fieldProperty.getValue()")
475 #end
476 #set($fieldDisplayValue = "#unwrapXPropertyDisplay($itemDoc.display($colname, 'view'))")
477 #if($fieldDisplayValue == '')
478 #set($fieldDisplayValue = $services.localization.render("${request.transprefix}emptyvalue"))
479 #end
480 #set($fieldUrl = '')
481 ## Only retrieve an URL for a DBListClass item
482 #if(($propType == 'DBListClass' || $propType == 'PageClass') && $propClass.get($colname).getProperty('multiSelect').value != 1)
483 #set($fieldUrl = $xwiki.getURL($fieldValue))
484 #if($fieldUrl == $xwiki.getURL($services.model.resolveDocument('', 'default', $doc.documentReference.extractReference('WIKI'))))
485 #set($fieldUrl = '')
486 #end
487 #end
488 #set($discard = $row.put($colname, $fieldDisplayValue))
489 #set($discard = $row.put("${colname}_value", $fieldValue))
490 #set($discard = $row.put("${colname}_url", $fieldUrl))
491 ## Reset to the default class
492 #set($discard = $itemDoc.use($className))
493 #end
494 #end
497 #**
498 * Builds the JSON response to a live table data call.
499 *
500 * @param $map stores the JSON in memory so that it can be adjusted before serialization
501 *#
502 #macro(gridresultwithfilter_buildJSON $className $collist $filterfrom $filterwhere $filterParams $map)
503 #gridresultwithfilter_buildQuery($className $collist $filterfrom $filterwhere $filterParams)
504 #if("$!request.sql" == '1')
505 #set($discard = $map.put('sql', $sql))
506 #set($discard = $map.put('params', $sqlParams))
507 #end
508 #set($discard = $map.put('reqNo', $numbertool.toNumber($request.reqNo).intValue()))
509 #gridresult_buildTagCloudJSON($map)
510 #gridresult_buildRowsJSON($map)
511 #end
514 #**
515 * Builds the JSON response to a live table data call.
516 *
517 * @param $map stores the JSON in memory so that it can be adjusted before serialization
518 *#
519 #macro(gridresult_buildJSON $className $collist $map)
520 #gridresultwithfilter_buildJSON($className $collist '' '' {} $map)
521 #end
524 #**
525 * Macro to get the results of a livetable data call.
526 * This page is called from live grids via Ajax with the argument xpage=plain. It returns a
527 * set of results serialized in JSON.
528 *#
529 #macro(gridresultwithfilter $className $collist $filterfrom $filterwhere $filterParams)
530 #if($xcontext.action == 'get' && "$!{request.outputSyntax}" == 'plain')
531 ## Build the JSON in memory (using basic Java data types) so that it can be adjusted before serialization.
532 #set($map = {})
533 #gridresultwithfilter_buildJSON($className $collist $filterfrom $filterwhere $filterParams $map)
534 #jsonResponse($map)
535 #end
536 #end
539 #**
540 * Get the name of the Property that should be used for a given livetable column.
541 * NOTE the resulting $tableName is safe to use inside SQL queries
542 *#
543 #macro(livetable_getTableName $colname)
544 #livetable_getPropertyClassAndType($colname)
545 #if($propType == 'NumberClass')
546 #set($numberType = $propClass.get($colname).getProperty('numberType').getValue())
547 #if($numberType == 'integer')
548 #set($tableName = 'IntegerProperty')
549 #elseif($numberType == 'float')
550 #set($tableName = 'FloatProperty')
551 #elseif($numberType == 'double')
552 #set($tableName = 'DoubleProperty')
553 #else
554 #set($tableName = 'LongProperty')
555 #end
556 #elseif($propType == 'BooleanClass')
557 #set($tableName = 'IntegerProperty')
558 #elseif($propType == 'DateClass')
559 #set($tableName = 'DateProperty')
560 #elseif($propType == 'TextAreaClass' || $propType == 'UsersClass' || $propType == 'GroupsClass')
561 #set($tableName = 'LargeStringProperty')
562 #elseif($propType == 'StaticListClass' || $propType == 'DBListClass' || $propType == 'DBTreeListClass' || $propType == 'PageClass')
563 #set($multiSelect = $propClass.get($colname).getProperty('multiSelect').getValue())
564 #set($relationalStorage = $propClass.get($colname).getProperty('relationalStorage').getValue())
565 #if($multiSelect == 1)
566 #if($relationalStorage == 1)
567 #set($tableName = 'DBStringListProperty')
568 #else
569 #set($tableName = 'StringListProperty')
570 #end
571 #else
572 #set($tableName = 'StringProperty')
573 #end
574 #else
575 #set($tableName = 'StringProperty')
576 #end
577 #end
579 #**
580 * Get the property class and type for a given livetable column.
581 *#
582 #macro(livetable_getPropertyClassAndType $colname)
583 #set($propClassName = "$!request.get(${colname.concat('_class')})")
584 #if($propClassName != '')
585 #set($propClass = $xwiki.getDocument($propClassName).getxWikiClass())
586 #else
587 #set($propClass = $class)
588 #end
589 #set($propType = '')
590 #if($propClass.getPropertyNames().contains($colname))
591 #set($propType = "$!{propClass.get($colname).type}")
592 #end
593 #end
595 #**
596 * Old alias of the #livetable_getTableName macro.
597 * @deprecated since 2.2.3, use {@link #livetable_getTableName}
598 *#
599 #macro(grid_gettablename $colname)
600 #livetable_getTableName($colname)
601 #end
605 #**
606 * List attachments for a document, putting the result as HTML markup in the $attachlist variable.
607 *#
608 #macro(livetable_getAttachmentsList $itemDoc)
609 #set($attachlist = '')
610 #foreach($attachment in $itemDoc.attachmentList)
611 #set($attachmentUrl = $itemDoc.getAttachmentURL($attachment.filename))
612 #set($attachlist = "${attachlist}<a href='${attachmentUrl}'>$attachment.filename</a><br/>")
613 #end
614 #end
616 #**
617 * Old alias of the #livetable_getAttachmentsList macro.
618 * @deprecated since 2.2.3, use {@link #livetable_getAttachmentsList}
619 *#
620 #macro(grid_attachlist $itemDoc)
621 #livetable_getAttachmentsList($itemDoc)
622 #end
626 #**
627 * List image attachments for a document, putting the result as HTML markup in the $imagesList variable.
628 *#
629 #macro(livetable_getImagesList $itemDoc)
630 #set($imagesList = '')
631 #foreach ($attachment in $itemDoc.attachmentList)
632 #if($attachment.isImage())
633 ## Create a thumbnail by resizing the image on the server side, if needed, to fit inside a 50x50 pixel square.
634 #set($thumbnailURL = $itemDoc.getAttachmentURL($attachment.filename, 'download', "width=50&height=50&keepAspectRatio=true"))
635 #set($imageURL = $itemDoc.getAttachmentURL($attachment.filename))
636 #set($imagesList = "${imagesList}<a href=""$imageURL""><img src=""$thumbnailURL"" alt=""$attachment.filename"" title=""$attachment.filename"" /></a>")
637 #end
638 #end
639 #end
641 #**
642 * Old alias of the #livetable_getImagesList macro.
643 * @deprecated since 2.2.3, use {@link #livetable_getImagesList}
644 *#
645 #macro(grid_photolist $itemDoc)
646 #livetable_getImagesList($itemDoc)
647 #end
650 #**
651 * Generate the HTML code for a user avatar.
652 *#
653 #macro(livetable_getAvatar $itemDoc)
654 #set ($avatar = "#mediumUserAvatar($itemDoc.fullName)")
655 #set ($avatar = $avatar.trim())
656 #end
658 #**
659 * Old alias of the #livetable_getAvatar macro.
660 * @deprecated since 2.2.3, use {@link #livetable_getAvatar}
661 *#
662 #macro(grid_avatar $itemDoc)
663 #livetable_getAvatar($itemDoc)
664 #end
668 #**
669 * Macro to extend the query to select the properties for the livetable columns.
670 * NOTE $colName is filtered (all characters but [a-zA-Z0-9_.] are removed) before use
671 *#
672 #macro (livetable_addColumnToQuery $colName)
673 ## Safe because / is not allowed in property names
674 ## The $joinModeMarker is used in #livetable_filterDBStringListProperty.
675 #set ($joinModeMarker = "/join_mode")
676 #if (!$colName.endsWith($joinModeMarker))
677 #set ($filterValue = "$!request.getParameter($colName)")
678 #if ("$!filterValue" != '')
679 #set ($discard = $tablelist.add($colName))
680 ## Some columns may support filtering with multiple constraints (multiple filter values).
681 #set ($filterValues = $request.getParameterValues($colName))
682 #if ($colName.startsWith('doc.'))
683 #if ($colName == 'doc.location')
684 #set ($safeColName = 'doc.fullName')
685 ## Use filterLocation since addLivetableLocationFilter is buggy when called several times (it'll add the
686 ## same HQL binding name every time it's called! See
687 ## Also note that we don't call addLocationFilter since we use a Map for $params.
688 #filterLocation($whereSql, $whereParams, $filterValue, 'locationFilterValue2', true)
689 #elseif ($colName == '' || $colName == 'doc.creationDate' || $colName == 'doc.contentUpdateDate')
690 #livetable_getTableAlias($colName)
691 #livetable_filterDateProperty()
692 #else
693 #set ($safeColName = $colName.replaceAll('[^a-zA-Z0-9_.]', '').replace('_', '.'))
694 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
695 #set ($whereSql = "${whereSql} and upper(str($safeColName)) like upper(:${safeColName.replace('.', '_')}_filter)")
696 #set ($discard = $whereParams.put("${safeColName.replace('.', '_')}_filter", "%$filterValue%"))
697 #else
698 #set ($whereSql = "${whereSql} and upper(str($safeColName)) like upper(?)")
699 #set ($discard = $whereParams.add("%$filterValue%"))
700 #end
701 #end
702 #else
703 #livetable_filterProperty($colName)
704 #end
705 #end
706 #end
707 #end
710 #**
711 * Determine how the filter values should be matched against the stored values. This macro sets two variables:
712 * <ul>
713 * <li>$matchType: use this when the specified column supports only a single filter value</li>
714 * <li>$matchTypes: use this when the specified column supports multiple filter values.</li>
715 * </ul>
716 *
717 * @param column the column name; each column can have a different match type
718 * @param filterValueCount the number of filter values for which to determine the match type; each filter value can have
719 * a different match type
720 * @param defaultMatchType the default match type to use for the given column when the request doesn't specify one
721 *#
722 #macro (livetable_getMatchTypes $column $filterValueCount $defaultMatchType)
723 #set ($macro.matchTypes = $request.getParameterValues("${column}_match"))
724 #if (!$macro.matchTypes || $macro.matchTypes.isEmpty())
725 ## No match type specified for this column.
726 #set ($matchType = $defaultMatchType)
727 #set ($matchTypes = $stringtool.repeat($matchType, ',', $filterValueCount).split(','))
728 #else
729 ## At least one match type specified for this column.
730 #set ($matchType = $macro.matchTypes.get(0))
731 #set ($matchTypes = [])
732 #set ($discard = $matchTypes.addAll($macro.matchTypes.subList(0, $mathtool.min($macro.matchTypes.size(),
733 $filterValueCount))))
734 #if ($matchTypes.size() < $filterValueCount)
735 ## Add missing match types.
736 #set ($discard = $matchTypes.addAll($stringtool.repeat($matchType, ',', $mathtool.sub($filterValueCount,
737 $matchTypes.size())).split(',')))
738 #end
739 #end
740 #end
743 #macro (livetable_filterProperty $colname)
744 #livetable_getTableAlias($colname)
745 #livetable_getTableName($colname)
746 #set ($fromSql = "$fromSql, $tableName as $safe_tableAlias")
747 ##
748 ## If the column is not from $class, we need to make sure we join with the proper table.
749 #set ($filterObjectAlias = 'obj')
750 #set ($propClass = $class)
751 #set ($propClassName = $request.getParameter("${colname}_class"))
752 #if ("$!propClassName" != '')
753 #set ($propClass = $xwiki.getDocument($propClassName).getxWikiClass())
754 #if ("$!propClass" != '')
755 ## Prepare the alias of the BaseObject table that corresponds to the class of this column
756 ## Property table is to be joined with its object, determined depending on $propClassName.
757 #set ($filterObjectAlias = "$!{propClassName.replaceAll('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '')}_obj")
758 #addObjectClause($filterObjectAlias)
759 #end
760 #end
761 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
762 #set ($joinObjectTable = "${filterObjectAlias}.id = ${safe_tableAlias} and ${safe_tableAlias} = :${safe_tableAlias}_id_name")
763 #set ($discard = $whereParams.put("${safe_tableAlias}_id_name", $colname))
764 #else
765 #set ($joinObjectTable = "${filterObjectAlias}.id = ${safe_tableAlias} and ${safe_tableAlias} = ?")
766 #set ($discard = $whereParams.add($colname))
767 #end
768 #set ($whereSql = "$whereSql and $joinObjectTable")
769 ##
770 ## We determine the default match type (when not specified) based on the property meta class (e.g. DateClass).
771 #set ($propMetaClass = $NULL)
772 #if ($propClass && $propClass.getPropertyNames().contains($colname))
773 #set ($propMetaClass = $propClass.get($colname).type)
774 #end
775 ##
776 #set ($numberProperties = ['IntegerProperty', 'LongProperty', 'FloatProperty', 'DoubleProperty'])
777 #if ($numberProperties.contains($tableName))
778 #livetable_filterNumberProperty()
779 #elseif ($tableName == 'DateProperty')
780 #livetable_filterDateProperty()
781 #elseif ($tableName == 'DBStringListProperty')
782 #livetable_filterDBStringListProperty()
783 #elseif ($tableName == 'StringListProperty')
784 #livetable_filterStringListProperty()
785 #else
786 ## StringProperty or LargeStringProperty
787 #livetable_filterStringProperty()
788 #end
789 #end
792 #**
793 * NOTE: This macro uses variables defined in livetable_filterProperty . It was not meant to be used alone.
794 *#
795 #macro (livetable_filterNumberProperty)
796 #set($numberValue = $numbertool.toNumber($filterValue))
797 #if($tableName == 'IntegerProperty' || $tableName == 'LongProperty')
798 #if($tableName == 'LongProperty')
799 #set($numberValue = $numberValue.longValue())
800 #else
801 ## IntegerProperty
802 #set($numberValue = $numberValue.intValue())
803 #end
804 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
805 #set($whereSql = "${whereSql} and ${safe_tableAlias}.value = :${safe_tableAlias}_value")
806 #set($discard = $whereParams.put("${safe_tableAlias}_value", $numberValue))
807 #else
808 #set($whereSql = "${whereSql} and ${safe_tableAlias}.value = ?")
809 #set($discard = $whereParams.add($numberValue))
810 #end
811 #else
812 #if($tableName == 'FloatProperty')
813 #set($numberValue = $numberValue.floatValue())
814 #else
815 ## DoubleProperty
816 #set($numberValue = $numberValue.doubleValue())
817 #end
818 #set($precision = 0.000001)
819 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
820 #set($whereSql = "${whereSql} and abs(:${safe_tableAlias}_value - ${safe_tableAlias}.value) <= ${precision}")
821 #set($discard = $whereParams.put("${safe_tableAlias}_value", $numberValue))
822 #else
823 #set($whereSql = "${whereSql} and abs(? - ${safe_tableAlias}.value) <= ${precision}")
824 #set($discard = $whereParams.add($numberValue))
825 #end
826 #end
827 #end
830 #**
831 * NOTE: This macro uses variables defined in livetable_filterProperty . It was not meant to be used alone.
832 *#
833 #macro (livetable_filterDateProperty)
834 #if ($safe_tableAlias.startsWith('doc.'))
835 #set ($dateProperty = $safe_tableAlias)
836 #else
837 #set ($dateProperty = "${safe_tableAlias}.value")
838 #end
839 #set ($safeDateProperty = $dateProperty.replace('.', '_'))
840 #set ($dateRange = {})
841 ## Perform partial string matching by default if no match type is specified.
842 ## Note that for the moment we support only one filter value (e.g. one date range) and thus only the first match type
843 ## is taken into account.
844 #livetable_getMatchTypes($colname $filterValues.size() 'partial')
845 #parseDateRange($matchType $filterValue $dateRange)
846 #if ($dateRange.start || $dateRange.end)
847 ## Date range.
848 #if ($dateRange.start)
849 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
850 #set ($whereSql = "${whereSql} and $dateProperty >= :${safeDateProperty}1")
851 #set ($discard = $whereParams.put("${safeDateProperty}1", $dateRange.start))
852 #else
853 #set ($whereSql = "${whereSql} and $dateProperty >= ?")
854 #set ($discard = $whereParams.add($dateRange.start))
855 #end
856 #end
857 #if ($dateRange.end)
858 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
859 #set ($whereSql = "${whereSql} and $dateProperty <= :${safeDateProperty}2")
860 #set ($discard = $whereParams.put("${safeDateProperty}2", $dateRange.end))
861 #else
862 #set ($whereSql = "${whereSql} and $dateProperty <= ?")
863 #set ($discard = $whereParams.add($dateRange.end))
864 #end
865 #end
866 #else
867 ## String matching (contains).
868 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
869 #set ($whereSql = "${whereSql} and upper(str($dateProperty)) like upper(:$safeDateProperty)")
870 #set ($discard = $whereParams.put($safeDateProperty, "%$filterValue%"))
871 #else
872 #set ($whereSql = "${whereSql} and upper(str($dateProperty)) like upper(?)")
873 #set ($discard = $whereParams.add("%$filterValue%"))
874 #end
875 #end
876 #end
879 #**
880 * NOTE: This macro uses variables defined in livetable_filterProperty . It was not meant to be used alone.
881 *#
882 #macro (livetable_filterDBStringListProperty)
883 ## Perform exact matching by default if no match type is specified.
884 ## Note that for DBStringList properties we take into account only the first match type, even if multiple filter
885 ## values are specified. Basically the first match type is used for all filter values.
886 #livetable_getMatchTypes($colname $filterValues.size() 'exact')
887 #if ($matchType == 'partial' || $matchType == 'prefix')
888 ## We need to join with the list of values in order to be able to use the LIKE operator.
889 #set ($matchTarget = "${safe_tableAlias}_item")
890 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
891 #set ($paramPrefix = "${safe_tableAlias}_item_")
892 #else
893 #set ($paramPrefix = $NULL)
894 #end
895 #set ($joinPos = $mathtool.add($fromSql.lastIndexOf(" $safe_tableAlias"), $mathtool.add($safe_tableAlias.length(), 1)))
896 #set ($fromSql = "$fromSql.substring(0, $joinPos) join ${safe_tableAlias}.list as $matchTarget $fromSql.substring($joinPos)")
897 #else
898 ## Fall-back on exact matching even if the match type is specified, when its value is not supported.
899 #set ($matchType = 'exact')
900 #set ($matchTarget = "${safe_tableAlias}.list")
901 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
902 #set ($paramPrefix = "${safe_tableAlias}_list_")
903 #else
904 #set ($paramPrefix = $NULL)
905 #end
906 #end
907 #set ($filterQuery = "#livetable_getFilterQuery($matchTarget $matchType true $filterValues.size() $paramPrefix $NULL)")
908 #set ($whereSql = "$whereSql and ($filterQuery.trim())")
909 #foreach ($filterValue in $filterValues)
910 #livetable_addFilterParam($filterValue $matchType $whereParams "${paramPrefix}${foreach.count}")
911 #end
912 #end
915 #**
916 * NOTE: This macro uses variables defined in livetable_filterProperty . It was not meant to be used alone.
917 *#
918 #macro (livetable_filterStringListProperty)
919 ## From the user point of view we support only exact matching for StringList properties, due to the way the values of
920 ## these properties are stored (concatenated). But when building the actual query, the match type is in fact partial
921 ## because we have to use the like operator in order to match the concatenated list of values.
922 #livetable_getMatchTypes($colname $filterValues.size() 'exact')
923 #set ($matchTarget = "concat('|', concat(${safe_tableAlias}.textValue, '|'))")
924 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
925 #set ($paramPrefix = "${safe_tableAlias}_textValue_")
926 #else
927 #set ($paramPrefix = $NULL)
928 #end
929 ## As noted above, we have to use the like operator because the list of values is saved concatenated, so from the
930 ## point of view of the query the match type is always partial.
931 #set ($filterQuery = "#livetable_getFilterQuery($matchTarget 'partial' false $filterValues.size() $paramPrefix $NULL)")
932 #set ($whereSql = "${whereSql} and ($filterQuery.trim())")
933 #foreach ($filterValue in $filterValues)
934 #if ($matchTypes.get($foreach.index) == 'empty')
935 ## The client side cannot pass an empty filter value so it specifies that the value is empty using the match type.
936 #set ($filterValue = '')
937 #end
938 ## As noted above, we can only perform exact matching due to the way the values are stored (concatenated).
939 #livetable_addFilterParam("%|$filterValue|%" 'exact' $whereParams "${paramPrefix}${foreach.count}")
940 #end
941 #end
944 #**
945 * NOTE: This macro uses variables defined in livetable_filterProperty . It was not meant to be used alone.
946 *#
947 #macro (livetable_filterStringProperty)
948 #if ($propMetaClass.endsWith('ListClass'))
949 ## Perform exact matching by default for StaticListClass, DBListClass and DBTreeListClass
950 ## when they are stored as StringProperty (i.e. single value and no relational storage).
951 #set ($defaultStringMatchType = 'exact')
952 #else
953 ## Perform partial matching by default otherwise.
954 #set ($defaultStringMatchType = 'partial')
955 #end
956 #livetable_getMatchTypes($colname $filterValues.size() $defaultStringMatchType)
957 ## Group the filter values by match type so that we cann optimize the query.
958 #livetable_groupFilterValuesByMatchType($matchTypes $filterValues)
959 #if ($whereParams.entrySet())
960 #set ($paramPrefix = "${safe_tableAlias}_value_")
961 #else
962 #set ($paramPrefix = $NULL)
963 #end
964 ## Note that unlike other property types, the String property supports different match types for different filter
965 ## values. This means we have to call livetable_getFilterQuery for each filter value and then join the constraints
966 ## ourselves.
967 #set ($constraints = [])
968 #set ($paramOffset = 1)
969 #foreach ($entry in $filterValuesByMatchType.entrySet())
970 #set ($matchType = $entry.key)
971 #set ($filterValues = $entry.value)
972 #set ($constraint = "#livetable_getFilterQuery(""${safe_tableAlias}.value"" $matchType false $filterValues.size() $paramPrefix $paramOffset)")
973 #set ($discard = $constraints.add($constraint.trim()))
974 #foreach ($filterValue in $filterValues)
975 #livetable_addFilterParam($filterValue $matchType $whereParams
976 "${paramPrefix}${mathtool.add($paramOffset, $foreach.index)}")
977 #end
978 #set ($paramOffset = $paramOffset + $filterValues.size())
979 #end
980 #set ($whereSql = "${whereSql} and ($stringtool.join($constraints, "" $joinOperator ""))")
981 #end
983 #macro (livetable_groupFilterValuesByMatchType $matchTypes $filterValues)
984 #set ($filterValuesByMatchType = {})
985 #foreach ($matchType in $matchTypes)
986 #set ($discard = $filterValuesByMatchType.putIfAbsent($matchType, []))
987 #set ($discard = $filterValuesByMatchType.get($matchType).add($filterValues.get($foreach.index)))
988 #end
989 #end
991 #macro (livetable_getJoinOperator $colName)
992 #set ($joinOperator = "$!{request.get(""${colName}${joinModeMarker}"").toUpperCase()}")
993 #if ($joinOperator != 'AND' && $joinOperator != 'OR')
994 #set ($joinOperator = 'AND')
995 #end
996 #end
998 #macro (livetable_getFilterQuery $column $matchType $isList $valueCount $paramPrefix $paramOffset)
999 #livetable_getJoinOperator($colname)
1000 #if (!$paramOffset)
1001 #set ($paramOffset = 1)
1002 #end
1003 #if ($matchType == 'partial' || $matchType == 'prefix')
1004 #livetable_repeatParams("upper($column) like upper(?)", " $joinOperator ", $valueCount, $paramPrefix, $paramOffset)
1005 #elseif($matchType == 'empty')
1006 ## Check if the value of the column is like the empty parameter (which is often the empty string), or if the value
1007 ## of the column is null (to be compliant with Oracle which stores the empty string as a NULL value).
1008 #livetable_repeatParams("($column like ? or $column is null)", " $joinOperator ", $valueCount, $paramPrefix,
1009 $paramOffset)
1010 #elseif ($isList)
1011 #livetable_repeatParams("? in elements($column)", " $joinOperator ", $valueCount, $paramPrefix, $paramOffset)
1012 #elseif ($valueCount > 1 && $joinOperator == 'OR')
1013 $column in (#livetable_repeatParams('?', ', ', $valueCount, $paramPrefix, $paramOffset))
1014 #else
1015 #livetable_repeatParams("$column = ?", ' AND ', $valueCount, $paramPrefix, $paramOffset)
1016 #end
1017 #end
1019 #macro (livetable_repeatParams $str $separator $valueCount $paramPrefix $paramOffset)
1020 #if ($valueCount > 0)
1021 #foreach ($count in [1..$valueCount])
1022 #if ($count > 1)
1023 $separator##
1024 #end
1025 #if ($paramPrefix)
1026 $str.replace('?', ":${paramPrefix}${mathtool.add($paramOffset, $foreach.index)}")##
1027 #else
1028 $str##
1029 #end
1030 #end
1031 #end
1032 #end
1034 #macro (livetable_addFilterParam $filterValue $matchType $params $paramName)
1035 #if ($matchType == 'partial')
1036 #if ($params.entrySet())
1037 #set ($discard = $params.put($paramName, "%$!filterValue%"))
1038 #else
1039 #set ($discard = $params.add("%$!filterValue%"))
1040 #end
1041 #elseif ($matchType == 'prefix')
1042 #if ($params.entrySet())
1043 #set ($discard = $params.put($paramName, "$!filterValue%"))
1044 #else
1045 #set ($discard = $params.add("$!filterValue%"))
1046 #end
1047 #elseif ($matchType == 'empty')
1048 #if ($params.entrySet())
1049 #set ($discard = $params.put($paramName, ''))
1050 #else
1051 #set ($discard = $params.add(''))
1052 #end
1053 #else
1054 #if ($params.entrySet())
1055 #set ($discard = $params.put($paramName, $filterValue))
1056 #else
1057 #set ($discard = $params.add($filterValue))
1058 #end
1059 #end
1060 #end
1063 #**
1064 * Old alias of the #livetable_addColumnToQuery macro.
1065 * @deprecated since 2.2.3, use {@link #livetable_addColumnToQuery}
1066 *#
1067 #macro(grid_addcolumn $colname)
1068 #livetable_addColumnToQuery($colname)
1069 #end
1071 #**
1072 * Generates a valid SQL table alias for the specified live table column.
1073 *#
1074 #macro (livetable_getTableAlias $columnName)
1075 #set ($prefix = 'doc.')
1076 #if ($columnName.startsWith($prefix))
1077 #set ($suffix = $stringtool.removeStart($columnName, $prefix))
1078 #else
1079 ## Force a prefix to avoid the cases when the column name is a reserved SQL keyword.
1080 #set ($prefix = 'prop_')
1081 #set ($suffix = $columnName)
1082 #end
1083 ## Remove non-word characters.
1084 #set ($safe_tableAlias = "$prefix$suffix.replaceAll('\W', '')")
1085 #end
1086 {{/velocity}}