Wiki source code of InplaceEditing

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1 {{velocity wiki="false"}}
2 #if ($request.action == 'lock')
3 ## This could be moved later to a Velocity template (e.g. lock.vm).
4 #template('edit_macros.vm')
5 #getEditConfirmation()
6 #if ($editConfirmation)
7 ## Ask for confirmation to force the lock.
8 #set ($discard = $response.setStatus(423))
9 #jsonResponse($editConfirmation)
10 #else
11 ## Lock the document for editing.
12 #set ($lockParams = {
13 'ajax': 1,
14 'action': $request.lockAction,
15 'language': $tdoc.realLocale
16 })
17 #if ($request.force == 'true')
18 #set ($lockParams.force = 1)
19 #end
20 #set ($discard = $response.sendRedirect($tdoc.getURL('lock', $escapetool.url($lockParams))))
21 #end
22 #end
23 {{/velocity}}