Wiki source code of AdminTranslations

Show last authors
1 administration.title=Administration
2 Administration
3 Administration
4 Administration
5 administration.sectionTitle=Administration: {0}
6 Administration: {0}
7 Administration: {0}
8 Administration: {0}
9 sections.
10 for...
11 results.
13 # Registration Section
14 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_use_email_verification.hint=If set to "Yes" then an email will be sent to the email address provided when filling the registration form.
15 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_validation_email_content.hint=The email template that will be send to users in order to validate their email address.
16 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_confirmation_email_content.hint=The email template that corresponds to the mail that is sent after the user validates his account by clicking on the validation link in the first email he receives.
17 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_invitation_email_content.hint=The email template that will be send to users that are invited to register.
19 XWiki.Registration_heading.hint=This is the line at the top of the page which is shown to people who are registering and when they have just registered. Velocity and wiki syntax may be used.
20 XWiki.Registration_welcomeMessage.hint=This is only shown when people are filling out the form. Velocity and wiki Syntax code may be used.
21 XWiki.Registration_loginButton_enabled.hint=When the user has registered, we provide a button for them to click which will post their user name and password to the login action and get them logged in right away. This however causes the user name and password to be passed back in the HTML which may be unacceptable depending on your security needs.
22 XWiki.Registration_loginButton_autoLogin_enabled.hint=If login button is enabled, then you can have a piece of JavaScript push the login button for the user.
23 XWiki.Registration_defaultRedirect.hint=This is the URL the user will be redirected to after pushing the login button if the xredirect parameter is not specified. Velocity code may be used.
24 XWiki.Registration_requireCaptcha.hint=Set this true to require the user to solve a CAPTCHA in order to register.
25 XWiki.Registration_registrationSuccessMessage.hint=This is shown to the user when they have registered successfully. Velocity and wiki syntax code may be used.
26 XWiki.Registration_passwordLength.hint=The minimum length of the password. A longer password is more secure, it is recommended to keep it above 6 characters.
27 XWiki.Registration_passwordRuleOneLowerCaseEnabled.hint=If checked, force the user to chose a password with at least one lowercase character.
28 XWiki.Registration_passwordRuleOneUpperCaseEnabled.hint=If checked, force the user to chose a password with at least one uppercase character.
29 XWiki.Registration_passwordRuleOneNumberEnabled.hint=If checked, force the user to chose a password with at least one number.
30 XWiki.Registration_passwordRuleOneSymbolEnabled.hint=If checked, force the user to chose a password with at least one symbol character.
32 # Look & Feel Sections
33 admin.themes=Themes
34 admin.themes.description=Customize the color and icon themes, skin and logo.
35 admin.colorthemes.local=Local
37 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_showannotations.hint=Display the annotations section in the page layout.
38 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_showcomments.hint=Display the comments section in the page layout.
39 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_showattachments.hint=Display the attachments section in the page layout.
40 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_showhistory.hint=Display the history section in the page layout.
41 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_showinformation.hint=Display the information section in the page layout.
42 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_title.hint=Define the page title format as seen by browsers.
43 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_meta.hint=Define the meta data added to each page, specifying page description, author, keywords etc.
44 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_webcopyright.hint=Define the informations displayed in the copyright section of the footer.
45 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_version.hint=Define the informations displayed in the version section of the footer.
46 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_skin.hint=Specify the default skin used. It can be a filesystem skin, example "flamingo", or a custom page skin, example "XWiki.DefaultSkin"
47 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_iconTheme.hint=Specify the icon theme to use by default.
48 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_colorTheme.hint=Specify the color theme to use by default.
50 # Editing Sections
51 admin.edit=Editing
52 admin.edit.description=Configure the edit mode, the WYSIWYG editor and the available syntaxes.
53 admin.title=Title
54 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_xwiki.title.mandatory.hint=Prevent the users from creating wiki pages with empty title.
55 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_editor.hint=Select the type of editor to use by default for editing the page content.
56 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_editcomment.hint=Allow entering a message when creating a new page version.
57 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_editcomment_mandatory.hint=For each change made, the page will not be saved until a version summary message is given.
58 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_minoredit.hint=Allow pages to have major (x.1) and minor (1.x) versions. The minor versions can be seen using the "Show Minor Edits" button from the page History.
59 admin.wysiwyg.description=Choose the default WYSIWYG editor and configure it.
60 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_core.defaultDocumentSyntax.hint=The markup syntax used by default for the page content when creating a new wiki page.
62 # Localization Section
63 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_multilingual.hint=Enable multilingual mode if your wiki has content in multiple languages. This will allow your users to translate the wiki pages and to view the interface in their preferred language.
64 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_languages.hint=Select the languages that will be available in the interface. The users will be able to translate the pages of your wiki in any of these languages (if multilingual mode is enabled).
65 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_default_language.hint=Select the default language of the wiki
66 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_dateformat.hint=Specify the format used to display the dates (e.g. the page creation date)
67 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_timezone.hint=Globally set the timezone for the dates
69 # Import Section
70 administration.section.import.hint=Begin by uploading a new package or by selecting one from the list of available packages. The content of the selected package will be displayed on the right along with the import options.
72 # Export Section
73 administration.section.export.pages=Pages
74 administration.section.export.pages.all=All pages
75 administration.section.export.withHistory.hint=Include the page history in the export. Only the latest version of a page is exported otherwise.
76 administration.section.export.targetXWikiVersion=Target XWiki version
77 administration.section.export.targetXWikiVersion.hint=The version of XWiki where you want to import the pages. Your current version is {0}.
78 administration.section.export.targetXWikiVersion.12plus=12.0 and above
79 administration.section.export.targetXWikiVersion.below12=Below 12.0
80 administration.section.export.packageName.hint=The file name used when generating the archive with the exported wiki pages.
81 administration.section.export.moreOptions=More options
82 administration.section.export.lessOptions=Less options
83 administration.section.export.description.hint=The package description, displayed when importing the package.
84 package author, displayed when importing the package.
85 administration.section.export.licence.hint=The content license. E.g.: LGPL, GPLV2, etc.
86 administration.section.export.version.hint=The package version, stored in the package descriptor.
87 administration.section.export.backupPack.hint=Preserve the page author when importing the pages. This option has no effect on the exported content and can be changed before the import.
89 # Users Section
90 administration.section.users.enableUser.inProgress=Enabling user account...
91 administration.section.users.enableUser.done=User account enabled
92 administration.section.users.enableUser.failed=Failed to enable the user account
93 administration.section.users.disableUser.inProgress=Disabling user account...
94 administration.section.users.disableUser.done=User account disabled
95 administration.section.users.disableUser.failed=Failed to disable the user account
96 administration.section.users.deleteUser.confirmationMessage=The user {0} will be deleted and removed from all the {1}groups{2} that they were part of. Are you sure you want to proceed?
97 administration.section.users.deleteUser.programmingRightsWarning=The user you''re about to delete has Programming Rights and is the last author of {0}{1,choice,1#1 page|1<{1} pages}{2}. If {1,choice,1#this page has|1<these pages have} scripts requiring programming rights then these scripts will stop working if you delete the user without replacing the author.
98 administration.section.users.deleteUser.scriptRightsWarning=The user you''re about to delete has Script Rights and is the last author of {0}{1,choice,1#1 page|1<{1} pages}{2}. The scripts from {1,choice,1#this page|1<these pages} may stop working if you delete the user without replacing the author.
99 administration.section.users.deleteUser.newAuthor=New Author
100 administration.section.users.deleteUser.newAuthor.hint=Select an user that has {0} rights or leave this field empty if you don''t want to replace the author.
101 administration.section.users.deleteUser.newAuthor.error=The selected user doesn''t have {0} rights!
102 administration.section.users.deleteUser.newAuthor.programming=programming
103 administration.section.users.deleteUser.newAuthor.script=script
104 admin.usersgroups.extensionrights=Extension Rights
106 # Other Category
107 admin.other=Other
108 admin.other.description=Various configurations for extensions.
110 if the tracking in Google Analytics™ is active or not
112 # Social category
114 for social features.
116 # Configurable Class
117 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_displayInSection=Display in section
118 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_heading=Heading
119 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_configurationClass=Configuration class
120 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_linkPrefix=Link prefix
121 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_propertiesToShow=Properties to show
122 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_codeToExecute=Code to execute
123 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_iconAttachment=Icon attachment
124 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_displayInCategory=Display in category
125 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_displayBeforeCategory=Display before category
126 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_categoryIcon=Category icon
127 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_scope=Scope
128 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_scope_WIKI=Wiki
129 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_scope_SPACE=Current space
130 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_scope_ALL_SPACES=All spaces
131 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_scope_WIKI+ALL_SPACES=Wiki and all spaces
132 XWiki.ConfigurableClass_sectionOrder=Section order
135 ## Used to indicate where deprecated keys end
136 #@deprecatedstart
138 ## Deprecated since 11.6RC1
139 XWiki.XWikiPreferences_auth_active_check.hint=If set to "Yes" it will prevent the users from logging in without entering the token which was previously sent by email.
140 administration.section.users.deleteUser.markInactiveMessage=Instead of deleting the user you can mark their profile as inactive. This will prevent them from logging in and will preserve the access rights associated with the scripts they wrote.
142 ## Deprecated since 11.8RC1
143 administration.section.users.deleteUser.markDisabledMessage=Instead of deleting the user you can mark their profile as disabled. This will prevent them from logging in and will preserve the access rights associated with the scripts they wrote.
145 ## Deprecated since 15.10RC1
146 XWiki.Registration_liveValidation_enabled.hint=Set this to false to disable the live validation JavaScript code (fields will still be validated at the server side).
147 XWiki.Registration_liveValidation_defaultFieldOkMessage.hint=Live validation shows a message to indicate to users that they have filled in the field satisfactorily. This is the message they will get if it is not overridden for a particular field. Velocity code may be used.
149 ## Used to indicate where deprecated keys end
150 #@deprecatedend