tag : coordination models
Dynamic Composition of Coordination Abstractions for Pervasive Systems: The Case of LogOp (CM 2012@SAC 2012, 29/03/2012) — Mirko Viroli (Andrea Omicini)
Coordination Models and Technologies toward Self-Organising Systems (The AWARENESS Virtual Lecture Series, 04/11/2011) — Andrea Omicini (Andrea Omicini)
Coordination Models and Technologies toward Self-Organising Systems (26-esimo Convegno Italiano di Logica Computazionale (CILC 2011), Università degli Studi "Gabriele D'Annunzio" di Chieti e Pescara, Pescara, Italy, 31/08/2011) — Andrea Omicini (Andrea Omicini)
Coordination Models and Languages: From Parallel Computing to Self-Organisation (WOA 2011, 04/07/2011) — Andrea Omicini (Andrea Omicini)
Towards Semantic Self-Organisation: A Perspective for the Coordination of Complex Systems (Invited Lectures on Semantics Self-Organisation and Self-Aware Autonomous Systems, CETINIA, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain, 02/12/2009) — Andrea Omicini (Elena Nardini, Andrea Omicini, Mirko Viroli, Matteo Casadei)