UNIBO-UNIMORE meeting on methodology, 2 September 2013

UNIBO-UNIMORE meeting on methodology, 2 September 2013


  • Monday 2/9/2013, 11:00 - 16:00


  • Modena


  1. Gabriella Castelli (UNIMORE)
  2. Andrea Omicini (UNIBO) by Skype
  3. Franco Zambonelli (UNIMORE)
  4. Alberto Rosi (UNIMORE)
  5. Marco Mamei (UNIMORE)
  6. Mirko Viroli (UNIBO)


This meeting was aimed at preparing the final activities concerning WP1 methodology.

Minute of the meeting

After a general discussion of the state of SAPERE methodology it was decided that:

  • Assessment of the methodology will be realised by:
    • Explaining a SAPERE-in-a-box example
    • Explaining a Linz Marathon example
    • Come up with a final discussion with the style of D5.4 Chapter 5

Preparation of a draft for SAPERE-in-a-box

  • This has been developed and reported in TR.WP1.2013.02