UNIBO-UNIMORE meeting on methodology, 2 September 2013
UNIBO-UNIMORE meeting on methodology, 2 September 2013
- Monday 2/9/2013, 11:00 - 16:00
- Modena
- Gabriella Castelli (UNIMORE)
- Andrea Omicini (UNIBO) by Skype
- Franco Zambonelli (UNIMORE)
- Alberto Rosi (UNIMORE)
- Marco Mamei (UNIMORE)
- Mirko Viroli (UNIBO)
This meeting was aimed at preparing the final activities concerning WP1 methodology.
Minute of the meeting
After a general discussion of the state of SAPERE methodology it was decided that:
- Assessment of the methodology will be realised by:
- Explaining a SAPERE-in-a-box example
- Explaining a Linz Marathon example
- Come up with a final discussion with the style of D5.4 Chapter 5
Preparation of a draft for SAPERE-in-a-box
- This has been developed and reported in TR.WP1.2013.02