Meeting 3 December 2010

Meeting 3 December 2010


  • Wednesday 3/12/2010, 10:00 - 17:00


  • DEIS Cesena, via Venezia 52, Meeting Room, 2nd Floor


  1. Matteo Casadei (UNIBO)
  2. Gabriella Castelli (UNIMORE)
  3. Marco Mamei (UNIMORE)
  4. Ambra Molesini (UNIBO)
  5. Sara Montagna (UNIBO)
  6. Elena Nardini (UNIBO)
  7. Andrea Omicini (UNIBO)
  8. Mirko Viroli (UNIBO)
  9. Franco Zambonelli (UNIMORE)


This meeting was aimed at sharing some ideas on the project issues mostly concerning the model and the middleware.

— Gabriella Castelli's presentation

Gabriella presents a paper / tech report discussing a vision for the project's scenarios.

No discussion after the presentation.

— Marco Mamei's presentation

Marco discusses the perspectives on the project activity, focussing on the issues of the relationship between model and middleware.

No discussion after the presentation.

— Mirko Viroli's presentation

Mirko presents its view on the model and its relationship with the middleware.

Discussion starts from the first slides and goes through the rest of the morning and the whole afternoon.

  • Discussion over slide 4 during the presentation: Franco, Andrea & Marco share Mirko's view over Hypothesis 1, and claim that one can make the TuCSoN and Lime approach coexist when each entity can put its LSA / ecolaws in its context.
  • Discussion over pre-designed vs. run-time-built ontologies. We need to be prepared for both (Franco, Mirko, Andrea).
  • Can an agent inject an eco-law or only a LSA? We will first explore the latter hypothesis, then possibly explore the former (Marco, Mirko, Andrea)
  • Streaming / direct communication via middleware. Skip or keep? Mirko proposes that the middleware can support a notion of fast communication channel, created by some eco-law.
  • There are different views over how LSAs can be structured (and similarly eco-laws): Mirko advocates simplicity (complexity should be kept inside agents), Franco prefers to remain open to possibly complex LSAs/eco-laws, and Marco even thinks at injecting any behaviour into LSAs. It seems this will be an issue to be deepened in next meetings. 
  • Mirko urges the consortium to soon identify patterns/cases/scenarios that we want to support, emphasysing both those to be read by M12 and those at M36. This will give people working at WP1 (but also others) some ground.
  • Discussion over the case studies. The ones cited by Mirko (slide 14) are ok, but new ones are required to understand if other mechanisms (cited, recommendation) are to be easily handled as eco-laws. Marco is going to prepare new examples along this line.

— Follow-up

Next Monday and Tuesday, Gabriella will interact with everybody in Cesena to further elaborate on the subjects discussed  mainly on the notion of ecolaw and its conceptual extension.