Meeting 26/11/2010
Meeting 26/11/2010
- Friday 26/11/2010, 10:00 - 12:00
DEIS Cesena, via Venezia 52, Meeting Room, 2nd floor
- Matteo Casadei
- Ambra Molesini
- Sara Montagna
- Elena Nardini
- Andrea Omicini
- Mirko Viroli
This meeting was mainly aimed at preparing the UNIBO-UNIMORE joint meeting next Friday. The issues we discussed, and their main outcomes are listed below.
— Self-organization (discussion led by Matteo)
- Issues with Matteo's visit to Geneva: pseudo-formal behavioural description of self-organization patterns; the need of finding a proper meta-model
- Matteo's next activities: paper with Geneva, (ii) paper on self-organising patterns with LSAs (draft by end December) with Sara, (iii) interactions with UNIMORE
Slides can be found
— Eco-Laws (discussion led by Elena)
- Wrap-up of main concepts with LSAs, eco-laws, and semantic techniques
- Few details on a fuzzyDL framework for eco-laws
- Elena's next activities: by December, a draft eco-law model will be ready (no paper yet, though).
— Bio-inspiration (discussion led by Sara)
- Current state of a research thread on patterns of reaction-diffusion, modelled either as differential equations or as stochastic discrete reactions
- Sara's next activities: paper above, (ii) complete the reaction-diffusion exploration by December
— Initial discussion on model vs. infrastructure
- Matteo presented the main elements of UNIMORE's recent paper on SAPERE middleware (slides can be downloaded )
- The whole audience discussed the following issues: algorithms vs interactive processes, complex distributed algorithms vs self-organising simple eco-laws, micro vs macro eco-laws. No significant technical result has been reached, though we recognised the usefulness of next meeting and the potential of the UNIBO-UNIMORE contribution.