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10 documenti  /  RESET tag
page_white_acrobatToward a Framework for Collaborative Learning based on Agent-based Technologies (articolo in atti, 2008) — Elena Nardini, Andrea Omicini, Maria Cristina Matteucci
page_white_acrobatA Conceptual Framework for Collaborative Learning Systems Based on Agent Technologies (articolo in atti, 2008) — Elena Nardini, Matteo Casadei, Andrea Omicini, Pietro Gaffuri
page_white_acrobatAgent-Based Collaboration Systems: A Case Study (articolo in atti, 2008) — Elena Nardini, Andrea Omicini
page_white_powerpointToward a Framework for Collaborative Learning Based on Agent-based Technologies (International Technology, Education and Development Conference (">INTED 2008), 03/03/2008) — Elena Nardini (Elena Nardini, Andrea Omicini, Maria Cristina Matteucci)
page_white_powerpointA Conceptual Framework for Collaborative Learning Systems (Plenary meeting of the Minerva-Reset project, 26/05/2008) — Elena Nardini (Elena Nardini, Andrea Omicini)
page_white_powerpointA Framework for Collaborative-Learning Systems Based on Agent Technologies (The 2008 International Conference on the Knowledge Construction in E-learning Context: CSCL, ODL, ICT and SNA in Education, 01/09/2008) — Elena Nardini (Elena Nardini, Andrea Omicini)
page_white_acrobatKnowledge Construction in E-learning Context: CSCL, ODL, ICT and SNA in Education (curatela, 2008) — Maria Cristina Matteucci, Andrea Omicini, Elena Nardini, Pietro Gaffuri
page_white_powerpointA Conceptual Framework for Collaborative Learning Systems Based on Agent Technologies (2008 International Conference on the Interactive Computer Aided Learning (">ICL 2008), 26/09/2008) — Elena Nardini (Elena Nardini, Matteo Casadei, Andrea Omicini, Pietro Gaffuri)
page_white_powerpointReport on Technological tools/Platform usage (Project meeting, 22/10/2007) — Elena Nardini (Andrea Omicini, Elena Nardini)
wrenchRESET — Social Networks and Promotion of Knowledge Construction through E-Learning Tools (15/10/2006–15/10/2008)