List of Fields

Class : Publications.Class

Status, Sort, Visibility

  • Status of Publication (status: StaticList) — status of publication
    • status of publication is required
    • to be selected among
      Published  •  Published Online  •  In Press  •  Proof  •  Camera-ready Sent  •  Revised  •  Accepted with Revision  •  Accepted  •  Rejected  •  Submitted  •  Draft  •  Unpublished  •  Note  
  • Sort of the Publication (sort: StaticList) — sort of publication
    • sort of publication is required
    • to be selected among
      Article in Journal  •  Paper in Proceedings  •  Book Chapter  •  Book  •  Encyclopedia Entry  •  Manual  •  Technical Report  •  Thesis  •  PhD Thesis  •  Edited Volume  •  Special Issue  •  Editorial/Introduction/Preface  •  Other Publication Sort  
  • Visibility in APICe (access: StaticList) — visibility of publication
    • to be selected among
      Visible  •  Hidden  
    • default: Visible
    • Hidden for blind submissions


  • Title of the Publication (title: String) — title of the publication
    • the original title is required
  • Subtitle of the Publication (subtitle: String) — subtitle of the publication


  • Authors of the Publication (author: Users) — authors of the publication
    • required field if editor is empty
    • authors who are APICe users are to be entered by typing their name and surname and selecting their XWiki user account, appearing automatically
    • non-APICE authors are just to be written in Name Surname form, and selected as such
  • Editors of the Publication (editor: Users) — editors of the publication
    • required field if author is empty
    • editors who are APICe users are to be entered by typing their name and surname and selecting their XWiki user account, appearing automatically
    • non-APICE editors are just to be written in Name Surname form, and selected as such


  • Abstract of the Publication (abstract: TextArea) — abstract of the publication
  • Keywords of the Publication (keywords: String) — keywords of the publication
    • keywords are not required, and should be used only to record the official publication keywords, if they are available


  • Journal (journal: String) — the name of the journal / magazine where the publication appears
    • required field if booktitle is empty
  • Book Title (booktitle: String) — the name of the book / collection where the publication appears
    • required field if journal is empty
  • Series (series: String) — if applicable, the series or collection hosting the publication
  • Subseries (subseries: String) — if applicable, the subseries or sub-collection hosting the publication
    • to be used only when series is not empty
  • Volume (volume: String) — the volume number, be the publication in a journal or in a collecion
  • Number (number: String) — for journal publications, the issue number
    • sometimes, the number of a journal is not necessarily a cardinal number: it may be an ordinal, or, it may contain letters, as in the case of some special issues
  • Publisher (publisher: String) — the name of the publisher

When & Where

  • Year of Publication (year: Date) — year of publication
    • year of publication is required when status is published
  • Month of Publication (month: String) — month of publication
    • the field typically contains the full month name in English; it may be preceded by the day, also, when available and desired
  • Venue of the Publication (venue: String) — venue of the publication, if it is not (yet) an APICe event, journal, or publication
    • basically, a temporary field, until at least one of the three abovementioned fields is filled


  • Pages (pages: String) — start and end pages of the publication, separated by an n dash
  • Number of Pages of the Publication (numpages: Number) — number of pages actually devoted to the publication, excluding interstitials
  • Article Number (articleno: Number) — number of the article, for journals which do not use global page numbers
  • Book Chapter (chapter: Number) — chapter number, for publications that are chapters in multi-chapter volumes
  • Book Part (part: String) — in volumes divided in parts, the part which the publication belongs to


  • ISBN of the Publication (isbn: String) — ISBN of the publication, or, of the volume containing the publication
    • in case both print and online ISBN are available, the print ISBN; in case more ISBN code are available, the main one: for instance, if both the original 10-digit (ISBN-10) and the extended 13-digit (ISBN-13) ISBN are available, the ISBN-13 is typically recorded here
  • E-ISBN of the Publication (eisbn: String) — if available, the electronic ISBN of the publication, or, of the volume containing the publication
    • in case both print and electronic ISBN are available, the electronic ISBN
  • ISBN-10 of the Publication (isbn10: String) — a secondary ISBN of the publication, or, of the volume containing the publication, in the original 10-digit format (ISBN-10)
  • ISBN-13 of the Publication (isbn13: String) — a secondary ISBN of the publication, or, of the volume containing the publication, in the original 13-digit format (ISBN-13)
  • ISSN of the Publication (issn: String) — ISSN of the journal, magazine, or series containing the publication
    • in case both print and online ISSN are available, the print ISSN
  • E-ISSN of the Publication (eissn: String) — if available, the electronic ISSN of the journal, magazine, or series containing the publication
    • in case both print and electronic ISSN are available, the electronic ISSN


  • Local PDF of the Publication (pdf: String) — the full file name of the PDF of the publication, attached to the page
    • the file can either be manually attached to the page of the publication then selected, or directly loaded and linked to the field in a single step
  • Local Open Access Version of the Publication (openaccess: String) — the full file name of the PDF of the open access version of publication, attached to the page
    • the file can either be manually attached to the page of the publication then selected, or directly loaded and linked to the field in a single step
  • Local EPUB of the Publication (epub: String) — the full name of the EPUB file of the publication, attached to the page
    • the file can either be manually attached to the page of the publication then selected, or directly loaded and linked to the field in a single step
  • Local HTML of the Publication (html: String) — the full name of the HTML file of the publication, attached to the page
    • the file can either be manually attached to the page of the publication then selected, or directly loaded and linked to the field in a single step
  • Cover of the Publication (cover: String) — the full name of the file of the publication cover, attached to the page
    • the file can either be manually attached to the page of the publication then selected, or directly loaded and linked to the field in a single step


  • URL of the Publication (url: String) — URL of the original page of the publication, in its full http://...  form
  • PDF URL of the Publication (urlpdf: String) — in case the PDF of the publication is directly available from the Web, its URL in its full http://...  form
  • EPUB URL of the Publication (urlepub: String) — in case the EPUB of the publication is directly available from the Web, its URL in its full http://...  form
  • Open Access URL of the Publication (urlopenaccess: String) — in case the Open Access version of the publication is directly available from the Web, its URL in its full http://...  form
  • Working URL for the Publication (urlworking: String) — to keep record of the working space for the paper


  • ACM ID of the Publication (acm: String) — the ACM identifier of the publication.
    • it is the identifier used by ACM in URLs: e.g.,
      • in, the ACM ID is 10.1016/j.cmpb.2023.107536
      • in, the ACM ID is 335726
  • DBLP Key of the Publication (dblp: String) — DBLP Key
    • identifier used by DBLP in URLs: e.g., in the DBLP Key is conf/idc/RicciVOMCP16
  • IEEE Article Number of the Publication (ieee: String) — the IEEE identifier of the publication
    • identifier used by IEEE in URLs: e.g., in the IEEE ID is 8360344
  • IRIS ID of the Publication (iris: String) — publication identifier in IRIS / CRIS system of the University of Bologna
    • the handle used by the Current Research Information System (IRIS / CRIS) of the University of Bologna in RESTful URLs: e.g., in the IRIS ID is 11585/521877
  • PubMed ID of the Publication (pubmed: String) — PubMed identifier of the publication
    • identifier used by PubMed in URLs: e.g., in the PubMed ID is 30837100
  • Scholar ID of the Publication (scholar: String) — Google Scholar paper ID of the publication
    • identifier used by Google Scholar in URLs: e.g., in the Google Scholar ID is 5825725922325667046
  • Scopus ID of the Publication (scopus: String) — Scopus identifier of the publication
    • identifier used by Scopus in URLs: e.g., in the Scopus ID is 2-s2.0-84897460641
  • Semantic Scholar Corpus ID of the Publication (semanticscholar: String) — Semantic Scholar Corpus ID of the publication
    • identifier used by Semantic Scholar, typically appearing above the title
  • Web of Science ID of the Publication (wos: String) — Web of Science identifier of the publication
    • identifier used by Web of Science in URLs: e.g., in the Web of Science ID is WOS:000574865700002
  • DOI of the Publication (doi: String) — DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the publication
    • global digital identifier: e.g., in URL${doiurl}10.1093/logcom/exad037 the DOI is 10.1093/logcom/exad037

APICe Links

  • Reference Talk for the Publication (talk: DBList) — the talk presenting the publication, if it is an APICe talk
    • other possible talks somehow related to the publication—if they are APICe talks
  • Origin Event for the Publication (event-venue: DBList) — the reference event that originated the publication—if it is an APICe event
    • possibly followed by other events somehow related to the publication—if they are APICe events
  • Journal or Series Including the Publication (journal-venue: DBList) — the main journal or series working as a venue for the publication—if it is an APICe journal or series
    • possibly followed by other journals or series somehow related to the publication—if they are APICe journals or series
  • Publication Including the Publication (pub-venue: DBList) — the main container (book, volume, journal special issue, ...) of the publication, if it is an APICe publication
    • possibly followed by other publications somehow related to the publication—if they are APICe publications
  • Funding Project for the Publication (project: DBList) — the project funding the publication, if it is an APICe publication
  • New Publication superseding the Publication (pub-super: DBList) — another (subsequent) publication that should be used as a reference instead of the current one
    • for instance, as in the case of the publication of formal (post-)proceedings time after the publication of informal (pre-)proceedings


  • BibTeX Record of the Publication (bibtex: TextArea) — BibTeX entry
    • the BibTeX Record field is not required: it is anyway desirable
    • when used as the first source of data for new Publications, it should be organised on several lines: the first for entry type and key, the others for each field separatedly
    • possible field names in BibTeX Record

BibTeX Alignment

  • Address of the Publisher (address: String) — typically, the address of the publisher, or other type of institution
  • Location of the Origin Event (location: String) — the location of the event – conference, workshop, symposium
  • Institution in Charge of the Publication (institution: String) — the sponsoring institution of a publication, typically a technical report
  • Organisation in Charge of the Publication (organization: String) — the organization that sponsors a conference or that publishes a manual or another sort of volume
  • School in Charge of the Publication (school: String) — usually, the name of the school where a thesis was written
  • Edition of the Publication (edition: String) — the edition of a book, typically an ordinal
  • How the Document was Published (howpublished: String) — the (typically unusual) way in which something strange has been published
  • Type of the Publication (type: String) — the type of a technical report – for example, “Research Note”
  • Note for the Publication (note: String) — any additional information about the publication
  • Annote the Publication (annote: TextArea) — any additional information about the publication, which standard bibliographic styles are not meant to use