Interpretable Narrative Explanation for ML Predictors with LP: A Case Study for XAI

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Federico Bergenti, Stefania Monica (eds.)
WOA 2019 – 20th Workshop “From Objects to Agents”, chapter 16, pages 105-112
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (AI*IA Series) 2404
Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University
July 2019

In the era of digital revolution, individual lives are going to cross and interconnect ubiquitous online domains and offline reality based on smart technologies—discovering, storing, processing, learning, analysing, and predicting from huge amounts of environment-collected data. Sub-symbolic techniques, such as deep learning, play a key role there, yet they are often built as black boxes, which are not inspectable, interpretable, explainable. New research efforts towards explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) are trying to address those issues, with the final purpose of building understandable, accountable, and trustable AI systems—still, seemingly with a long way to go. Generally speaking, while we fully understand and appreciate the power of sub-symbolic approaches, we believe that symbolic approaches to machine intelligence, once properly combined with sub-symbolic ones, have a critical role to play in order to achieve key properties of XAI such as observability, interpretability, explainability, accountability, and trustability. In this paper we describe an example of integration of symbolic and sub-symbolic techniques. First, we sketch a general framework where symbolic and sub-symbolic approaches could fruitfully combine to produce intelligent behaviour in AI applications. Then, we focus in particular on the goal of building a narrative explanation for ML predictors: to this end, we exploit the logical knowledge obtained translating decision tree predictors into logical programs.

keywordsXAI, logic programming, machine learning, symbolic vs. subsymbolic
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book CEUR Workshop Proceedings (
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reference publication for talk
page_white_powerpointInterpretable Narrative Explanation for ML Predictors with LP: A Case Study for XAI (WOA 2019, 28/06/2019) — Roberta Calegari (Andrea Omicini, Giovanni Ciatto, Jason Dellaluce, Roberta Calegari)